film and TV makeup artist

A Must See Brand: Narrative Cosmetics

As a makeup artist by trade, I am always looking for new options to add to add to my working kit that will add to my work or give me a wider range of options. Having found Narrative Cosmetics, in particular the FX range, I am really excited about the possibilities to create and for my work in film and TV the budget friendly side that will be a major plus going forward.

While the range offers up a wide array of beauty oriented products, it was the cream palettes from the FX range that first caught my attention and after a little research I can see there being so much more to the Narrative Cosmetics line that needs to be seen.

The FX range covers all the basics and with the addition of a YouTube channel with tutorials, you can utilize the range to create anything from a simple bruise to a creature with minimal fuss and maximum impact. Designed to meet the highest professional standards Narrative Cosmetics is fast becoming the go to brand for creatives across mediums.

Competitively priced, and expanding the range to support a wide range of requirements, you can go from theatrical to HD standard easily and with film and TV being a primary focus of my work, access to silicone compounds for quick wound creation or going old school with wax, the medical grade adhesive is a must see for the cost alone, Narrative has the scope to be a real kit staple.

If you are a makeup artist, no matter the stage of your career, passionate about FX and makeup then I strongly recommend you check out the range from film to fashion you will find something that will boost your kit and open up new potential in your creative work without losing out on quality.

To learn more about the Narrative Cosmetics range see:

Narrative Cosmetics Website.

Narrative Cosmetics YouTube.

Narrative Cosmetics Instagram.

Narrative Cosmetics Facebook.


Working The Makeup Dept Budget With Desired FX

In the world of film and TV, budgets can be the biggest constraint alongside time, to the creative process. For the makeup department often this means we have to search out cost-efficient options to create a particular look or downgrade the process to fit the money available, thankfully, there are services like Desired FX that can help with this and give you a budget-friendly, professional add-on to your kit that will push the department ahead.

From silicone wounds to scars, tattoos including bruising and standard designs, Desired FX offers up a range of products that will work for most scenarios and even offers a studio custom service to allow further scope for creativity on a budget.

With increasing options in the digital market from Amazon to HOD TV (Horror on Demand), the indie film sector has never been so popular with the on-demand film/TV sector becoming bigger year on year, but budgets being tight in the circuit, having the option of a team like Desired FX who can provide cost-efficient options for the FX department, there is scope to bring a different dimension as a department head working smart with the available funds.

To learn more about Desired FX or to purchase see:

Desired FX shop ( 10% off on all products with the promo code "JamesClark10")

Desired FX Instagram.

Desired FX Facebook.


Adding To Your Pro Kit For Makeup Artists Featuring Mykitco

In our last blog, we talked about the books we are adding to our working library which included two fantastic makeup books and one on filmmaking which we thought would be beneficial not only to the team but to our readers.

Now we want to talk to the makeup artists out there and remind you that your kit is important, more so now than ever with changes happening on a regular basis and guidance altering how we work collectively, this admittedly varies by company and by budget, none the less it is a good time to invest in solid kit staples that will ensure you are working smart in the new year from fashion and print through to film and TV.

Mykitco is one of the brands that does feature heavily in our creative directors working kit and with a plan in motion to split the kit into 2 parts (more so the tools) a sale is always a good time to buy up brushes and other accessories especially when they are pro-grade and high quality.

What this means for JamesC, is that rather than a full array of kit items brought in and cleaned in stages, he and the rest of the team will focus on small projects that will allow space to clean and in terms of space reduce the need for a larger table so limiting things to 6 f each brush and careful planning for the looks to ensure that we are working smart, and in a time-efficient manner across commercial projects and our festival plans.

*It is worth taking the time to apply for the pro discount available from Mykitco as this will allow you the flexibility to add to your kit over time and add new items as and when you need them.

For further information on the Mykitco range or to follow them across social media see:

Mykitco Website.

Mykitco Instagram.

