creating the show

The Full Depixym Kit

depixym kit

The team behind Depixym paints have been building the brand and it is now seen as a staple for many in the realms of fashion and print with film and TV artists also reaping the benefits of what is a multipurpose cosmetic grade emulsion that can be used to create a wide array of looks and fits neatly into a working kit. Taking the step to create what can only be described as a covetable working case housing the full collection of the Depixym paints, they have given the artistic a professional case, a full collection in one place of colors that can be blended to make anything that you may require as a makeup artist.

Depixym is a brand that looks at the artist and sees what they need, the tubes are styled to look like traditional art materials and work in any given situation, editorial and creative artists have taken the brand to heart and are creating a storm on social media while others are integrating the range into the more day to day elements of their business, a truly must-have range that needs to be seen.

The newly launched Pro Program (we have joined) offers an even wider incentive to the professionals and has opened the door to new and exciting possibilities, which for us is perfectly in line with the editorial goals we have in motion.

To learn more about the company or to purchase see:

Depixym Website.

Depixym Facebook.

Depixym Instagram.

September in Fashion With The House of iKons

ikons digital show

With the world in a state of flux and so many changes underway it was gratifying to know that fashion is always going forward and at this moment in time, House of iKons took the lead and showcased talent (as they always do) taking the designers from the catwalk and showing them in a new light with a digital showcase for their Septembers fashion week event. A rare insight has been offered into the world of fashion and it was as grand a spectacle as we have come to expect but, with a uniquely iKonic twist.

With a stable of established designers under the iKons family umbrella, there was also a sense of the new and it was all pulled together in a way that gave us a glimpse into the ateliers of some of the worlds finest design houses from couture bridal and gowns to streetwear and kids clothing, the access and insights into the mind of the creative talent was beyond comparison.

From humble roots to one of the top 10 off schedule fashion shows in the world. From all across the globe, The House of iKons showcase has opened the door to new and exciting paths for everyone from the backstage staff to the designers and dressmakers, and this latest show in its digital form was a hit with the “attendance” hitting the high notes of views on the day and opening up the world of fashion to a diverse audience and tells everyone that fashion has no limits.

To learn more about the House of iKon see:

House of iKons Website.

House of iKons Facebook.

House of iKons Instagram.

House of iKons Twitter.

House of iKons Youtube.

Frederick Edward Social Commentator and Youtuber

We wanted to look at other elements of the media including Youtube commentators and a prime example of this would be Frederick Edward who took the leap into the world of social and historical commentary giving his viewers a unique insight into the world at large. Already a respected writer with articles featured in The Conservative Woman, he is taking steps in this new direction and bringing a new perspective to the public dialogue.

Frederick Edward Social Commentator and Youtuber

Frederick Edward Social Commentator and Youtuber

Can you start by telling us a little more about your background and what led you to set up a youtube channel?

Starting a YouTube channel is something I had intended to do for years. However, I never quite got round to it. I was always interested in issues surrounding politics and ideas but had been a consumer of content rather than a producer. Perhaps I lacked confidence or was just busy with other things. For example, I spent thousands of hours in my twenties learning Chinese – an unforgiving task which I’m still trying to find a post hoc justification for.

As strange as it may sound, the thing that made me decide to become more active was the death of Roger Scruton – the finest conservative philosopher of our age. Very suddenly, one of the most robust defenders of Western civilization was no longer around. While I am in no way suggesting that I in any way fill the vast gap left by his death, it made me realize that it is ultimately up to us all as individuals to speak plainly and enter the realm of debate. It is too easy to leave it to others to do the heavy lifting!

Tell us more about your target audience and what makes your channel unique?

I’m not sure whether I have a specific target audience in mind. My guiding principle is to make videos or write articles on topics that I find interesting; hopefully, this cathartic endeavor will resonate with people. My worry would be that if I try and target myself specifically to anyone niche I would end up adopting a style or lines of argument that aren’t necessarily mine. Putting on an act in that way is ultimately self-defeating.

In terms of uniqueness… that is hard to say. There are many incredibly erudite, talented, and insightful people who put out content online. I leave it to my audience to decide in what ways my endeavors create value-added in that realm. Nevertheless, over the last few decades, mainstream media has become victim to an intellectual and cultural monoculture that fails to speak to a majority of people, meaning appetite has grown for people who will say things that would certainly be unwelcome in an issue of The Guardian. I most definitely fall into that category – I’m yet to receive an invitation to write a column for that esteemed publication.

