nepal film and tv management service

Nepal Film Festival News Featuring Allied FX

Allied FX

With the 2nd Annual Nepal Cultural International Film Festival streaming from December 1st to the 29th, it is really gratifying to know that the work is paying off and that the Allied FX team is on board to support this: Allied FX are amongst the most respected brands in the FX market and understand the difference that makeup can be in a film, especially for character work and stand tall with their portfolio of clients and body of work hitting the highest marks in International cinema and TV.

Combining these two elements of the Nepal film festival showcasing international talent in cinema with Allied FX is a huge coup and shows the creatives that are behind the films are respected, redefining boundaries and bringing a whole new level of artistry to Nepal is something that the festival organizers are passionate about with their training and Q and A Sessions designed to bring about a creative dialogue.

Taking a commercial and intellectual stance on the film sector this media partnership is going to change the game of many artists in the FX realm both pros and trainees allowing a greater dynamic of creativity.

To learn more about the Festival click here. For more information and details on the Allied FX range see the Allied FX Facebook page.

The collective Push of The Lost Team

A collective Push

In the last few months, we have been able to build some interesting relationships with brands and companies, taking steps toward our ultimate goals and aspirations slowly in light of the market changes that are underway to the film and TV market in particular which have opened our eyes to other potential avenues that The Lost can explore and has given us a collective push to work around boundaries. There are some interesting updates that even we are waiting for updates on as contracts (with non-disclosures) are being drawn up to affirm a new and exciting partnership.

Over time we intend to build a host of new creative images incorporating some of our favorite makeup and brushes that will be used on our creative director JamesC’s website as well as our own, with our magazine work coming to a close on the written side to focus on the massive backlog of shoots to be edited and curated across our multiple sites and blogs. Editing processes have been slowed down but are still happening and by mid-December, we will have new additions to the galleries and a new fashion/editorial specific gallery for the JamesC Website.

Nepal as many will be aware plays a large part in our work and we are very proud of that with the NCIFF (Nepal Culture and Film Festival) alongside our partners Nepal Film Production, it is interesting to see the work coming together so cleanly.

The Lost Creatives shoots are going well and while not yet public (magazine deadlines and release scheduling outwith our control) we will be working on the much more comprehensive Lost Boys/Girls concept which we are going to shoot exclusively in North Ayrshire and have already picked out some significant spots that fit our brief. As much an intellectual exercise as it is a photo project it will be the focus of our energies and a chance to clear some cobwebs.

2nd Nepal Cultural International Film Festival-2020

2nd Nepal Cultural International Film Festival-2020 Announcement.jpeg

With the festival team working hard and the brand support being announced next week, The Nepal Culture and Film Centers International Film Festival is shaping up to be a huge online affair with over 40 films, 24 countries, and an array of speakers in place it is set to be a landmark in the cultural and cinematic calendar.

  • The 1st of December will be the grand opening ceremony through virtual media which Ncfc team members, Chief guest, selected filmmakers, jury members, actors, film industrialists, and the VIP guest will be invited to attend the virtual festival.

  • From the 3rd to 18th December selected films will be screened. Each day 5 films from different categories and countries will be screened virtually and will incorporate Q&A Session with the filmmakers after the screening of the film.

  • The final award distribution ceremony will be held on 29th December.

Filmmakers can register their attendance for the festival free of charge, forms can also be filled out worldwide through the website of the organization:


Nepal Culture and Film Center Media Partnership

Nepal Culture and Film Centre

We are immensely proud of our connections to the South Asian market, having lived and worked in India our creative director JamesC has kept close ties to filmmakers and his friends there. In the last few years, there has been an increase in work with Nepal in particular the team at Nepal Film Production and now we are happy to announce our collaboration with the Nepal Culture and Film Center.

One of the most beautiful countries in the world, truly the jewel in the crown of South Asia, Nepal has become a go-to destination for tourism, film, and documentary makers for decades.

The Nepal Culture and Film Center is a major part of this and alongside companies like Nepal Film Production, they have become a destination that holds a mystique and beauty with leading professionals across genres traveling there to learn, film, and be a part of a vibrant film and TV scene.

Designed to facilitate talent development the Nepal Culture and Film Center hosts film festivals and seminars, supporting the creative talent of the country and keeping them in the public eye.

To be associated with such a prestigious group is an honor worthy of note and we will be working closely with them and of course, our longstanding friends at Nepal film production, the future of The Lost is looking bright and we cannot be happier.

To learn more about The Nepal Culture and Film Center see:

Nepal Culture and Film Center Website.

Nepal Culture and Film Center Facebook.