Mykitco Facebook.


Creating a Story and Building the Brand

Creating a Story and Building the Brand.jpg

When Lost Creatives was first started it was about a journey and finding a path, in that time we have covered a wide range of people’s stories and given a voice to some amazing filmmakers who have helped bring our creative narrative as well as their own, to the public domain.

Over the next few months we plan to add to the stories in a more visual sense, with so much of our work having to be held due to publication terms, it will be fun to finally be able to showcase the work that has been done in the background by our creative director and head of makeup JamesC. Some new portfolio pieces are being finalized with the JamesC portfolio site (frustratingly) taken longer than planned we will be reverting back and reworking the current site with the new content and bringing in a much more cohesive workflow across the sites we already have with the additions of showcasing his work as a photographer into the bargain.

When it comes to production, there is some light at the end of a long tunnel, we have chosen two TV shows to produce along with two short films that we will use as entry back into the market, and with our work with some Amazingly talented filmmakers when it comes to cost, we have been able to work the angles and find additional avenues of marketing, sales, and of course open up our team to different potential projects outside of horror and thriller.

Naturally, we will be working with vshowcards who have been fantastic and are rapidly gaining ground in the production realm and have even got Bollywood on their side which is an amazing coup for the team.

In the next few weeks, we will be making a return to social media with the Lost Creatives and Lost Agency Instagram being updated with new work and some experimental shots we have been playing around with as part of a planned concept.

More news and updates on The Lost coming soon.

Showcasing Talent: Introducing vShowcards

What started as a dream and project on paper has become a force to be reckoned with in the casting world, vShowcards is fast becoming the place to be seen and has garnered attention from casting agents, directors, actors, and more as the team takes their passion for acting and all things media, and offers up a new portal for talent.  

Building on their own experiences as working actors, the team behind vShowcards has gone one step further than the average casting site and brings back the personal to the process with their social media presence on Twitter being part of the discussion, supporting, and promoting each other, whilst talking about their own frustrations within the business giving the whole thing a more family feeling, taking the isolation out being an actor and putting the emphasis on friendly support that is refreshing for talent and has in short order created a series of questions about their status in the market, a positive move that has taken them from outside the bubble to a companion and contender.  Talent is being seen in a new form and it is to vShowcards credit that they are building on the successes of the initial launch with a host of new elements to be revealed soon. 

Looking to reach out to creatives across the spectrum, vShowcards is the epitome of a new wave that has been steadily building across the film and TV realm as digital platforms become more common, the need for artists and creatives has increased with the traditional sources losing ground to newcomers like vShowcards whose dedication to their clients, focus, drive, and passion, has shown them to be open to new ideas and avenues with an eye for detail, the sites entire ethos is built on showcasing and supporting people versus collecting names.

There is a raft of digital production houses that are looking at the site and seeing the potential for productions built entirely with vShowcard people, an accomplishment that is new for many and shows the scope and talents of the people already in place.  

Leading the way and taking on the market with a fresh perspective vShowcards is more than just a casting and crew site, it is the future of the industry’s new wave and a force to be reckoned with.  

To learn more about vShowcards or to join see:

vShowcards Website.

vShowcards Twitter.

vShowcards Facebook.

vShowcards Instagram.


Festive Thoughts From The Lost Creatives

A slight departure from our normal scheduling but we wanted to get this post out before Christmas day and say a big thank you to all our supporters, the brands, and of course our readers as we share our final thoughts for 2020. From here we will be focusing heavily on the future and what will be happening for the team in the new year. We have been busy over the last few weeks setting in motion concepts, finalizing and in some cases reediting images for the various websites we run, there will also be a run of work that is designed specifically for editorial (we have some really fantastic magazines we have shot work for). We do want to look at the festival circuit, there will be an announcement of a new film festival media partnership in the new year, the goal of this will be to boost our video content and bring a little attention to talent. Naturally, these projects will be small crews/cast to keep the costs down and very much in the kitchen sink drama territory which will develop into other areas and our ultimate goal of tackling the horror/thriller market for TV, scripts are already earmarked for this.

