creating the narrative

Introducing Alejandro Forcado Filmmaker

Having just completed his latest film project, which we will be talking about soon, we wanted to talk in detail about his work and introduce the talented Alejandro Forcada whose work has garnered international praise and accolades within the film community.

As a start to introducing your work in film and media, can you tell us more about yourself  and what you do?  

I’m a filmmaker since 20 years ago. I begun taking acting classes when I was twelve years  old, but later it got my attention the behind scene cinema business. For that reason at 18 years  old I introduced myself in Cinema school until I became a filmmaker, obviously that process  took its time, however with passion, love, commitment and hard work/ study I’m a filmmaker  as I do today. Although I’m a screen writer and most of my short films have been written by  me.

Can you tell us more about your past projects and what you are currently working on?  

In my career as an indie filmmaker I developed myself making not just short films, between  them I have made video clips, documentaries, tv shows and commercials. But If I honest, I’m  still making such productions, the small difference right now is that my big focus is totally headed in showcasing on international film festivals, with an unique objective to get in that  world and keep myself in that way to stay as a real indie professional filmmaker in cinema  matters. 

What is your biggest obstacle to creating films and what would you is your biggest  achievement as a filmmaker?  

Like everyone else who have had all kind of obstacles, in my case the biggest obstacle was  the lack of support, I mean about the goverment regarding at cultural issues or cultural  developments staff who almost never have heard us to supporting to carry on such projetc.  But beyond of it that I din’t have their help, that kind of experience helped me a lot to be  more self - sufficient and provide resources I needed from another more solid perspective  and I Can tell you about the mentioned experienced was the best thing ever happened to me,  because of that I’m the man I’m, and not just in my profession…in other senses of life as  well.

What does the future hold for you and your team in media and creative terms? What can we  expect to see from you?  

What I’m able to see so far about my “future” in media and creative or film terms, well…as a  team and my self are making a great sacrifice and effort to get what we feel on creative  business. We currently are having very good results both worldwide films festivals including  international press. Through those real evidences we’re living…we can ensure we’re in the  right way. Of course If we keep our philosophy how we manage such matters, we’ll have a  prosper future in the mentioned areas.

Is there any advice you would like to offer to people entering the field of film that you wish  you had known when you started?  

The advise…I mean I never advise anybody, but something I do is sharing my experience,  therefore the suggestion or recommendation is that anybody can give up themselves, we know is a hard path…we know takes time to get what we really wish…but never…ever give up…is  not an option…THE OPTION IS TO KEEP ON MOVING…ALWAYS…DESPITE ALL.  Another recommendation is to change the strategy of your goal/ objetive. We can’t use the  same method / strategy or plan…we need to change them according to every circunstance we  face, but there is something else: THE LOVE..THE PASSION FOR THIS PROFESSION  you never let that finish…you never let that fire goes out…before all…you keep on. That’s a  promise…doing in that way…you will get much more things you have expected.

To learn more about Alejandro and his work see:

Accion Films YouTube.

Accion Films Instagram.


Soutar Fine Art: Inspiration and Appreciation

Inspiration comes in many forms when you work in media, from the walk to work to the art on our walls, there is always something that catches your attention and as a collector of art, our creative director takes inspiration from the work and many stories of the talented Stewart Nicol Soutar, a fine artist with an extensive back catalogue of work and anecdotes that we wanted to share.

Stewart Nicol Soutar has a creative background that has seen him teach, work on sets with a wide range of TV shows and creating advertising blocks while working on what has been dubbed neo surrealist abstract work that captivates the imagination and sold to critical acclaim in the European and American markets where his work features in the finest galleries and homes.

His newest venture takes some of his iconic work and puts them in limited edition format encapsulating his stellar art and varied collection into a series of beautiful framed images that can be placed in your home as an accent piece or in a work environment as a conversation piece.

*Corporate art collections are now common and can elevate your space from a standard office to a comfortable gallery atmosphere with minimal effort.

Personally we are going to be negotiating with Stewart about hiring pieces that will be used for editorials and film and possibly even adding to our collection of original art work because we appreciate the value of having these stunning images as both art and inspiration.

To learn more about the artist or to purchase work see:

Soutar Fine Art Website.


Foreboding: Fractured Applauding The Team

One of the things we applaud and stand with is people who take risks and create on their own terms, seeing the team behind The Foreboding: Fractured do exactly this with a cleverly done horror that takes classic tropes and scenarios and makes them fresh.  

The premise of the film is straightforward and a classic of the genre with the teenage group heading into the forest to camp and telling scary stories over the fire and finding themselves caught up in the tale in a way that they did not anticipate. 

While the styling is simple, the cast and crew did a stellar job of making this their own with some subtle nods to those who came before.  The acting is naturalistic with character types being laid out smoothly, giving each of them a chance to develop and build to a grand finale that is chilling in its substance and still a classic that will have you jumping in your seat. 

From the camera work in the opening that is simple and clean to the more “found footage” style as the story progresses, you can see the passion behind this film and that a tight budget is not enough to stop creatives being creative. 

The Foreboding: Fractured, is a classic example of what can be done on a low budget with passion and deserves the accolades that will inevitably follow when it hits the festival circuit in full.  

Our prediction is that the people behind this are the ones to watch for the future as filmmakers and actors, they are gearing up for big things and this film is an excellent, creepy start on the road. 

To learn more about the film see:

IMDB The Foreboding: Fractured.

Horror Scream Video Vault Interview.

