assisting reality

September in Fashion With The House of iKons

ikons digital show

With the world in a state of flux and so many changes underway it was gratifying to know that fashion is always going forward and at this moment in time, House of iKons took the lead and showcased talent (as they always do) taking the designers from the catwalk and showing them in a new light with a digital showcase for their Septembers fashion week event. A rare insight has been offered into the world of fashion and it was as grand a spectacle as we have come to expect but, with a uniquely iKonic twist.

With a stable of established designers under the iKons family umbrella, there was also a sense of the new and it was all pulled together in a way that gave us a glimpse into the ateliers of some of the worlds finest design houses from couture bridal and gowns to streetwear and kids clothing, the access and insights into the mind of the creative talent was beyond comparison.

From humble roots to one of the top 10 off schedule fashion shows in the world. From all across the globe, The House of iKons showcase has opened the door to new and exciting paths for everyone from the backstage staff to the designers and dressmakers, and this latest show in its digital form was a hit with the “attendance” hitting the high notes of views on the day and opening up the world of fashion to a diverse audience and tells everyone that fashion has no limits.

To learn more about the House of iKon see:

House of iKons Website.

House of iKons Facebook.

House of iKons Instagram.

House of iKons Twitter.

House of iKons Youtube.

Restructuring The Lost

Restructuring The Lost

With our two blogs (Lost Creatives on the professional side and Lost Project on the consumer), our creative director JamesC, and a new site in the wings, the overall concept of The Lost as we started it has grown in the last 2 years into a much bigger and much more refined business that while it was our plan, is still surprising how things have changed for the better. In the next few weeks, we will be adding heavily to the various galleries we have of our work and making amendments to the overall layout and general themes of our work to better fit what we feel in the direction we are heading in. What this means is we will be changing a few of the frequently asked questions, designated accounts, and announcing the longer-term plans and goals of how we will progress in business terms including that of our base location.

*We did consider an office but in the current climate that seems like a redundant step that would be overly complicated and serve no purpose for what is coming into play.

Admittedly many of the changes will be small and have a minimal effect on the business there is something larger that will be taking public soon that focuses heavily on the vision of founder, creative director, and head of makeup JamesC, who has led the charge on the basis of “be the change you want to see.” Creating The Lost and carefully selecting who we work with, researching and planning, taking additional training as and when required, he has taken the lead on the business and we do want to offer a nod to the Nepal Film Production team who have offered up several opportunities and been a huge supporter of the work we are doing.

In an industry that is evolving and changing we fully intend to make the most of the digital landscape in whatever format we can and we are taking steps to ensure that our work is seen in the best possible light with more updates on this coming soon we are really excited about the future of The Lost.

The Show Must Go On With The House of iKons 2020

With so many changes in the world at large, it is gratifying to see that The House of iKons has found a way to continue their creative vision of supporting talent in the realms of fashion. While fashions weeks across the globe are on hold and catwalks are postponed Savita Kaye and her team has decided that the show must go on and the talents must be seen and that is taking the form of a digital showcase.

The House of iKons started as a means to bring new and emerging talent into the world of fashion, London being the heart of fashion week and the iKons show has become a staple of this with the kind of global coverage that is so in-demand.

From the backstage crew to the designers themselves, the opportunities that The House of iKons has created are above and beyond expectations and has seen the show rise not only in local terms but globally featuring designers from every corner of the globe.

Established and new designers, makeup staff, backstage crew, and press flock to The iKons Show to be seen and to learn, which makes it even more important that that the team has found a way to showcase with a digital platform:

“The business of fashion is thriving and The House of iKons is a star attraction in that space with innovative designers and a catwalk that has become a worldwide phenomenon and talking point with good reason.”

Launching the digital show on September 19th the list of designers, brands, and speakers, such as the talented Johny Pach, The House of iKons is fast becoming the new benchmark for independent fashion events across the world.

To learn more about the show, or to discuss sponsorships, showcasing your designs, or getting involved see:

House of iKons Website.

House of iKons Facebook.

House of iKons Instagram.

House of iKons Twitter.

House of iKons Youtube.


Taking Online Courses

Continuing education has become a much easier prospect in the last few months with courses available in a wide array of subjects including suitable training for those in the media industry that professionally add dimension to your work and are well worth taking the time to do (roughly one hour for health and safety training). We are really pleased to say that our creative director and head of makeup JamesC, has completed and passed the Safe Sets COVID 19 Level A certification on behalf of The Lost Agency to ensure that our team is leading the way forward and ensuring that all of our staff are safe at work.

We would really like to thank the team at The Makeup Armoury whose blog details options of different training including Barbacide certificates for salon and freelance workers.