One of our biggest supporters and our favorite writer, has offered us a development contract that will expand our portfolio to include video games for a variety of platforms which is an exciting prospect.

Our creative Director; JamesC, is working around different ideas and is editing, shooting, and managing our background work such as the brand placement and of course stock levels.

We will of course keep you all in the loop of changes and updates through the website and till then we want to, again, thank you for the support and wish you a Merry Christmas.

Sideshow IPA Palettes by The AFX Company

Sideshow Family

The Allied FX company is widely known for their professional-grade IPA (Isopropyl alcohol activated) palettes under the name Bluebird FX and their latest addition to the family: Sideshow, an affordable, quirky, high-grade palette that since its launch in February has in short order become a go-to for makeup artists across the spectrum of the creative fields.

“With a clever mix of old favorites and brand new colors, the sideshow palettes are stealing the show for their cost-effective quirkiness. “

Currently, a range consisting of 7 palettes (with other elements being added soon) each with its own unique color set and vintage style cover image, the palettes are designed carefully to suit a particular requirement and has the savvy of a team who are working artists themselves looking to make not just their jobs a little simpler but also a little more fun, beyond the quirks you can see what is a genius move for the Allied FX Company, opening the door to a whole host of new clients from students to professionals the Festival range is perfect for those working in the low to mid-range budgets of film and TV (with the increasing use of internet services such as HOD TV, Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Streamlette, this will be a welcome addition to a makeup kit) and carries over the larger, high scale budget productions, a professional palette that transcends its price range of $59.10 in Australia (in the UK £36) and puts a whole new slant on character work and development.

  • Body art: designed for body art and tattoo creation.

  • Bruiser: a unique and carefully structured palette suited to its name, bruising.

  • Dark Ride: a series of day glow shades that come to life under blue light.

  • Dead-Alive: Perfect for zombies and illness, the death pallor look of haunted houses and Halloween.

  • Gore: for the creation of scratches, cuts, and wound filling a box of tricks that is worthy of note.

  • Gothic: aethereal and suited to those deeper, more cool tones looks (think vampire).

  • Rouge: designed for breaking down and creating crusty characters and drunks.

For us at the lost creatives, yes we can see a use for the whole set but standing tall in this are 2 in particular that we are adding to our working kit via creative director and head of makeup JamesC, to match the work and styles of shoots we have planned for TV and print: Bruiser and Gore, which will be perfect additions to our work and will see multiple uses with the possibilities of this range being endless and others coming into play with projects in development (early stages of scripting).

In what is a market-led move, the Allied FX Lab are tackling and offering up quality products at a lower price point without compromise, the AFX company are amongst an elite of the profession and are pushing the boundaries of the makeup world giving us what we need to create the most realistic (and surreal when required) and putting the prosumer at the heart of their thinking.

The Festival range fits perfectly with a wide array of requirements and situations including:

  • Students.

  • Film and TV production professionals.

  • Haunted House.

  • Halloween artists.

  • Cosplay.

To learn more about the range or to purchase see:

The Allied FX company website.

The Allied FX company Instagram.

The Allied FX company Facebook.

MonsterFX Supplies

Founded in 2014, MonsterFX has become a staple of artists kits worldwide.  From its humble roots in a spare room to a respected and loved brand of character appliance suited to the film, TV and print market.  

Created inhouse and developed by UK artists, the brand has gone from being an intellectual exercise and Halloween sideline to a cottage industry with global reach that has seen the product range increase to the now 40+ prosthetics including classics such as “the mummy” to the more contemporary “zombie” with the most commonly required casualty sim pieces.  