Blazing Minds Interview.

Podcast Interview.

A Slow Start To a New Year

Although it has been a slow start to the new year with the blog, that is not to say we are not busy working and there is some really interesting projects on the cards that will be internally built in conjunction with some of our clients.

Our creative director, JamesC, has been ill recently but able to coordinate calls and emails that will see him heading up ad campaigns and editorials in conjunction with Sons of Adonis skincare for men. A huge coup that we are incredibly proud of and will be using to add to our brand as the lost and build up other elements that Shakti Sood (Sons of Adonis founder) will be a major part of.

With concept and mood boards being built at the moment it is going to be fun to work with Sons of Adonis on these projects and a chance to mix the commercial with the artistic side of makeup for men.

Other meetings are being planned and naturally we will be releasing more information about our plans and showcasing the images we create.

Dark Forest: A Cinematic Short

Cinema started with the short film and it has been a long tradition of movie makers to take this process and work to create something fresh, a story that is strong enough to stand on its own and convey a message in a short amount of time, Nevis Studios is now stepping into that arena with their new crowdfund project: Dark Forest.

“In the gripping thriller "Dark Forest," Detectives Danny and Fiona pursue a serial killer terrorizing the Scottish highlands. The tension escalates as they close in on the elusive criminal and search for missing victim Anna Frey.”

With a creative vision that will open up doors to creativity as well as jobs, the team behind this crowd funder for Dark Forest, are looking at an expansive and long reaching movement of cinema.

Crowd funding is a common practice now and gives people the opportunity to be a part of the creation of cinema and the team behind Dark Forest are open to the challenges that this creates and see it as an investment in not just a film but in the process.

To learn more about the company or the project see:

Nevis Studios Website.

Nevis Studios Facebook.

Nevis Studios Instagram.

Dark Forest Campaign.


Film Thoughts with Peter Tilley Producer and Actor

Peter Tilley, actor and producer took time to talk to us about his latest co-project: The Foreboding: Fractured, and share his insights from not just this project but what the future holds for him as a creative.

You have been working on promotion for your most recent project The Foreboding:  Fractured, where you are part of the cast. Can you tell us more about the project and  your involvement?  

Back in the summer of this year I messaged my good friend Alexander Staunton-Hill, who is  an incredibly talented writer and actor. I said how I wanted to put my own spin on a teen  horror story and make a film specifically for the Horror-On-Sea Film Festival in January  2024. Not long later, he returned with a fantastic script that completely elevated the idea of  that take on a group of teens coming face to face with a deadly enemy in the woods. We  soon took this into production, undertaking the casting process and filming just a matter of  weeks later. I took on the credit of producer for this film, along with playing one of the titular  roles as Aaron. Balancing both learning lines and taking on all of the producer  responsibilities was certainly a challenge, but this allowed me to gain great experience within  the film industry and help to create something fresh and exciting.  

The film follows a group of university students who have just finished their first year of Uni  and decide to go on a little camping trip into the woods to celebrate, however this trip won’t  be so plain sailing as they soon encounter a deadly presence lurking within the forest.  However there’s a lot more to this story than meets the eye, for this isn’t your stereotypical  teen horror flick. What fates lie ahead for Aaron, Connor, Abigail and Lauren?  

As an actor what challenges did you face involving yourself in The Foreboding:  Fractured and how did you overcome them?  

There was quite a few issues that came up on set, some of which were completely out of our  control. For example, we were shooting for long hours going into the night and was hit by a  thunderstorm with torrential rain, temperatures hitting low figures in the early hours of the  morning not having very warm layers of clothing on. Filming these scenes out in the open on  a farm in the middle of Sussex with this bad weather certainly proved tricky, but we got  through those obstacles as a team still gaining good results. 

Which side of the camera do you prefer working and why?  

I’ve been fortunate to have experienced both now, however I am primarily an actor and  mostly enjoy working infront of the camera, portraying different characters and bringing  these scenes to life. Saying that, I worked as a producer on this film which was enjoyable  and would certainly dip my toes into that role again in the future, so it is fun to work on both  sides of the camera. It’s mesmerising to see how a production all comes together from either  side. I would never rule anything out! 

What have you got planned next as a creative that you can share and how can people  find out more about you and your work?  

We’ve got BIG plans for The Foreboding, so I will mainly be putting all my attention on that  going forward. I’ve got some other projects lined up for the year ahead but am just waiting  on getting schedules for those films, which I’m very much looking forward to shooting. You can find me on multiple social media platforms, on Twitter (or X now as it’s called!) at  PeterTilley20 and on Instagram with the handle @Tilley.Peter. You can follow the official page  for The Foreboding @theforebodingofficial and tickets are now available to purchase for the  film via with it’s world premiere screening at the Horror-On-Sea Film  Festival on Saturday 20th January 2024!

To learn more about the film see:

IMDB The Foreboding: Fractured.

Horror Scream Video Vault Interview.

Blazing Minds Interview.

Podcast Interview.


Talking Books and Films With Ivan Peric

Over at The Lost Creatives, we are big fans of Ivan Peric and his book on filmmaking, taken from his own experiences and offering a solid plan for making and selling your work that resonates with our team. We are extremely thankful that he took some time out of his schedule to talk to us and open up about what he has been doing since the launch of “Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie!”

You are returning from a break after the release of your successful and lauded book “Don’t F*ck Up Your No-Budget Movie!” What have you been doing in that time that you can share with us?