At this time we are advising our partners to share and take the course themselves for future work and we will be taking additional online training in other areas of both the fashion and media business to expand on our creative work and give our team an extra edge as we move forward in 2020 into 2021 allowing us to be more cohesive and offer a better service to our clients.

Our plan is to take on photography and creative direction courses to augment our work in editorial and later add to this with courses in direction for film and TV.

Pushing forward we do recommend and will be asking for the Safe Sets COVID 19 Level A certificate as part of working with our team *as will many companies so it is worth doing to ensure that you are up to date with your health and safety training.

The Changing Face of The Lost Business

While we are restricting our movements and only going out when we absolutely need to, we decided to look at the future and what will become of business as time goes on. It is fairly positive and we can see already changes to the market that will be making massive waves to how we view the media world.

There will key aspects of the current climate we will be maintaining such as having smaller shoots and focusing on story rather than just an image which we have talked about before but never seemed to find the time, from a photographic stance it really is interesting working out how we can do this and still have a cohesive narrative.

On a film and TV side, our favorite writers are working from home happily and have taken it under advisement that we want thrillers and horror that can and should be creatable on a smaller budget to fit with the requirements of the current market, will offer us quick turn around for shoots and of course minimal cast and crew requirements which will be a challenge in and of itself that we as a team we look forward to. The Lost Concept is something we are immensely proud of and can see the potential to take our initial idea of moving The Lost Boys and The Lost Girls as a story for stills and to turn this into a storied TV series with a dark edge built around individual stories and characters.

In the interim, we are working on designs, talking to our remote teams as best we can, naturally, we are very worried about our Indian and Nepal contacts and wish them the best at this time of full lockdown in their countries. However, everyone is in good spirits and has been positive so far.

The future is something we cannot solidly control or predict but we do know that we will continue our work for as long as we can. We will finish this by asking that our readers stay safe and well, keep positive and we will all be back to work soon and entertaining the world.

Expanding our Horizons With The Lost Agency

There is a number of different ways to look at the word agency which is partly why we are using it. It can be referenced to a management service or the idea of self-agency which in psychological terms is taking control of your own life, both are apt in the case of the lost agency. We wanted to have some degree of management and self-rule over our work which is overall what the lost concept is and why we are now bringing in The Lost Agency as part of our business future.

We often talk about the changes that have become part and parcel of the industry (both good and bad) and how commercial makeup, in particular, has become something of a “lost art,” instead the salon/party style is taking over and newer artists are focusing on the more personal side of the industry leaving people who want to work on the more film and TV level or commercial media side lost in the mix which we found frustrating as did some of our actors.

Focusing on the in-house staff we will be managing a small number of people and business elements as part of the ongoing work of The Lost Concept building on the creative, artistic and media work we have already done taking things forward and bringing The Lost Vision to new levels.

At the forefront of this will be our creative director JamesC who will be heading up more of the media elements and being central to the staff requirements for upcoming work taking a stronger more managerial stance and running The Lost Agency whilst simultaneously developing editorials and project work such as TV shows and photographic work for the sites portfolio and marketing needs.

What this means for the future of The Lost Creatives is we will be posting on the blog requirements for crew and looking at offering training positions on our work and tackling larger-scale projects. One of which we are close to finalizing at the moment with some fantastic brands/designers supporting the concept giving us a chance to showcase the creative work of our team.

Later in the year and into 2021, we will also be looking to put forward bids to take a team to London for off-schedule events during fashion week:

“Our plans and any work within the confines of The Lost Agency and affiliated sites/companies will be subject to agreed terms and a code of conduct. “

Stay tuned for news and updates on The Lost Agency and more in our blog.

Product Placement and Behind The Scenes

While we have been slow in going public with much of what we are doing, we are always working. Not just on the blog aspect but other elements and it has really started paying off for us in terms of a photo project and 2 short films with other aspects still in negotiation or set to be discussed soon.

In terms of the photo project, it has been split into different elements and lengthy calls and meetings have been held over the actual content in terms of how it will be shot, managed and promoted across the varying networks we have open to us and this took us down the path of product placement (which we are working through already and have a provisional interest for the editorial side from a designer in London).

Our creative director JamesC, has found a series of deals and offers with his preferred format of online magazines that will give us tear sheets and covers that will be promoted across the board, with a view to utilizing our resources in the designer realm and with our other contacts across South Asia at a later date, allow us to shoot editorials and submit with a higher percentage chance of publication with some careful structuring and planning at the creative director level.

Brushwork cosmetics code JamesC 10% discount

Something we are going to push is the “behind the scenes” element, capturing the team at work, focusing on the creative aspect because our talks are taking us down the line of makeup with options and avenues that we are keen to pursue heavily.

In the coming months, we will open this to allow for smaller packages and individual project support giving placement in the behind the scenes, in the projects themselves (for film and TV) and looking closely at building our own magazine.