Nepal Culture and Film Center Youtube.


Restructuring The Lost

Restructuring The Lost

With our two blogs (Lost Creatives on the professional side and Lost Project on the consumer), our creative director JamesC, and a new site in the wings, the overall concept of The Lost as we started it has grown in the last 2 years into a much bigger and much more refined business that while it was our plan, is still surprising how things have changed for the better. In the next few weeks, we will be adding heavily to the various galleries we have of our work and making amendments to the overall layout and general themes of our work to better fit what we feel in the direction we are heading in. What this means is we will be changing a few of the frequently asked questions, designated accounts, and announcing the longer-term plans and goals of how we will progress in business terms including that of our base location.

*We did consider an office but in the current climate that seems like a redundant step that would be overly complicated and serve no purpose for what is coming into play.

Admittedly many of the changes will be small and have a minimal effect on the business there is something larger that will be taking public soon that focuses heavily on the vision of founder, creative director, and head of makeup JamesC, who has led the charge on the basis of “be the change you want to see.” Creating The Lost and carefully selecting who we work with, researching and planning, taking additional training as and when required, he has taken the lead on the business and we do want to offer a nod to the Nepal Film Production team who have offered up several opportunities and been a huge supporter of the work we are doing.

In an industry that is evolving and changing we fully intend to make the most of the digital landscape in whatever format we can and we are taking steps to ensure that our work is seen in the best possible light with more updates on this coming soon we are really excited about the future of The Lost.

As Summer Ends We Are Starting New Public Projects

everything is connected

As we close out the summer and move into autumn, the change in weather is also a good time for the team to really push through with some new editorials and change up the digital portfolios, look at online training, and add to our marketing strategies with carefully chosen platforms and later this month release the new websites we have been planning in the background.

We are truly honored to have been working with Lord and Berry, who have agreed to support our upcoming work and we will be sharing images and other stories with the team soon. What really pushed this for us was the fact they are a sustainable brand and cruelty-free which for us was an important aspect especially in the current climate, the wood pencils (an absolute must in our view both eye and lip) are worth checking out if you are in the market for high quality, fashion-led cosmetics, **we really do recommend you look at the pressed powders in transparent, peach and banana.

Add in some of the amazing brushes from Mykitco our creative director JamesC, has recently purchased with a view to restyling his working kit to suit the upcoming very public projects we have planned we wanted to share two of the brushes we think people need to consider as an “artist must-have” in your kit:

My Ultra Multi

My Cream Shadow

Something we will be adding very soon for both hygiene reasons and the practicality of it is the My Clear Palette, which is designed to allow you to custom blend color, foundation check, and is a convenient size to add to a working kit (with a spatula for decanting).

We have been watching the magazine world really closely and thankfully the ones we are looking to shoot content for have open submissions at the moment and we will be able to gain some covers and tears in a relatively short amount of time that we will be using for marketing, supported by our media partner Nepal Film Production, who have come up with a fantastic offer for filmmakers that have projects that are ready to be sold (contact us for further details).

The last few months have felt really strange as we have been unable to release some of the work due to client terms and contracts, so now that we have more support and a little flexibility to what we do and how we release it, we are going to spend time focusing heavily on what will be the beginning of a much more focused and driven period in terms of video and still output.

***We are looking at online courses for production and expanding on the creative direction side for our team to ensure that they are up to date on technique, we have already started this with added health and safety training.

For The Lost Creatives, the days have been busy and we are excited about what the future holds as a team we have and will continue to work with a commercial eye to the creative world.

Upcoming Changes to The Lost Plan

Upcoming Changes to The Lost Plan

With the new rules and mandates in place for England coming soon and those in Scotland already started, we are disappointed that it has meant we are going to have to make massive changes to the way we work now and how we will continue forward. In the coming weeks, we will be updating the websites and blogs to reflect changes to the business and our goals.

The Lost Stories will continue as it stands with the support of our various PR contacts and the JamesC website along with the Lost Creatives will be looking at how we can work within the rules and regulations outlined and taking the time over the next 14 days to talk with our remote teams in Nepal and India to discuss options. Our ultimate goals will not change and we will continue to work diligently and professionally in the capacity of media with new websites and extension to our business being set up including the registration of our production company that will be solely aimed at the Horror and Thriller market along with the fantastic team at HOD TV.

By 2021 we will be a completely different company within the media realms and pushing toward what is an old school method of working which we will reveal soon. While we put these changes in place we do have projects that we will be working on alongside our normal business and look forward to what the future has to offer.