Thanks for this question as it touches upon something that we don't often hear about, and that's taking ''breaks". Taking the time to not do anything and just relax. You scroll down your social media feed and all you see are people pushing the ''hustle'' and "grind'' lifestyle, it's rare you see someone talking about taking it easy and pacing yourself.

“The reality is that everyone needs to take breaks every once in a while in order not to burn out. This is especially true for us artists and digital creators.”

Most of us have full-time jobs and families, so all the extra work we put into our projects ends up taking a toll on our bodies. Just like any car, it doesn't matter if you use it for work or leisure, the mileage always accumulates. So that's what I did, I just took a break from it all, acting, writing, producing...My agent was sending me auditions and I just couldn't get myself to do them. I was physically and mentally drained.

I had written DFYNBM during the pandemic, the editing process was a lot of work and a lot of back and forth with the editors, then the publisher released it pretty quickly so I had to be on my toes and start promoting it right away.

With the uncertainties of the pandemic, everyday life at work, and writing this book, I never got to take a step back and refocus. After a few months ''off'', I now feel great and motivated to continue working on my plans for this book and other projects!

You have spoken quite openly about how your workflow has changed thanks to your experiences in filmmaking, taking you from actor to director/producer to give you control over your projects, how has this affected your style as an actor overall, and is it a method you would recommend?

Yes, I would definitely recommend any actor to pick up a camera and produce something themselves! It's the best experience and you get to see through the eyes of a producer and director. For me, understanding the process gave me much more confidence as an actor.

Once you get to understand how things work, you put much less pressure on yourself. Most young actors are very self-conscious, always wondering what everyone on set thinks of their performance. I was like that, always looking for that validation. By becoming a director yourself, you get to understand that performing is not that complicated and it often doesn't take that much of a ''performance'' as some actors might think.

It definitely grounded my acting style. Every subtle moment is blown up by 1000% on the screen, so it made me understand that less is more because the camera catches everything. You also get to understand the point of view of the director much more.

I remember being a young actor and being devastated by any notes a director would give me after a take. I would take it personally and couldn't understand why the director didn't like my performance. But the truth was that the director never disliked my performance, he just wanted to see something different and push me as an artist. Producing also makes you appreciate every single person on set. You see and understand that everyone has an important role in a production. You just respect everyone more, and out of that respect comes better performances because you want to contribute as best as you can to the project.

What is next for you in the creative arena? Do you have any new projects planned? Will
you be taking your method on the road and teaching the Ivan Peric method of filmmaking?

Every time I come back from a break I want to do it all! I feel inspired to act, write and produce! But I know I will have to focus on one thing at a time. I wasn't 100% satisfied with my book launch as it was rushed by the publisher and I didn't have much time to market it before I had to take a break. So the first thing on my list is to continue to push my book and get it out there to as many people as possible. Yes, one of the ways I will be doing this is by starting workshops for aspiring filmmakers. I would love to have seminars all around the world and inspire others to start making their own movies.

My main goal with DFYNBM was to inspire people who might not have a big budget, or any budget at all, to produce their own feature films. I believe these seminars can complement the book very well by being not only inspiring but also informative and entertaining.

I have so many stories and anecdotes I would love to share that didn't end up in the book! I will start locally here in Montreal, then hopefully expand to the rest of Canada and the US. The next goal after that would be to go overseas! I will also slowly get back into acting. I already have a few auditions lined up that seem like fun. There are also some unfinished scripts I'd like to work on and hopefully produce.

What advice would you offer anyone entering the film or TV arena as an actor, producer, or director?

Make sure you are getting into it because you absolutely love it. Don't do it for some kind of fame or fortune because there is a 99.9% chance you won't get it. Do it from your heart and not your ego. Take classes/workshops, and learn as much about your craft as you can. Watch a lot of movies and shows!

There is a lot of great content out there and so many outlets where you can expose your work. There is no excuse these days, the technology is affordable and platforms are always looking for fresh ideas. Finally, just do it! Pick up your digital camera or iPhone and just go out there and shoot. If you're an actor, record yourself doing scenes or shoot skits to keep yourself sharp, and never give up!

To learn more about Ivan Peric and his work or to purchase his excellent book see:

Ivan Peric Website.

Ivan Peric Instagram.

Ivan Peric Facebook.

Ivan Peric Twitter.

Ivan Peric Youtube.

Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon UK.

Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon USA.


Making No Mercy a Boxing Odyssey

When it comes to indie film the process can be arduous and full of obstacles but the outcome is worth every step. Tackling not just acting but producing, directing, and more we talk to Louis Findlay about his latest film No Mercy, a film about the darker side of boxing, taking the gloves off and looking at it from a different angle.

Filming a project on this scale is a big undertaking, what have been some of the challenges you have faced in the process and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge for this project was money. I must have spent around £2,000+ on the project which is all I could really afford. Most of it was my own money and then the rest was via GoFundMe. The way I overcame potential challenges prior to filming was by writing locations I knew I had access to and casting friends I had worked with before. Then it was literally asking a LOT of favors from everyone else. One challenge I wasn’t prepared for was COVID. We literally had the training montage to film which is one of the most important scenes in any boxing movie,  so we couldn’t wrap it till we shot that but no one knew how long lockdown would last.  I felt about pulling the plug on this project so many times when the going got tough, but I just had to fight my way through it (no pun intended) 

The style of the film is very close to the docudrama or docusoap style, do you think that will change how people will look at the film and the people involved?  