The Lost Concept has been building slowly and we are really proud of what we have achieved and will be showcasing this in more detail soon with a series of new sites and public projects.

*featured image example of product placement is for Brushwork Cosmetics (promo code JamesC 10% off).

MonsterFX Supplies

Founded in 2014, MonsterFX has become a staple of artists kits worldwide.  From its humble roots in a spare room to a respected and loved brand of character appliance suited to the film, TV and print market.  

Created inhouse and developed by UK artists, the brand has gone from being an intellectual exercise and Halloween sideline to a cottage industry with global reach that has seen the product range increase to the now 40+ prosthetics including classics such as “the mummy” to the more contemporary “zombie” with the most commonly required casualty sim pieces.  

A horror artist dream when working to a tight budget the team is happy to talk terms and will even create custom pieces and orders when required.  The inhouse sculptors all bring something unique to the table and have built a stellar reputation both for their work with MonsterFX and within the industry. 

From a professional artist whose work goes across various budgets and constraints, the scope and potential of the MonsterFX range is epic and offers a creative playground that will not only add dimension to film and TV projects but save cost without compromising on quality.  

With the constant changes and innovations in the market, the company is excelling in the character field and giving artists of all stripes access to the best possible products and materials making the work of a makeup artist a little simpler and creating happy productions with the depth of horror required to offer thrills, chills and on Halloween a dimension of fear that will be unrivaled at parties.

To learn more about the Monster FX range or to purchase see:

MonsterFX Website.

MonsterFX Facebook.

MonsterFX Instagram.

MonsterFX Youtube.

MonsterFX Twitter.

Its All In The Details a tale of Two Beads

One of the fun things about arranging shoots is talking to the other more remote members of the team about details such as bracelets and other jewelry, do we go custom or search charity shops for pretty and unique costume pieces? All of this had to be discussed at length along with different styles and possibilities for our upcoming cover shoots.

In all of the discussions which have covered a range of subjects from clothes to jewelry it has become something of a tale of two beads, with our shoots designed around more of an old school method of character creation:

  • Hero/heroine with lighter color tones and softer touches to the clothing and accessories.

  • Villian more about dark colors and textures.

Amber (Richards) our wardrobe stylist normally works on films and wanted to take this on as a challenge to her own skills and has been really good about creating/sourcing pieces from her own collection, all handmade by the lady herself, and is going to create some specific pieces that will be worn not just by the models but by creative director JamesC for the headshots to be featured on his new portfolio site.

Our first of the female-led shoots is based around a beautiful jacket and set consisting of a pastel green necklace, earrings and bracelet, a portrait shot, this will be submitted to a newer magazine with an amazing following on social media and an aesthetic we at The Lost team can fully get behind.

Lord and Berry Supporting The Fashion Elite

With fashion week coming up and so many shows, designer showcases and events happening across the globe that it is impossible not to talk about one of the leading brands working behind the scenes in the European fashion scene: Lord and Berry. A staple of Milan fashion week and a standout during London and Paris, the company has become a go-to for the premiere event artists of the world for their cohesive, professionally-oriented and comprehensive makeup line.

From a professional stance, the Lord and Berry range is growing to meet the demands of designers and models with key elements and new products that are designed to fit the beauty industries’ commercial needs. As many of us know (especially those from a show background be it theatre or fashion) you need products that are going to work, be cost-effective and give you a comprehensive range from the base (foundations) to shadows that will work with your business.

What catches the eye with Lord and Berry, aside from their stellar credentials, is the dedication. From its start in 1992, when it was considered a niche brand to the current ties to Milan Fashion Week and a household name, they have created a clean, simple line with all the hallmarks that for working artists mark it out professionally as a brand to know, not just developing products in their lab they are using them backstage testing the limits and showcasing the potential of their makeup.

*Noteworthy products like the cream blusher and the new Skin Control Primer (must-see items for the bridal artists and of course fashion) are taking the world by storm, and rightly so, showing the savvy of the team who are thinking of their working artist clientele and giving us products that will work on editorial, event and more. The creme foundations with their clear and concise range of tones and the clever use of plastic bottles making them lightweight and easy to use which realistically in a working kit is a major plus point that shows the thought process behind the company working at fashion week, full understanding that we artists need to travel and extra weight can be a strain.

With a professional discount program: for details of the pro discount click here, their extensive fashion week credentials and of course the range itself, they are in the top list to have in a working kit by many professional makeup artists in the industry today.

To learn more about the Lord and Berry range see:

Lord and Berry UK Website.

Lord and Berry Facebook.

Lord and Berry Twitter.

Lord and Berry Instagram.

*Image courtesy of the lord and Berry website.