media mua

Cleaning House

cleaning house

The new year has been flying in, with our favourite fashion week event The House of iKons February show now done and the September showcase organization underway, along with a host of new interviews lined up with filmmakers and artists, Lost Creatives has been cleaning house in between to tidy up not just the physical space we use but our online presence.

In terms of our websites we have cleaned up some of the FAQs and changed the layouts to give a more polished look and really focus in on what we want to do in the future, which in turn has opened up conversations with artists and filmmakers across the world who will be part of the ongoing dialogue of the blog.

JamesC, is returning to work as a makeup artist and the new site is ready to go from a design perspective with a very exciting set of projects lined up with Sons of Adonis men’s grooming line that will be a real focus of our future and become integral to the launch of additional elements to the business this year along with artist Stewart Nicol Soutar, whose abstract work will be integrated into editorials and still image work as part of our future designs, an homage to a stellar artist and friend.

What we wanted to do was ensure that all the t’s were crossed and i’s dotted and the work was done with brands and people that fitted with the ethos and plans of the Lost concept.

Conceptually we will release details of our plans and images (editorial and advertorial) that are to be managed by Lost Agency, an arm of the business that is being designed and deployed to support the marketing of the business and offer a higher level of control over how the work is promoted and put the spotlight on the key elements of work chosen.

With so much in the works, we are slow to update the site but that will be changing soon as we launch new sites, projects and additional lines to the Lost Concept. So stay tuned for more news.

Working The Makeup Dept Budget With Desired FX

In the world of film and TV, budgets can be the biggest constraint alongside time, to the creative process. For the makeup department often this means we have to search out cost-efficient options to create a particular look or downgrade the process to fit the money available, thankfully, there are services like Desired FX that can help with this and give you a budget-friendly, professional add-on to your kit that will push the department ahead.

From silicone wounds to scars, tattoos including bruising and standard designs, Desired FX offers up a range of products that will work for most scenarios and even offers a studio custom service to allow further scope for creativity on a budget.

With increasing options in the digital market from Amazon to HOD TV (Horror on Demand), the indie film sector has never been so popular with the on-demand film/TV sector becoming bigger year on year, but budgets being tight in the circuit, having the option of a team like Desired FX who can provide cost-efficient options for the FX department, there is scope to bring a different dimension as a department head working smart with the available funds.

To learn more about Desired FX or to purchase see:

Desired FX shop ( 10% off on all products with the promo code "JamesClark10")

Desired FX Instagram.

Desired FX Facebook.


Sideshow IPA Palettes by The AFX Company

Sideshow Family

The Allied FX company is widely known for their professional-grade IPA (Isopropyl alcohol activated) palettes under the name Bluebird FX and their latest addition to the family: Sideshow, an affordable, quirky, high-grade palette that since its launch in February has in short order become a go-to for makeup artists across the spectrum of the creative fields.

“With a clever mix of old favorites and brand new colors, the sideshow palettes are stealing the show for their cost-effective quirkiness. “

Currently, a range consisting of 7 palettes (with other elements being added soon) each with its own unique color set and vintage style cover image, the palettes are designed carefully to suit a particular requirement and has the savvy of a team who are working artists themselves looking to make not just their jobs a little simpler but also a little more fun, beyond the quirks you can see what is a genius move for the Allied FX Company, opening the door to a whole host of new clients from students to professionals the Festival range is perfect for those working in the low to mid-range budgets of film and TV (with the increasing use of internet services such as HOD TV, Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Streamlette, this will be a welcome addition to a makeup kit) and carries over the larger, high scale budget productions, a professional palette that transcends its price range of $59.10 in Australia (in the UK £36) and puts a whole new slant on character work and development.

  • Body art: designed for body art and tattoo creation.

  • Bruiser: a unique and carefully structured palette suited to its name, bruising.

  • Dark Ride: a series of day glow shades that come to life under blue light.

  • Dead-Alive: Perfect for zombies and illness, the death pallor look of haunted houses and Halloween.

  • Gore: for the creation of scratches, cuts, and wound filling a box of tricks that is worthy of note.

  • Gothic: aethereal and suited to those deeper, more cool tones looks (think vampire).

  • Rouge: designed for breaking down and creating crusty characters and drunks.

For us at the lost creatives, yes we can see a use for the whole set but standing tall in this are 2 in particular that we are adding to our working kit via creative director and head of makeup JamesC, to match the work and styles of shoots we have planned for TV and print: Bruiser and Gore, which will be perfect additions to our work and will see multiple uses with the possibilities of this range being endless and others coming into play with projects in development (early stages of scripting).

In what is a market-led move, the Allied FX Lab are tackling and offering up quality products at a lower price point without compromise, the AFX company are amongst an elite of the profession and are pushing the boundaries of the makeup world giving us what we need to create the most realistic (and surreal when required) and putting the prosumer at the heart of their thinking.

The Festival range fits perfectly with a wide array of requirements and situations including:

  • Students.

  • Film and TV production professionals.

  • Haunted House.

  • Halloween artists.

  • Cosplay.

To learn more about the range or to purchase see:

The Allied FX company website.

The Allied FX company Instagram.