Yeah, I hope so. The main focus was about making these characters feel real and forget people are actually playing these parts. I wanted to show this working-class family who are incredibly close, who have had their ups and downs and a fair share of family drama but at the end of the day, you can relate and fall in love with them.  I wanted it to feel natural and I think the visual style really helps to sell that. THAT and the fact everyone just bossed their roles. 

What was the motivation for this project in particular the look at boxing and the behind the gloves side of the business?

 My dad used to box back in the day, not professional but had a few bouts. He tried getting me to do it as a kid but I felt bad hitting people in the face. I have fond memories of his Mike Tyson VHS tapes on the shelf (which eventually made their way to the loft.  Dad and I watched them a few times when I was a kid and I thought it was pretty cool but had no interest in pursuing it other than working the bag and pads in the gym as I got older. 

But I think what makes any boxing film great is the story outside the ring, I think southpaw is a great example of that because he’s fighting for his daughter, not about being champ.  For my film, I wanted to focus on the darker side of boxing which is reflected in some of the dialogue and the way the promoter goes about business. I took a lot of inspiration from DareDevil, between a prize-fighting father and a son who looks up to him, but behind the scenes the promoter is dodgy. I also threw a lot of personal stuff from my childhood into the project too. 

There have been many who have taken the step over the line from actor to director/producer and worked both sides of the camera. Do you think this is something you will continue between acting jobs as a means to not only showcase your own concepts but to create opportunities for others in the creative fields?  

Absolutely, 100%. I had no idea how to get into the acting business when I left school so I started making my own films. In essence, I’ve learned other skills along the way by doing that such as writing and learning how a camera works.  But I’m very much a person who can’t sit still, I don’t wait for the grass to grow and if no one is going to give me the roles I want then I’ll go out and get them myself. I could’ve been waiting years for a role like this and it may have never come my way.  I think it’s so important for actors to make their own work and if I can help others out along the way and offer opportunities in front or behind the camera then that’s what I’ll continue to do! 

 What is next for you and your team? Do you have any projects in the works that you can tell us about?

 Yes, I’ve got a micro shortcoming very soon that we shot on the sky in Trafalgar, a short film called RoadKill that I had hoped to turn into a feature and a drama coming very soon which is about a man confronting someone from his past revisiting some disturbing memories. I have also just written two new features. 

What advice would you offer to someone starting their journey as a filmmaker and actor?

As I said, don’t wait for the grass to grow. It is so easy to make a film nowadays, we all have a camera in our pocket so just write something and film it.  Find like-minded people who can help you and if you’re really nice to people they’ll go out of their way for you. If you don’t ask, you don’t get - simple! 

*I would like to add a huge thank you to everyone involve and in particular Marcus O’Brien, Brandon Bailey, Dan brooks, Richie lamb, Gerard, and Keith Scott.

To learn more about the film or the team see:

No Mercy Trailer.

No Mercy Facebook.

No Mercy Twitter.

No Mercy IMDB.



Talking Youtube and Politics With That Preston Journalist

As a social and political commentator, That Preston Journalist Channel has become a go-to for a grassroots style of social and political commentary, as the journey continues we wanted to talk to founder Ashley Karmanski about his motivations, plans, and the future of the channel. 

Your Youtube channel is growing in numbers thanks to your quick news bite style of work and narrative approach to the work. Can you tell us more about what motivated you to start this channel? 

I have been in politics and political campaigns for many years now, but I myself have become disillusioned with the way British politics is conducted, the tribal nature of it today seeks to prevent any meaningful debate or sensible discussion. I believe people can, and should be able to disagree with each other without resorting to personal insults.

I wanted to create a channel that provides common sense, from the mouth of a working person in the UK. Too much of the media, especially the mainstream media, comes from the rose-tinted spectacles of the London metropolitan bubble, but the views held by people in wealthy areas are rarely those held by the wider public. 

I try to say things as I see them. Members of the public have bigger things to worry about than what the latest political correctness crusade is, I believe they want the truth with no hidden agenda behind it, I believe they want to be aware of how government policy will impact them without being talked down to by the BBC, Sky or ITV news. Most of the mainstream media are privately educated and do not know the daily struggles or concerns of working people in this country, but I do, that is my world as well, I want to be, and am slowly becoming the go-to place for unedited news, and the truth about how our lives are being impacted by the politicians in the UK.

I do not do this for profit, I work full time as well as running my channel, it may sound cheesy, but I really do it to bring simple, to the point, effective news to all the millions who no longer trust the mainstream media anymore. When I first started the channel, I had three or four subscribers, and to see it reach over two thousand in just a couple of months, is hugely rewarding and I enjoy every minute of it.    

Watching your videos, you have a very grassroots style of working with a simple, clean background, talking about political scandals in a fact-based manner adding your own thoughts to the piece, are you planning to stand for election or will you continue to focus your energy on the channel?  

I have no plans to stand for any elections, but as for campaigning, I am very open to getting on board, and try to campaign in the hope that common sense will once again prevail in this great country of ours. 

I keep the videos and backgrounds simple because that’s how I want the channel to be. A trustworthy source of news, I do receive negative feedback for my background to the videos, for my northern working-class accent, but that only strengthens my resolve and keeps me going. In fact, it proves to me that what I believe to be true, that working-class people are looked down on by the metropolitan elites, is the case in the UK today. Free speech has been on the decline for some time, people are no longer allowed opinions that don’t go along with the “be kind” brigade, who, by the way, is the first to call somebody a “racist”, or a “fascist” for not having the same opinions as them, and that is completely wrong, and that isn’t democracy. 