A horror artist dream when working to a tight budget the team is happy to talk terms and will even create custom pieces and orders when required.  The inhouse sculptors all bring something unique to the table and have built a stellar reputation both for their work with MonsterFX and within the industry. 

From a professional artist whose work goes across various budgets and constraints, the scope and potential of the MonsterFX range is epic and offers a creative playground that will not only add dimension to film and TV projects but save cost without compromising on quality.  

With the constant changes and innovations in the market, the company is excelling in the character field and giving artists of all stripes access to the best possible products and materials making the work of a makeup artist a little simpler and creating happy productions with the depth of horror required to offer thrills, chills and on Halloween a dimension of fear that will be unrivaled at parties.

To learn more about the Monster FX range or to purchase see:

MonsterFX Website.

MonsterFX Facebook.

MonsterFX Instagram.

MonsterFX Youtube.

MonsterFX Twitter.

Lola Makeup The New TV Makeup Staple

An industry insider and consumer adored brand, Lola makeup has been savvy in its approach to the cosmetics market and what it means to be a pro makeup line with a wider audience appeal and from a purely business perspective sits high on the list of film, TV, and fashion forward-thinking brands for the European artists working kit.

Starting with their incredibly smart and strategic work with the UK’s own Next Top Model (season 12), one of two sponsors for the show, to the current support of the Voice in Spain, they have proven themselves to be a cosmetics line that is suited to the rigors of fashion and TV with an eye for detail they are standing tall in the market.

Lola makeup is fast becoming the new TV makeup brand of choice with more and more professionals seeking them out for their cohesive and camera ready cosmetics.”

With plans to make the entire range vegan by the end of 2020, the team is working with a leading cosmetics developer on the creation of additional shades to the foundation amongst other elements in play it is really exciting from a creative stance to see the brand develop even further.

They are taking steps toward new and exciting areas and with their fashion/TV-oriented (but still a consumer-friendly) for example, the cream shadow pencils available in 4 colors can be played to suit your needs and is a classic example of what makes them a brand that is taking a pro stance for TV, fashion and more giving us the kind of products that have longevity and hitting the markers not just for the consumer but for the working artist who needs cosmetics that perform.

Working forward Lola is and continues to be a range that is pro driven, HD ready, vegan-friendly and suited to all aspects of the professional makeup artists’ needs.

To learn more about the brand see:

Lola Makeup website.

Lola Makeup Instagram.

Lola Makeup Twitter.

Lola Makeup Facebook.

Brushwork Cosmetics Customisation a Professional Take

As the creative director and senior makeup artist of the Lost Project and Lost Creatives, I do work in different areas from film and TV through to fashion and editorial. My working kit is something I am constantly working on editing it by adding or changing up the kit but one thing I am really big on is an investment in key components such as makeup brushes. With this in mind when I saw the news that Brushwork Cosmetics was offering customization throughout January, I knew I had to talk about it from a professional stance.

While I appreciate this is a limited offer (for the month of January) it is really savvy for artists in makeup such as bridal and salon, fashion, film, and TV, to take advantage of this deal and here’s my reasoning why:

  • Customized brushes with your name on the handle are easy to keep track of when you're on a job or with a client.

  • It adds an extra dimension, think of it, clients will see this and know that you have taken time and care over what you have in your working kit and shows you have invested in your business.

  • This also allows you to add your brand to the brush and it becomes a subliminal part of your marketing when you post images on social media. People will be aware of your name and associate it with professional brushes.

As someone who is a brush aficionado, I do support and endorse the range and this added dimension of “tagging” is for me a fantastic option that as stated above allows you to keep track of your kit. Brushwork Cosmetics as a whole offers Japanese Heritage brushes and cosmetics that are beyond compare and offer a premium range of well-curated brushes and cosmetics that sit beautifully in a working kit with or without the customization.

To learn more about the range or to purchase see:

Brushwork Cosmetics Website.

Brushwork Cosmetics Instagram.

Brushwork Cosmetics Facebook.