The Allied FX company Facebook.

Depixym paints in the new media sphere

depixym starter kit

As we move into a whole new world for makeup artists, influencers, and creatives in general, many people are having to rethink how they work within the beauty industry.  Starting out of the blocks and ahead of the game in terms of packaging and are starting to think long term with their clients to ensure that they are working safely.  Developed as a brand for experimentation and fun that translated across genres from theatrical makeup to film and television. 

Depixym is going to be a game-changer as the rules and potential guidance long term for how makeup staff can work on set, the products we use creatively will need to change to meet a whole host of new needs and dynamics.  The advantages of having a product that is: 

  • Longwear 

  • Non-transfer 

  • Vegan

  • Cruelty-free

  • Matte, 

  • Blendable

  • Mixable 

  • Waterproof

Those working in fashion and editorial or even the film/TV industry will be able to minimize their kit and get creative without losing the edgy, beauty styles that are often needed or even put together a simple clean makeup look for a more commercial shoot, and with the Depixym emulsions being long wear, it is possible to minimize touch-ups on set as the product itself is designed to be long wear which in the future will be a major consideration when choosing products.  *0194 black emulsion is a multi-tasker (like all the colors) which for liner and mascara should be seen as a potential staple for all artists who need to be able to maximize their output with minimal items for speed.  

Creativity is at the heart of the brand and it is easy to see that but from a pro stance, Depixym has the hallmarks of a kit staple that in the coming months is going to be a game-changer and powerhouse in the cosmetics field as we have to work smarter.   *They also stock brush and sponge soap to ensure you can keep your kit clean which is an important aspect of working today.

To learn more about the brand or to purchase see:

Depixym Emulsions Website.

Depixym Emusions Instagram.

Depixym Emulsions Facebook.

George Westmore Establishing an Industry the Legacy of Makeup Artistry

George Westmore an on Set Moment

In the early days of cinema, it was common for actors to do their own makeup and wigs, a craft that found its roots in theatre and vaudeville and carried over to the beginnings of the film industry and changed dramatically thanks to the savvy and artistic vision of George Westmore.

George Westmore, whose vision brought him from the Isle of Wight in the UK where he had established himself as a hairdresser and wigmaker, going onto become a leading light in the film industry working his way from Canada to the USA as a wigmaker with his family and taking risks along the way that led to a career and legacy that is still talked about today. 

With an inauspicious entry into cinema: offering his services for hair and makeup to the Selig Polyscope Company at a starting rate of $25 per week to later and by chance, it was Perc Westmore (son) offering support to Adolphe Menjou who had accidentally shaved off part of his mustache, which so impressed the legendary Douglas Fairbanks (senior) that the Westmore’s were hired to create all the wigs and take care of the hairdressing needs thanks to the professionalism of Perc Westmore and his father George Westmore (father of the clan and founder of the makeup artist industry we all know). 

With a client list that reads like the who's who of cinema throughout the years, from the Talmage family, Theda Barr, Douglas Fairbanks to name but a few, it is no surprise that the ethics and work started in early cinema with the Westmore clan have carried on throughout the cinema age into TV and beyond keeping alive a family legacy of excellence and defining a now multi-million-dollar industry.

To learn more about the Westmore family and its legacy see:

The Westmore’s of Hollywood Website

*With Special thanks to the Westmore family for supporting this blog series.


Brushwork Cosmetics Customisation a Professional Take

As the creative director and senior makeup artist of the Lost Project and Lost Creatives, I do work in different areas from film and TV through to fashion and editorial. My working kit is something I am constantly working on editing it by adding or changing up the kit but one thing I am really big on is an investment in key components such as makeup brushes. With this in mind when I saw the news that Brushwork Cosmetics was offering customization throughout January, I knew I had to talk about it from a professional stance.

While I appreciate this is a limited offer (for the month of January) it is really savvy for artists in makeup such as bridal and salon, fashion, film, and TV, to take advantage of this deal and here’s my reasoning why:

  • Customized brushes with your name on the handle are easy to keep track of when you're on a job or with a client.

  • It adds an extra dimension, think of it, clients will see this and know that you have taken time and care over what you have in your working kit and shows you have invested in your business.

  • This also allows you to add your brand to the brush and it becomes a subliminal part of your marketing when you post images on social media. People will be aware of your name and associate it with professional brushes.

As someone who is a brush aficionado, I do support and endorse the range and this added dimension of “tagging” is for me a fantastic option that as stated above allows you to keep track of your kit. Brushwork Cosmetics as a whole offers Japanese Heritage brushes and cosmetics that are beyond compare and offer a premium range of well-curated brushes and cosmetics that sit beautifully in a working kit with or without the customization.

To learn more about the range or to purchase see:

Brushwork Cosmetics Website.

Brushwork Cosmetics Instagram.

Brushwork Cosmetics Facebook.

Smartere Secrets London a New Professional Kit Staple

From a media and fashion perspective the Smartere Secrets London concealer has all the hallmarks of an artist staple; waterproof with a good shade range that can be mixed and customized, a built-in brush for convenience, it is the total package for longevity and artistically can and does suit multi-use from concealing blemishes to contouring and sculpting the face (a must in the fashion arena). 