As a “YouTuber” are you a solo worker or do you have a team?  What has been your biggest challenge in creating your content?

Other than my mum making me the odd cup of tea, I’m a one-man-band. There were a few hurdles to overcome when I started producing videos – specifically that I had never used a video editor – but the process has not been as technically difficult as I first envisaged.

The greatest hurdle for me, instead, was the very act of speaking in front of a camera. Feeling comfortable, sounding natural, and cogently expressing thoughts when just speaking to the camera on your phone is something I still have to try and get used to. Going through all this, I definitely have a newly discovered respect for people who can deliver pieces in one, seemingly effortless, take. I’m quite not at that point myself. 慢慢来!

What is the future of your channel?  What is the longterm plan for your work?

I will continue to make videos alongside all of life’s other commitments. I think the next stage would be to learn how to make more visually engaging content: when you see a video that has unique and interesting visuals it can be hard to take your eyes off it. There are some YouTube channels that do this incredibly well and deserve their large audiences.

Otherwise, I will try and write more articles as well. While YouTube is a good platform, one wonders what may be at work behind the scenes in the website’s algorithms. As such, getting my articles and videos out there on other platforms is something I will increasingly try to do.

What advice would you offer to anyone looking to set up a channel?

Get ready to put in a lot of work and don’t be disappointed if you don’t strike gold immediately. It is peculiar to see some people’s attempts immediately translate into stardom, but the reality is more likely to involve a great deal of effort and long hours staring at your YouTube channel’s statistics and worrying about SEO.

More broadly, I would advise people in general – but also those who are thinking of starting a channel – to speak plainly and not to be cowed by the opinions of others. Be honest and speak truths as you see them. Honesty is a commodity that is increasingly in short supply today, and the truth is our greatest weapon in combatting the madness we see around us.

To learn more about Frederick or to follow his channel and social media see:

Frederick Edward Youtube.

Frederick Edward Facebook.

Frederick Edward Twitter.

Frederick Edward Parler.



Interviewing Andreas Samuelson Director of Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie

In what is a tour d force of fun and a prime example of low budget done right for the horror/comedy market, we wanted to talk to the creative mind behind the film Andreas Samuelson whos tongue in cheek Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie is a heady mix of thrills, chills and cheap laughs that is worthy of praise.

What was the motivation behind making Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie? 

I wanted to make a movie but didn’t have a budget so figured the best film to make without money was a bad one. So the concept of spoofing bad movies, specifically B-horror, was born. I also wanted to offer a horror-comedy for the LGBTQ audience, and a kind of gender-swapped exploitation film where the women kick ass and the men are sex objects.

Did you face any major challenges in making this and how did you overcome them? 

Working with a low or no budget is always a challenge. You have to do 15 people’s jobs at the same time and really pull magic tricks when it comes to assembling cast, crew, makeup, special effects, costume, etc. I was very lucky to meet and gather amazing people who contributed not only with time and talent but their own gear and resources.

Are you planning more films in the future and if so will you be using the same team? 

I would love to. Me and my editor/cinematographer, Rickard, have been talking about maybe making a sequel. I’m also writing on other stuff. It’s all about opportunities. Producers and financiers are hard to find… But I have too many ideas to not make something more before I eventually kick the bucket.

What does the future hold for you as a director/producer? 

Networking and finding new people to collaborate with. Aim for more serious projects outside the horror parody genre.

Do you have any advice for people looking to make their first film or TV project? 

Aim small. I went a little overboard with a lot of different locations, actors, and special effects. Even the simplest film takes a long time to make and a lot of things don’t turn out as you plan them. So a lot of time and patience. And good, loyal people you rely on.

Who is the source of your filmmaking inspiration? 

For this particular film, I was very inspired by John Waters, both his earlier work and cult movies like “Serial Mom”. Low-budget horror studio Troma was also an inspiration as well as the humor from “Airplane” and “Naked Gun”.

To watch the trailer or purchase the film see:

Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie Youtube.

Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie Amazon.

Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie Vimeo.

Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie Facebook.

Restructuring The Lost

Restructuring The Lost

With our two blogs (Lost Creatives on the professional side and Lost Project on the consumer), our creative director JamesC, and a new site in the wings, the overall concept of The Lost as we started it has grown in the last 2 years into a much bigger and much more refined business that while it was our plan, is still surprising how things have changed for the better. In the next few weeks, we will be adding heavily to the various galleries we have of our work and making amendments to the overall layout and general themes of our work to better fit what we feel in the direction we are heading in. What this means is we will be changing a few of the frequently asked questions, designated accounts, and announcing the longer-term plans and goals of how we will progress in business terms including that of our base location.