It is time to start with a new way of looking at the business we are in and thinking differently to move into the future. Additional training is being looked at alongside the certification our creative director has taken for safe sets and makeup safety with Dermalogica., we are looking at production training short courses for the longterm benefit of the team.

Project Planning With Nepal Productions

Project Planning

We really do owe a debt of gratitude to our team in Nepal especially Digbijaya Bharati from the Nepal Film Production team, who has been patient during the lockdown and happy to continue working via Whatsapp so we can as a team which gets our work moving forward, not just with media but other elements and promotional avenues we are exploring. As our regular readers will be aware our plans are geared toward Intenet TV, in particular, the horror and Thriller genres with a sideline in the editorial market to boost marketing via social accounts and strategic placement of ads.

For us, it has become planning and strategy that allows us to focus our energies in new areas of business and develop further as a business although at heart we still love makeup work and our creative director JamesC is part and parcel of the ongoing plans, we are all on board with changes being made to the business and have some smaller elements such as the facecharts being brought back in (the JamesC facechart will be available again via his site soon).

We already have several scripts in play for development in the realm of TV and will be working on a range of new images and behind the scenes work while the weather is good and allows us flexibility, the new guidelines for production work will be a big part of how we move forward ensuring everyone involved is safe and the work is handled carefully.

As our previous blog has stated we are going to also look at skills development for our in-house team to allow us to multitask and keep the crew requirements to a minimum and safe.

*Change in how the media and fashion industry will be massive and we are doing all we can to ensure that our staff is safe, the team (both the UK and South Asian) are up to date on the latest changes.

Internet TV and The Future of The Lost Creatives

Internet TV and The Future of The Lost Creatives

We have been making calls again today to discuss a range of different business matters with our partners at Nepal Film Production, one of the subjects that got covered extensively was the future plans of The Lost Team. Naturally, we have talked in detail about the editorials for marketing and the video plans but it was the option of Internet TV that really captured the focus of our energy and where we are looking at for the future of our company. There has been a lot of research done into this and we feel that for us, TV (series based concepts) is the best route for us to go and we have been looking at keeping it genre-based. Obviously, Horror and Thriller are the two primary categories we are really looking at as we feel this is without question where we can make the most impact hence our teaming with HOD TV as a partner.

The biggest advantage we see in focusing our talents, efforts, and energies in this area is really about more than just sales avenues but how people are now viewing content ranging from streaming to TV in your home or directly to a tablet/smartphone you use on the move. In our research (and more than a little experience of traveling for business), we found that train and bus journeys, in particular, could be tedious and worked out a time frame along with our writers, that would suit this: taking a 40 to 45-minute journey to work you can potentially view a full TV series over the course of a working week of 5 days, it’s possible to watch a 25-minute episode at each end of the journey to and from work will not only kill time but gives you the space to find a seat, get settled and have the program ready to roll.

For ourselves, this is a method we feel works best and there will be extended features and standalone projects over time but our primary concern is to be TV projects.

If your are interested in learning more about HOD TV as a consumer click here or if you have a film/TV project you would like to sell check the HOD TV link on our partner’s page.

Creative and Editorial Research Featuring Lola Makeup

lola shadow quads

Over the last few weeks, we have been working quietly on new content designs and running not just our various blogs but also some research into styling for planned shoots (suggested by our media partners Nepal Film Production and coordinated by our creative director JamesC), focusing our energies on commercial concepts and the behind the scenes elements that will be showcased as part of the planned expansion of The Lost Concept, more on this later. What has really hit the right marker for us and our partners in style terms is the look of the Lola Makeup channel on youtube where whose campaign videos are a stellar example of how it should be done to showcase not just the cosmetics but the minds behind the work. A leading light of the Euro scene for both fashion and media, Lola Makeup is a brand that has captured artists' attention, designed to meet the needs of the consumer with the attention to the details that draw in makeup artists of all stripes.

For us, as a creative team, we are working on new editorials and do have some work to be edited and will be using both the still images and behind the scenes as a part of our upcoming marketing alongside our partners at Nepal Film Production.

We will be working on more designs over the next few weeks that will incorporate different elements of beauty and editorial from a commercial stance and nodding to more creative concepts that will push the boundaries a little more and take us away from the simple and clean into the more fashion show look (the Lola cream shadow pencils will feature heavily in this).

At the moment for simplicity and ease, we can work with smaller teams on editorial concepts, we are focused on fashion but we do have other projects in the works and as we push forward behind the scenes is going to become a larger part of our work which we are really excited about.

To learn more about the Lola Makeup range and why we are using them see:

Lola Makeup Website.

Lola Makeup Youtube.

Lola Makeup Facebook.

Lola makeup Instagram.