Ideally suited to the rigors of fashion shoots with strong lighting and longevity on a film TV shoot minimizing the interruption to scenes allowing additional time to other areas.  Smartere Secrets London is a brand that must be seen for anyone working media and fashion. 

When it comes to male grooming there is often a demand for quick, easy solutions as most male presenters and on-air talent (including models) want to look clean and tidy rather than made up (news readers often make this request).  

In fashion terms, the ability to use two of the six shades to sculpt and contour the face with minimal hassle is a savior for time when on a shoot or backstage at a show.  Defining the face and giving coverage with a few simple strokes of the built-in brush, again minimizing the need for brushes, etc. 

A range that is designed to work with both consumers and prosumers, it is vegan and cruelty-free with the added and frankly noteworthy certification from the World Land Trust an accolade alone that makes this a brand worth noting and integrating into a fashion and media artist kit. 

To learn more about the brand or to purchase see:

Smartere Secrets London Website

Smartere Secrets London Instagram

Smartere Secrets London Facebook

Out of Kit Prosthetics

Out of Kit Prosthetics was an interesting Instagram find by our creative director who was researching options for upcoming projects including a TV series and several shoots which will require Prosthetics. What caught our attention as well as his, was the potential of the range and selection. Built around film grade materials (silicone and top quality skin-safe adhesives), the Out of Kit range is a film artist dream for cost-effective and high-grade materials that will revolutionize the indie film sector in particular.

Image courtesy of Out of Kit

What drew us into the potential of the out of kit range was this quote from the website:

“When you’re being crushed by production deadlines, there’s no room to do anything but react. You can only run around putting out whatever fire is burning brightest.”

As we are working with the team from Nepal Film Production on PR and project development, this has the potential to be a real asset to us long term and the catalog of items on the website have already got us thinking about how and where these items can be used to add depth to our character for the TV Show we have planned for 2020. Standing out for us is the fighter kit (available in 4 different skin tones), which would fit perfectly with one of our planned stills shoots).

Out of Kit offers a bespoke service (details available via the site below) as well as their premade items and collections including trauma, old age, fantasy, and character.

To learn more about the company or to purchase from the range see:

Out of kit Website

Out of Kit Facebook

Out of Kit Instagram

Depixym Paints A Freestyle Artistry Dream

When it comes to creative makeup there is one artist that stands out above and beyond: Linda Mason, her freestyle work has inspired many shoots for me and I will be working on something new with The Lost creatives soon to showcase this. When I came across the Depixym Paints I knew the time was right to start working on something fresh and outside of the commercial norm that could be an editorial piece.

Opening the doors to a wide range of potential looks, the paints are designed to be used on the whole body (externally), a creative must, they are reminiscent of the traditional paints you would find in a fine art studio and have a vintage, tactile look that makes you want to play. The color spectrum they offer is perfectly suited to mixing or using straight from the tube. A truly multi-purpose range the scope is endless.

We will be looking into booking a studio soon and naturally we will be doing some clean beauty work and experimental with a freestyle paint shoot, simply because it will be fun and that is ultimately what makeup should be.

Taking this forward we can see the potential of the Depixym paints and will be testing these out during the shoot for the sheer and simple joy of working with something designed for creativity and thinking outside the box.

*A little side note to the Depixym Paints is they would fit perfectly with period makeup as they are close to the original makeup used on early cinema and consumers, making them ideal for the ’20s to 50’s looks or pin-up work amongst other options. Which we will consider for our future film/TV projects.

To learn more about the range see:

Depixym Paint Website.

Depixym Paint Instagram.

Putting A Value On Assisting And Earning Your Craft

Being an assistant can be a big game-changer for your career and allow you to learn new skills, meet new people in the business and if you're smart about it you will gain more work and credits.

“Being an Assistant is not a negative thing.”

many people think that once they have a certificate they can walk onto a photoshoot, a film set or into the backstage area of a fashion event and immediately become the supervisor. Sadly that isn’t the case. Like any job you need to learn the ropes and there are multiple ways to do this but the best and most sensible is observing and assisting, you get all the advantages of being involved without the responsibility of being in charge.

Something I hear all the time is people feeling disappointed that the job (makeup artist, creative director, camera tech etc) is not what they expected or as glamorous as they thought, the reality of early mornings, late nights and dull corporate gigs can be mundane but pay well. Its, not all glitz and glamour, its called business for a reason, bear that in mind when you start touting for work.

The right people to deal with have done their time as a trainee (myself included) and know that what you learn in college is important but there is more to the job than what you learn in a class so you have to come in with an open mind, and be a team player.

It is not a denigration of your work that you are an assistant it can be a really smart move, especially when dealing in the film and TV realm.

If you are working, being paid and doing the job you are passionate about that is the important part. use it as a chance to learn a new skill or add to your CV. It’s better to get a credit as an assistant on a shoot be it film, TV, editorial or event than not get any credit at all. It shows you are proactive in your work and can be a part of a team.

No matter your age or status being an assistant can open new doors, create opportunities and if you're smart, look at the situation and put a value on what you are being offered and use it as a chance to advance your own work.