*We did consider an office but in the current climate that seems like a redundant step that would be overly complicated and serve no purpose for what is coming into play.

Admittedly many of the changes will be small and have a minimal effect on the business there is something larger that will be taking public soon that focuses heavily on the vision of founder, creative director, and head of makeup JamesC, who has led the charge on the basis of “be the change you want to see.” Creating The Lost and carefully selecting who we work with, researching and planning, taking additional training as and when required, he has taken the lead on the business and we do want to offer a nod to the Nepal Film Production team who have offered up several opportunities and been a huge supporter of the work we are doing.

In an industry that is evolving and changing we fully intend to make the most of the digital landscape in whatever format we can and we are taking steps to ensure that our work is seen in the best possible light with more updates on this coming soon we are really excited about the future of The Lost.

As Summer Ends We Are Starting New Public Projects

everything is connected

As we close out the summer and move into autumn, the change in weather is also a good time for the team to really push through with some new editorials and change up the digital portfolios, look at online training, and add to our marketing strategies with carefully chosen platforms and later this month release the new websites we have been planning in the background.

We are truly honored to have been working with Lord and Berry, who have agreed to support our upcoming work and we will be sharing images and other stories with the team soon. What really pushed this for us was the fact they are a sustainable brand and cruelty-free which for us was an important aspect especially in the current climate, the wood pencils (an absolute must in our view both eye and lip) are worth checking out if you are in the market for high quality, fashion-led cosmetics, **we really do recommend you look at the pressed powders in transparent, peach and banana.

Add in some of the amazing brushes from Mykitco our creative director JamesC, has recently purchased with a view to restyling his working kit to suit the upcoming very public projects we have planned we wanted to share two of the brushes we think people need to consider as an “artist must-have” in your kit:

My Ultra Multi

My Cream Shadow

Something we will be adding very soon for both hygiene reasons and the practicality of it is the My Clear Palette, which is designed to allow you to custom blend color, foundation check, and is a convenient size to add to a working kit (with a spatula for decanting).

We have been watching the magazine world really closely and thankfully the ones we are looking to shoot content for have open submissions at the moment and we will be able to gain some covers and tears in a relatively short amount of time that we will be using for marketing, supported by our media partner Nepal Film Production, who have come up with a fantastic offer for filmmakers that have projects that are ready to be sold (contact us for further details).

The last few months have felt really strange as we have been unable to release some of the work due to client terms and contracts, so now that we have more support and a little flexibility to what we do and how we release it, we are going to spend time focusing heavily on what will be the beginning of a much more focused and driven period in terms of video and still output.

***We are looking at online courses for production and expanding on the creative direction side for our team to ensure that they are up to date on technique, we have already started this with added health and safety training.

For The Lost Creatives, the days have been busy and we are excited about what the future holds as a team we have and will continue to work with a commercial eye to the creative world.

The Show Must Go On With The House of iKons 2020

With so many changes in the world at large, it is gratifying to see that The House of iKons has found a way to continue their creative vision of supporting talent in the realms of fashion. While fashions weeks across the globe are on hold and catwalks are postponed Savita Kaye and her team has decided that the show must go on and the talents must be seen and that is taking the form of a digital showcase.

The House of iKons started as a means to bring new and emerging talent into the world of fashion, London being the heart of fashion week and the iKons show has become a staple of this with the kind of global coverage that is so in-demand.

From the backstage crew to the designers themselves, the opportunities that The House of iKons has created are above and beyond expectations and has seen the show rise not only in local terms but globally featuring designers from every corner of the globe.

Established and new designers, makeup staff, backstage crew, and press flock to The iKons Show to be seen and to learn, which makes it even more important that that the team has found a way to showcase with a digital platform:

“The business of fashion is thriving and The House of iKons is a star attraction in that space with innovative designers and a catwalk that has become a worldwide phenomenon and talking point with good reason.”

Launching the digital show on September 19th the list of designers, brands, and speakers, such as the talented Johny Pach, The House of iKons is fast becoming the new benchmark for independent fashion events across the world.

To learn more about the show, or to discuss sponsorships, showcasing your designs, or getting involved see:

House of iKons Website.

House of iKons Facebook.

House of iKons Instagram.

House of iKons Twitter.

