global talent

Introducing Alejandro Forcado Filmmaker

Having just completed his latest film project, which we will be talking about soon, we wanted to talk in detail about his work and introduce the talented Alejandro Forcada whose work has garnered international praise and accolades within the film community.

As a start to introducing your work in film and media, can you tell us more about yourself  and what you do?  

I’m a filmmaker since 20 years ago. I begun taking acting classes when I was twelve years  old, but later it got my attention the behind scene cinema business. For that reason at 18 years  old I introduced myself in Cinema school until I became a filmmaker, obviously that process  took its time, however with passion, love, commitment and hard work/ study I’m a filmmaker  as I do today. Although I’m a screen writer and most of my short films have been written by  me.

Can you tell us more about your past projects and what you are currently working on?  

In my career as an indie filmmaker I developed myself making not just short films, between  them I have made video clips, documentaries, tv shows and commercials. But If I honest, I’m  still making such productions, the small difference right now is that my big focus is totally headed in showcasing on international film festivals, with an unique objective to get in that  world and keep myself in that way to stay as a real indie professional filmmaker in cinema  matters. 

What is your biggest obstacle to creating films and what would you is your biggest  achievement as a filmmaker?  

Like everyone else who have had all kind of obstacles, in my case the biggest obstacle was  the lack of support, I mean about the goverment regarding at cultural issues or cultural  developments staff who almost never have heard us to supporting to carry on such projetc.  But beyond of it that I din’t have their help, that kind of experience helped me a lot to be  more self - sufficient and provide resources I needed from another more solid perspective  and I Can tell you about the mentioned experienced was the best thing ever happened to me,  because of that I’m the man I’m, and not just in my profession…in other senses of life as  well.

What does the future hold for you and your team in media and creative terms? What can we  expect to see from you?  

What I’m able to see so far about my “future” in media and creative or film terms, well…as a  team and my self are making a great sacrifice and effort to get what we feel on creative  business. We currently are having very good results both worldwide films festivals including  international press. Through those real evidences we’re living…we can ensure we’re in the  right way. Of course If we keep our philosophy how we manage such matters, we’ll have a  prosper future in the mentioned areas.

Is there any advice you would like to offer to people entering the field of film that you wish  you had known when you started?  

The advise…I mean I never advise anybody, but something I do is sharing my experience,  therefore the suggestion or recommendation is that anybody can give up themselves, we know is a hard path…we know takes time to get what we really wish…but never…ever give up…is  not an option…THE OPTION IS TO KEEP ON MOVING…ALWAYS…DESPITE ALL.  Another recommendation is to change the strategy of your goal/ objetive. We can’t use the  same method / strategy or plan…we need to change them according to every circunstance we  face, but there is something else: THE LOVE..THE PASSION FOR THIS PROFESSION  you never let that finish…you never let that fire goes out…before all…you keep on. That’s a  promise…doing in that way…you will get much more things you have expected.

To learn more about Alejandro and his work see:

Accion Films YouTube.

Accion Films Instagram.


Whouknow a New Marketing Tool

We were really intrigued by the idea of the site Whouknow for marketing targetting the creative side of the world and opening up doors to new and interesting prospects with both clients and collaborators. The site itself is straightforward to set up and our creative director JamesC has already thrown his cap into the ring and created a profile.

“There's no such thing as buyers and sellers in creative communities, which is why Whouknow works the way you do. We've also thrown in a bunch of other features that'll make your life a whole lot easier.”

Whouknow offers the option to set a base budget and offer your services to projects on other terms such as barter, it has real scope for marketing and has gathered some interesting talents to the table who are open to opportunities and marketing their skills through the site.

Naturally, we plan to use this as a part of our upcoming projects and where possible source additional team members to the fold for this. In fact, with our 3 shorts and a small-scale commercial/showreel project in the works, this could be something positive and give us access to a host of new faces to work with which is a real boost to our goals both short and longterm.

We recommend you go check out the site and see the potential for yourself:

Whouknow website.

Whouknow Instagram.

Whouknow Facebook.