There isn’t a political party out there at the moment that really represents working people, there aren’t many media organizations that do either, so it is up to people who still hold common sense and traditional values to bring that news into the public domain. I believe it is the overwhelming consensus within the UK, but the elitist minority pressure groups get all the air time, telling people what to think, rather than actually providing news and letting people make their own minds up. We see it time and time again, every time there is a vote, be it a referendum, or a general election, the media get it wrong every time, and that proves how out of touch they are with the common man and woman today.

I do try and keep my personal opinions out of my videos where I can, but I am only human. I am unapologetically passionate about the UK and my belief that we are all better together as one country. On the other hand, many people on my videos ask about my political allegiances or asking how I vote. This tells me that I am doing a good job of being reasonably impartial on most issues. 

I do not, and will not ever tell people how to think, I simply wish to present the news in a simple, easy-to-understand format, and people can make their own minds up about what is best for them, and their lives. Politicians and the media seem to have forgotten that people have their own brains, and their own common sense, they know what is best for them. This means people disagree and agree with me at times, and that is healthy for any democracy to function.   

In creating That Preston Journalist you have tapped into what could be called “the working class” experience and focus on the dangers of political blindness to the people outside of those enclaves.  Do you think that Youtube has allowed you a greater platform to air your views and what challenges have you faced with tackling the subjects you do? 

As I’ve said before, I am a working-class person, which qualifies me to talk to a working-class audience, unlike many in the public eye who don’t talk to their audiences, but down to their audiences. YouTube has been an excellent outlet for me, if anything I did or said was discriminatory YouTube would shut me down, but it isn’t, and although I do tackle tough subjects, I do it in a way that I believe brings balance and common sense to the table.

The vast majority of the wider public in the UK do not subscribe to the views held by the mainstream media, if you ever wanted to see evidence of this, you only have to look at their audience viewing figures, and their short, sharp decline. 

Personally, I haven’t found any major challenges as of yet, sometimes you get negative feedback from people, but that’s part of the course, if you are going to read positive comments about your work, you have to accept the opinions of people who disagree, that is why I don’t delete negative comments from my videos unless they are personal attacks upon me. Personal attacks are what I am trying to stop, and open up sensible debate, so I can’t allow it on my channel as it defeats the overall message I am trying to get across. The message is that we all have opinions, and we all have the right to disagree in an assertive, yet polite manner. Politics does not have to be the toxic cesspit it is at the moment.  

 If you could offer advice to someone starting out as a political or social commentator what would it be and why? 

The most productive piece of advice I could give is to keep it simple and stick to your principles. With today’s world being what it is, you will come up against trolls who wish to close you down, you will receive abuse, but you must not let that stop you. 

Nothing in life worth doing is easy, and getting involved in politics, or political commentary certainly isn’t. But if you truly believe in what you are doing, you will succeed. 

Patience is also very important. Don’t expect job offers or subscribers to start appearing immediately. Share your content to as many different social media sites as you can, post the link to your website/YouTube channel, etc… everywhere you can. 

Once you start getting more and more followers, your content will grow much more organically, but the initial hard work is all down to you, and it can be a hard slog. 

To learn more about That Preston Journalist or to subscribe to the channel see:

That Preston Journalist Youtube.

That Preston Journalist Twitter.


Whouknow a New Marketing Tool

We were really intrigued by the idea of the site Whouknow for marketing targetting the creative side of the world and opening up doors to new and interesting prospects with both clients and collaborators. The site itself is straightforward to set up and our creative director JamesC has already thrown his cap into the ring and created a profile.

“There's no such thing as buyers and sellers in creative communities, which is why Whouknow works the way you do. We've also thrown in a bunch of other features that'll make your life a whole lot easier.”

Whouknow offers the option to set a base budget and offer your services to projects on other terms such as barter, it has real scope for marketing and has gathered some interesting talents to the table who are open to opportunities and marketing their skills through the site.

Naturally, we plan to use this as a part of our upcoming projects and where possible source additional team members to the fold for this. In fact, with our 3 shorts and a small-scale commercial/showreel project in the works, this could be something positive and give us access to a host of new faces to work with which is a real boost to our goals both short and longterm.

We recommend you go check out the site and see the potential for yourself:

Whouknow website.

Whouknow Instagram.

Whouknow Facebook.

Whouknow Twitter.


Updates From The Creative Sphere

Updates From The Creative Sphere

Over at the Lost Creatives home office, we have been plugging away at our work and will have some project announcements and cast/crew requirements going live very soon. While this is being worked out, we have some announcements that as a team we are really excited about and wanted to share.

As creative director and head of makeup, JamesC, has been instrumental in the development of his new site and working on a consultation basis, for Sons of Adonis makeup (it will be added to his working kit), as part o this a limited edition brush was created featuring his logo and the brand: available from the Sons of Adonis site.

In terms of production and editorial, we have decided to add to our site holdings and will be launching a separate photography site that will feature the work of JamesC both his commercial work and the behind-the-scenes stills on film and TV shoots. The reasoning for this is to allow an expanded sense of his creative work and offer a different perspective on the work of a makeup artist.

Lost Agency is being formed and set around the needs of the main business and will handle the overall marketing, banking, and other elements of our work as an umbrella creating an in-house and full-spectrum setup that is own, controlled, and managed for the needs of the Lost team.

Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing additional details on what is happening and casting/crew opportunities for smaller festival entry projects.

Talking Acting and Directing With Paul Andrew Goldsmith

We wanted to take a look at the life of a full-time actor and creator, asking questions about the journey and upcoming projects with the help of Paul Andrew Goldsmith we were able to gain a little more insight into the world of an actor/director as he prepares for his new work.

Can you tell us a little about yourself, your career, and your own projects and plans? 

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I’m Paul Andrew Goldsmith, a professional creative based in little old Norfolk. I’ve had a very varied career including theatre, film, and TV work, and particularly proud to have been able to make my full-time living from the industry. It’s nowadays so hard to actually describe your profession, I act, I direct, I write and I teach. I literally do as much of anything I can in order to earn a living. I consider myself really lucky to be able to do so. Though let’s be honest we can all forget about 2020. 

Alongside my current project, my first feature film, I’m excited to get back to directing the  Warner Bros show, ‘The Polar Express’ this year and taking our street theatre show, ‘Ulysses’ out in the summer. 

So far in your career has there been a milestone that you want to share or a project you are particularly proud of? 

When I first started out full time as an actor I set various goals to achieve, 1st theatre tour, 1st film role, getting on spotlight, 1st agent, and so on. I think it’s always wise to have a stream of achievable targets that can adapt as you go but you must start out small so you don’t feel like a failure early on. It’s also worth keeping that list to always look back on to remind yourself exactly what you have achieved and how far you’ve gone. I think this is very true for the past year of lockdown when many of us have felt it’s not happening. 

As for milestones that make me particularly proud, I think it’s probably two. The first time I got paid for my work and secondly the first time I was able to pay others as a result of my work. It’s an incredibly empowering feeling to be able to bring employment to other creatives through things you’ve created. Again, especially after the past year. ‘NOTE I promise that’s the last time I’ll refer to the unwelcome visitor of 2020. 

What has been the biggest challenge you have faced so far as either an actor or as a director? 

Self-doubt and imposter syndrome for both. It never truly goes away however many years you’ve been active and how much work you’ve done. However, you can dampen it again by reminding yourself of the things you have achieved. 

You have a new project that you are crowdfunding. Can you tell us a little more about it and what was your motivation for creating it?  

When I was first starting out as an actor, I wanted a job to help earn yet be flexible enough to enable me to book acting work. I became a support worker for adults with learning disabilities. I found that I was a natural with the work and soon became a home manager before eventually opening my own day service. During my time working in the industry, I was alarmed at some of the treatment that goes on, intentionally and unintentionally with lifestyle choices being decided by care plans and risk assessments. I felt true freedom of expression and choice was regularly blocked and very often just to suit a particular organization rather than the person paying for those services. At the time I realized there were stories to be told, particularly a situation I observed with two service users who were clearly in love, yet kept apart. I began noting things I noticed that I felt could become part of a theatre show or film and now, some years later, I’m ready to bring it all together in a film. 


When a support worker realizes two men with learning disabilities have fallen in love at a daycare center, he fights for their rights to form a full relationship but is thwarted constantly by governance, staff members, and the care home management. 

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I’m currently sourcing funding for the film in a variety of different ways as it is essential for me to be able to pay all those involved. Sadly 2020, Damnit I mentioned it again, wiped a huge amount of my savings out so I’m starting again from scratch. 

We’re all in the same boat so I’m asking people to just ‘Buy me a coffee’ from as little as £2 or to follow/share media as much as possible to raise awareness. 

Is there any advice you would offer someone entering into the creative arts and media? 

Believe in yourself. Be open to every opportunity, often the small things become lifelines and away into something far more. Get to know others, but always work based on what’s best for you and what works for you. Whilst many will claim there is, there truly aren’t any rules to what the industry is for you. It’s the arts, after all, it’s supposed to be for everyone. 

To learn more about Andrew Paul Goldsmith or his current projects see:

Paul Andrew Goldsmith Vshowcards.

Paul Andrew Goldsmith Twitter.

Sagacity Campaign.

Sagacity Twitter.

Sagacity Facebook.


Talking Film With Louis Findlay

As the indie film scene takes more of a center stage to the world of filmmaking, we talk to Louis Findlay about his project Roadkill and the journey it has been getting there as both a creator and a performer.

Can you tell us a little about yourself, your career?

 I’m 30 years old, my wife and I have just had a baby - our first, and I now have a dad bod!  

I’ve always been excited by cameras, I was always looking in the Argos catalog as a kid and being excited by all the new cameras. I used to love going in Jessops and seeing them on the shelf and always dreamed of having one. 

I got my first camera when I was 14 and used to make all of our Parkour videos which I did till I was 22 working as a professional soon also forerunner. 

When I started acting I had no idea how to get into it and no one would give me a chance, so I started writing and filming my own scenes which soon turned into shorts and then features. 

My first short film called Days To Come was loosely based on my own struggles with anxiety and depression, it won 4 awards in Europe and I won the best actor at the Los Angeles Actor Awards in 2017. 

Since then, I’ve not looked back and continue to make my own work, I love it.

 You have a new project that you are crowdfunding. Can you tell us a little more about it?

RoadKill is based on a short film me and some friends made in 2018. It centers around two brothers who are traveling across the country and during an argument, they crash the car and hit a girl walking along the side of a road and how they cope with doing the right thing.