House of iKons Youtube.


Sideshow IPA Palettes by The AFX Company

Sideshow Family

The Allied FX company is widely known for their professional-grade IPA (Isopropyl alcohol activated) palettes under the name Bluebird FX and their latest addition to the family: Sideshow, an affordable, quirky, high-grade palette that since its launch in February has in short order become a go-to for makeup artists across the spectrum of the creative fields.

“With a clever mix of old favorites and brand new colors, the sideshow palettes are stealing the show for their cost-effective quirkiness. “

Currently, a range consisting of 7 palettes (with other elements being added soon) each with its own unique color set and vintage style cover image, the palettes are designed carefully to suit a particular requirement and has the savvy of a team who are working artists themselves looking to make not just their jobs a little simpler but also a little more fun, beyond the quirks you can see what is a genius move for the Allied FX Company, opening the door to a whole host of new clients from students to professionals the Festival range is perfect for those working in the low to mid-range budgets of film and TV (with the increasing use of internet services such as HOD TV, Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Streamlette, this will be a welcome addition to a makeup kit) and carries over the larger, high scale budget productions, a professional palette that transcends its price range of $59.10 in Australia (in the UK £36) and puts a whole new slant on character work and development.

  • Body art: designed for body art and tattoo creation.

  • Bruiser: a unique and carefully structured palette suited to its name, bruising.

  • Dark Ride: a series of day glow shades that come to life under blue light.

  • Dead-Alive: Perfect for zombies and illness, the death pallor look of haunted houses and Halloween.

  • Gore: for the creation of scratches, cuts, and wound filling a box of tricks that is worthy of note.

  • Gothic: aethereal and suited to those deeper, more cool tones looks (think vampire).

  • Rouge: designed for breaking down and creating crusty characters and drunks.

For us at the lost creatives, yes we can see a use for the whole set but standing tall in this are 2 in particular that we are adding to our working kit via creative director and head of makeup JamesC, to match the work and styles of shoots we have planned for TV and print: Bruiser and Gore, which will be perfect additions to our work and will see multiple uses with the possibilities of this range being endless and others coming into play with projects in development (early stages of scripting).

In what is a market-led move, the Allied FX Lab are tackling and offering up quality products at a lower price point without compromise, the AFX company are amongst an elite of the profession and are pushing the boundaries of the makeup world giving us what we need to create the most realistic (and surreal when required) and putting the prosumer at the heart of their thinking.

The Festival range fits perfectly with a wide array of requirements and situations including:

  • Students.

  • Film and TV production professionals.

  • Haunted House.

  • Halloween artists.

  • Cosplay.

To learn more about the range or to purchase see:

The Allied FX company website.

The Allied FX company Instagram.

The Allied FX company Facebook.

Lord and Berry Touch Up Blotting Powder

lord and berry touch up powder

When it comes to makeup for fashion Lord and Berry has set a benchmark that is hard to beat, the range is a staple of various fashion weeks and additions like the Lord and Berry Touch Up Blotting Powder add not only to a professional backstage kit for LFW but to that of the working artist such as our creative director JamesC whose eye for commercial detail is drawn to the brand for its credentials, quality, and an array of savvy products designed for fashion and available to the world.

From a purely practical stance, JamesC prefers pressed powders for their convenience: you can slip them easily into a working kit box/bag, they take up less space, and in the form of the Lord and Berry touch up powders they offer a simplistic solution to minimizing your kit without losing quality. The 3 shades are ideal for a working artist kit and offer a multifaceted and cross-gender solution to finishing a look for print or video.

  • TRANSLUCENT: it is a white-toned powder meant for just about every skin tone because it turns invisible when applied to the skin.

  • BANANA: it is a yellow-toned powder which works its magic to offset any redness, illuminate the skin, neutralizes dark under-eye circles, and set makeup – and the best part is that it works on any skin tone.

  • JUST PEACH: it is a peach-toned powder designed to give brightness to a dull complexion, to neutralize blue tones and set makeup. It works on any skin tone.

On a purely practical stance, these 3 powders have been tested at various fashion weeks making them perfect for a downsized kit and suitable for a working professional who needs quick solutions to on shoot problems. *Well worth noting that a pro discount is available making this an even more appealing brand for the professional arena including those in bridal, film, TV, and fashion (from live events to print).

To learn more about the range see:

Lord and Berry Website.

Lord and Berry Instagram.

Lord and Berry Facebook.

Lord and Berry Twitter.