Whouknow Twitter.


Showcasing Talent: Introducing vShowcards

What started as a dream and project on paper has become a force to be reckoned with in the casting world, vShowcards is fast becoming the place to be seen and has garnered attention from casting agents, directors, actors, and more as the team takes their passion for acting and all things media, and offers up a new portal for talent.  

Building on their own experiences as working actors, the team behind vShowcards has gone one step further than the average casting site and brings back the personal to the process with their social media presence on Twitter being part of the discussion, supporting, and promoting each other, whilst talking about their own frustrations within the business giving the whole thing a more family feeling, taking the isolation out being an actor and putting the emphasis on friendly support that is refreshing for talent and has in short order created a series of questions about their status in the market, a positive move that has taken them from outside the bubble to a companion and contender.  Talent is being seen in a new form and it is to vShowcards credit that they are building on the successes of the initial launch with a host of new elements to be revealed soon. 

Looking to reach out to creatives across the spectrum, vShowcards is the epitome of a new wave that has been steadily building across the film and TV realm as digital platforms become more common, the need for artists and creatives has increased with the traditional sources losing ground to newcomers like vShowcards whose dedication to their clients, focus, drive, and passion, has shown them to be open to new ideas and avenues with an eye for detail, the sites entire ethos is built on showcasing and supporting people versus collecting names.

There is a raft of digital production houses that are looking at the site and seeing the potential for productions built entirely with vShowcard people, an accomplishment that is new for many and shows the scope and talents of the people already in place.  

Leading the way and taking on the market with a fresh perspective vShowcards is more than just a casting and crew site, it is the future of the industry’s new wave and a force to be reckoned with.  

To learn more about vShowcards or to join see:

vShowcards Website.

vShowcards Twitter.

vShowcards Facebook.

vShowcards Instagram.


Creating a Narrative

When I talk about creating a narrative what I mean is keeping the story linear. Each aspect of what the Lost Concept is has to fit smoothly with the other elements and gel. From the language, I use in The Lost Stories to the way I talk to a potential or existing client.

As the founder and creative director of the Lost Project and Lost Creatives, I do spend my time on the background work and fitting the pieces together. With shoots planned and brand campaign articles to write for PR agents its a matter of juggling my time to fit in what is feasible in a day.

Checking the stats on both our websites, we can see a real global reach to the Lost Project and the start of something similar to the Lost Creatives that is really gratifying given the short amount of time we have been working on this.

Seeing a pattern to the stats is giving us the team a more concrete sense of what we need to do and how to focus our energy on moving forward from a business and geographical stance.

We really are grateful to our audience and will be working on showcasing the other elements of the business very soon, we are looking at relocating and equipment, adding new stock for shoots and so much more is planned much of which will be put in motion in 2020.

The Lost Concept is growing and we cannot be prouder and will be increasing our marketing over the next few months to make the whole package even bigger.

Working Smart in a Hustlers Market

Working Smart in a Hustlers Market

We are taking our time over how and where we market ourselves as a business, building the groundwork before we go full scale in 2020 with our projects in the wider media spectrum. We are focusing on the bigger picture overall and adding smaller details as we go.

To us, the hustle of creating in this market is part of our reason for taking time to get things right, dotting the I’s and crossing the t’s to ensure that every single aspect of the work is clearly defined and fits our brief and look.

We are working with some amazing talents across the globe and have a solid idea of what we want to do and how we want to approach this from a business perspective it does look slow but trust us when we say it, there is a method to the madness.

Aside from our studio based shoot plans, we will be doing a series of location shoots in the UK focused on the Lost Boys and Lost Girls concept taking the dynamic of these ideas and expanding it in a visual context and padding out the idea overall to match our vision.

With our media plans, we have in place the HOD TV option for horror and thriller (they have some amazing projects already in place) and Streamlette who are nonexclusive and open to all styles of shoots, that we will be working with to push our film and TV projects.

Taking the initiative has always been at the heart of our work and will continue to be so, The Lost Concept is built on experience and expanding to encompass and support creative talent.