The feature has come a long way since the short and very much centers around life at home between Ben and his mother Liz who’s alcohol addiction is not only affecting her life but Ben’s life too. He turns to selling drugs on the estate to pay the bills after losing his job and lands himself in a spot of bother. His older brother Josh returns from prison and is determined to turn his life around, connect with his ex and be the family man but he has no idea how hard life has been for Ben. Their mother is taken to hospital and doctors recommend she needs rehab to make a full recovery but they don’t have the money. They agree to do a job for Ben’s dodgy boss and if all goes well they’ll have enough money to cover the costs of treatment. This film focuses on broken Britain and the lengths people will go to in order to keep a roof over their heads and take care of the ones they love. 

 What is your goal as a filmmaker and what would be your dream project?  

 My goal as a filmmaker is just to continue telling stories and never stop. I don’t seek permission from anyone, if I have a story to tell then I’ll tell it. My goal is to focus on hard-hitting dramas and offer an insight into other people’s lives so that we can learn from others. 

I don’t know if I have a dream job, I’m just very happy doing what I’m currently doing. But I guess the dream is just working with like-minded people and having fun along the way. 

 Is there any advice you would offer someone entering into the creative arts and media?

 Do your research. Reach out to others for help start small. Work within your limits and make use of things you already have. 

Have a bit of money behind you, never crowdfund without putting your own money in first. I like to think of crowdfunding as just topping off the glass. I always put as much money as I can into my films because if crowdfunding is unsuccessful, you’re not relying entirely on others to help you tell your story. You’ll have some money in your pocket to make a start at least. 

“ If you have an idea, find a way to get it done no matter what, if someone tells you “no” but you're passionate about telling  it, then tell it!”

To learn more about the project or to support the film see:

Roadkill Movie Fundraiser.

Roadkill Movie Website.

Roadkill Movie Facebook.

Roadkill Movie Instagram.

Roadkill Movie Twitter.


Profiling Talent with Alistair Smith Actor

Can you tell us a little about yourself, your career, and how you came to be part of the acting community?

My entry into the acting community was somewhat of a Covid epiphany.  I’ve come from the corporate world having graduated with a business degree. Over the last 20 years, I built a pretty successful career, starting my own consultancy business about 5 years ago.

I wanted to go to drama school when I was in my late teens but at the time was persuaded to go down a more secure route.  I’ve always been creative and looking back I was very frustrated in my choice of work.

At the start of lockdown, with work having dried up, it gave me the headspace to start thinking about what I wanted to do and came to the realization that I’d never given myself the chance to actually pursue my dreams.  

I called up a good friend who works in theatre and he put me in touch with my first acting coach.  My passion is film and television and so I decided to dip my toe into the water at “an introduction to film and television acting” with Actors Studio at Pinewood studios.  I loved it.  I immediately signed up for the 1 month intensive diploma course and knew this is what I want to do.  Since then, I have joined my local theatre group, taken numerous acting classes, and started to build my network and credits.

 So far in your career has there been a milestone that you want to share or a project you are particularly proud of?

 My current high-point is being cast in a feature film.   It’s filming in the next couple of months and am really excited about it.  I’d say the other high point is just experiencing the kindness and generosity of the creative community as a whole.  Having come from the corporate world it has been a refreshing and welcome change. 

If you could choose any project to tackle what would it be and why: a film?  A TV show?  Theatre? 

I feel I was made for a chunky role in Line of Duty or a gritty drama. A period drama would also be an amazing experience.

What are your goals for this year in terms of your career?

To get on Spotlight, to get an agent and appear on a mainstream TV show.

To learn more about Alistair Smith or to discuss bookings see:

Alistair Smith Showreel.

Alistair Smith Profile.

Alistair Smith Twitter.

Alistair Smith Instagram.

Alistair Smith IMDB.

Alistair Smith Starnow.


Tackling The JamesC Website

Tackling The JamesC Website

We have been talking (via Twitter) about taking down our creative director JamesC’s website and completely overhauling it with a mix of his work from previous shoots, and of course new editorials mixed with additional TV/character-based concepts. That is now in motion and for the next two weeks, we will be doing the wrap-up work with a view to having a profile with vShowcards that will be central to his marketing as a makeup artist.

Taking this step has been really scary, as you can imagine, but it was a necessary move that we felt was long overdue, and with so many changes in motion to the market overall, we did this with a view to the long-term goals of the Lost Creatives and it will give a more focused and cohesive look to his work. With this in mind, we are debating adding a further 3 sites to the Lost portfolio making the overall theme of our work more cohesive and taking much of our business internally which will give us a stronger control over the imaging, marketing, and projects we tackle.

For those interested in keeping up with the news and updates JamesC will continue writing for our blogs and is still on Twitter. The new site is mostly complete and will be focused solely on his artistry work, while The Lost Creatives expands with him at the helm we will be working on the development of TV projects, short films for festival entry, and photo projects, to name but a few of our plans.

Creating The Lost Dog Detective Agency with Tedium Entertainment

With numerous shorts under their belt, the team at Tedium Entertainment is working on their latest crowdfunded project The Lost Dog Detective Agency, a sweet coming of age film that has caught attention and backers in short order. Founded in 2016 they have already made waves within the film community and this latest project has the hallmarks of a winner with a touch of social commentary.

The Lost Dog Detective Agency is a coming-of-age tale of two 10 year old boys, Darion and Emmanuel, growing up on an estate in South West London.”

Bringing a film to fruition is hard work and with their body of films is growing constantly with plans in motion for more shorts, a feature film, and a TV series in the background, we look forward to not only seeing the results but interviewing the team about this film and talking about the details of funding, shooting, and creating work in the current market.

To learn more about The Lost Dog Agency project or to help with funding click here.

For further details on Tedium Films and their work see:

Tedium Entertainment Website.

Tedium Entertainment Instagram.

Tedium Entertainment Facebook.

Tedium Entertainment Twitter.


Showcasing Talent: Introducing vShowcards

What started as a dream and project on paper has become a force to be reckoned with in the casting world, vShowcards is fast becoming the place to be seen and has garnered attention from casting agents, directors, actors, and more as the team takes their passion for acting and all things media, and offers up a new portal for talent.  

Building on their own experiences as working actors, the team behind vShowcards has gone one step further than the average casting site and brings back the personal to the process with their social media presence on Twitter being part of the discussion, supporting, and promoting each other, whilst talking about their own frustrations within the business giving the whole thing a more family feeling, taking the isolation out being an actor and putting the emphasis on friendly support that is refreshing for talent and has in short order created a series of questions about their status in the market, a positive move that has taken them from outside the bubble to a companion and contender.  Talent is being seen in a new form and it is to vShowcards credit that they are building on the successes of the initial launch with a host of new elements to be revealed soon. 

Looking to reach out to creatives across the spectrum, vShowcards is the epitome of a new wave that has been steadily building across the film and TV realm as digital platforms become more common, the need for artists and creatives has increased with the traditional sources losing ground to newcomers like vShowcards whose dedication to their clients, focus, drive, and passion, has shown them to be open to new ideas and avenues with an eye for detail, the sites entire ethos is built on showcasing and supporting people versus collecting names.

There is a raft of digital production houses that are looking at the site and seeing the potential for productions built entirely with vShowcard people, an accomplishment that is new for many and shows the scope and talents of the people already in place.  

Leading the way and taking on the market with a fresh perspective vShowcards is more than just a casting and crew site, it is the future of the industry’s new wave and a force to be reckoned with.  

To learn more about vShowcards or to join see:

vShowcards Website.

vShowcards Twitter.

vShowcards Facebook.

vShowcards Instagram.


Film Festival Tie-ins

Film Festival Tie-ins

In the run-up to the festive season, we were talking to various small film festivals gathering information, and planning for the future. Naturally, this meant opening accounts with sites like Film Freeway and doing some in-depth checks and planning around our goals for the company. What this has led to will be announced soon with full details of how and where we will work. One of the festivals (in Eastern Europe) reached out to us and we are now talking in terms of being a media partner which we do love as a concept. Film and TV, particularly web TV, is something we as a team are keen to push forward with now more than ever.

This does not mean we will be abandoning our editorial work, far from it, we will work with magazines on a continuous basis as part of our marketing strategies but will not be the sole aspect of what we do. In fact, we have found a very interesting film crew based magazine that looks really promising in marketing terms so we will be writing inhouse articles to publish and take ad space later in the year.

Our plans are coming together well and there is some diversification in motion. More announcements and news will be released on the completion of the contracts. We are excited about the prospects of 2021 and look forward to showcasing the hard work that has already been done in the background.

Festive Thoughts From The Lost Creatives

A slight departure from our normal scheduling but we wanted to get this post out before Christmas day and say a big thank you to all our supporters, the brands, and of course our readers as we share our final thoughts for 2020. From here we will be focusing heavily on the future and what will be happening for the team in the new year. We have been busy over the last few weeks setting in motion concepts, finalizing and in some cases reediting images for the various websites we run, there will also be a run of work that is designed specifically for editorial (we have some really fantastic magazines we have shot work for). We do want to look at the festival circuit, there will be an announcement of a new film festival media partnership in the new year, the goal of this will be to boost our video content and bring a little attention to talent. Naturally, these projects will be small crews/cast to keep the costs down and very much in the kitchen sink drama territory which will develop into other areas and our ultimate goal of tackling the horror/thriller market for TV, scripts are already earmarked for this.

One of our biggest supporters and our favorite writer, has offered us a development contract that will expand our portfolio to include video games for a variety of platforms which is an exciting prospect.

Our creative Director; JamesC, is working around different ideas and is editing, shooting, and managing our background work such as the brand placement and of course stock levels.

We will of course keep you all in the loop of changes and updates through the website and till then we want to, again, thank you for the support and wish you a Merry Christmas.

Advancing Our Cinema Plans

Advancing Our Cinema Plans

While we appreciate that the world is changing it is interesting that in the last few weeks we have had people reaching out for collaborations and partnerships that will open the door to cinema as well as a wide array of other digital and satellite platforms on a global scale.

From a purely creative stance, this opens up additional doors that along with our partners in Nepal (the Nepal film production team), we now have avenues and opportunities for the future of our company and in line with our expansion plans that are currently in motion. This partnership process will also allow us to work around different genres and push new boundaries in our cinematic plans and keep to our commercial routes.

In the next week, we will be sitting down to do the varied Google meetings, Whatsapp and a few Facebook calls that need to be done to clarify and solidify the options we have which is an exciting prospect and will offer an even wider array of possibilities that we can work with.

Advancing The Lost Creatives and the Lost Concept overall has been something that we have built from the ground up and we are really proud of what we have achieved with the support of various brands, actors, artists, and companies across Europe, the USA, most importantly with our partners in Nepal.