new wave media

IC9: A Glimpse Into The World of Film Courtesy of vShowcards

The Lost Creatives team always appreciates when we are given insight and a little bit of the background to a project and as always vShowcards has been part and parcel of that by bringing to our attention the new police drama IC9.

Tackling the controversial and very contemporary issues of people trafficking and illegal immigration, the film looks at the personal as well as the professional from a police woman’s standpoint as she hunts for her sister and discovers a startling, dangerous truth about her own family coupled with the harrowing insight into the world the trafficked people find themselves in.

With a stellar team both in front and behind the camera including such leading actors as Georgia May Foote (coronation street) and Richie Campbell (Grace, liar, ITV) and of course vshowcards founder and all round actor of note Darren Tassell who has (with permission) given us access to the documentation and files for the project.

vShowcards works hard as a casting site and has also played a part bringing in such excellent talent as Richie Campbell, and Georgia May to peoples attention thanks to their savvy use of social media and contacts, each member of the team of course brings their unique talents to the table and add dimension to a nail biting script by Kyle Titteron and Gulshan Singh making this more than a film but a true showcase of talents.

With filming underway at the moment, stories and images are leaking out that show not just a cast and crew enjoying the work but adding to a film that is gathering attention not just from social media buzz but from interested parties looking to the project to see what is happening in the business including bloggers, journalists and potential viewers who are seeing snippets and images sneaking through, the anticipation for this film is rightly high.

IC9 is a large scale UK indie production that is a showcase of talent, ingenuity and intrigue. A truly welcome project that will hit the high notes and with the support of vShowcards and many others who are seeing the potential of cinematic projects and how it can be achieved with the right people backing you.

Naturally, we will be happy to support the ongoing work and cannot wait to see the final film, we will be talking to key team members about the project itself looking at the casting process, making of, and what the future is for the production team.

For more information on vShowcards and what they do see: The vShowcards Website and stay tuned to the blog for further updates on the project.

The Behind The Scenes Podcast is Now Live

If you are a mover, shaker or media maker, then the Behind The Scenes Podcast is the place to be seen and a must for keeping up with what’s happening. Started as a way to bring the behind the camera people to the forefront, it is already offering up insights into the background work of the creative realm that would otherwise be unseen and showing how much deeper the work goes than just the stage or a screen.

We are privy to some of the upcoming interviews (one of which will be our own JamesC) and know how much time and effort is going into this from a purely creative stance, it is already on our watch list. Lost Creatives being a behind the scenes blog, we are fully behind Stephen the founder of the Behind The Scenes Podcast and cannot wait to see more and highly recommend watching and subscribing to the channel and other social accounts.

A special nod goes out to the cast and crew at City Theatre who are amongst the early interviewees and offered up some interesting insights into the world of theatre casting and acting.

To learn more or to subscribe see:

Behind The Scenes YouTube.

Behind The Scenes Twitter.

Behind The Scenes Instagram.

Behind The Scenes TikTok.


Talking Politics and YouTube With That Preston Journalist

Building on his early success, Ashley aka That Preston Journalist, has opened up to The Lost Creatives about his journey as a podcaster and journalist in the YouTube sphere.

Since we first talked to you about your You tube channel and political commentary, what has changed for you as a podcaster and how has that affected your channel? 

When we first spoke, my channel was very much in its infancy. Since then, it has grown bigger than I thought and continues to pick up around a thousand new subscribers each month. As a result, it no longer feels like a hobby or a past time, it is now something that is very much part of my daily routine. As the audience grows, the content I put out has to be taken more seriously as well. When I first started, I was talking to maybe 100-500 people, now the channel generates 50,000-100,000 views per day so it has to be good. 

Working to YouTube restrictions on what you can talk about is difficult, but when it comes to politics, most things are OK. I have also been asked by other channels to appear with them as well which I have done on many occasions, but the main passion is always with the daily content. 

“It is also quite nice to be recognised by people in the street, I am by no means a celebrity, nor do I wish to be, but it does happen sometimes and it is always nice to hear that someone enjoys the channel because it takes up so much time and a lot of effort goes into it.”

One of the things that stands out about your work is you talk from a working man's perspective rather than the usual political bubble stance. What do you think makes this important and how can people be more involved in the discussions? 

One of the biggest compliments I get is that I am a working class man from a working class background. I am not part of the establishment, I live and work in the same streets and towns as the people who watch me, this means I am far more relatable than someone sat in a studio in London who knows nothing about life outside the M25. 

I am very lucky to have an active audience who leave thousands of comments on my channel every week. Its fantastic to see so many people engaged, it shows that the content is interesting and thought provoking, which is exactly what I want. Also, in terms of YouTube, the more comments and interaction you get, the more it aids the channel algorithmically.

Are there political aspirations in your future or do you have other goals in mind that you can share with us?  

I have harboured political aspirations in the past, but to be honest, I, like many millions of people in this country, am politically homeless. This, I feel, helps the channel because it gives me some impartiality. I can never say never about maybe standing for a party one day, but it won’t be any of the current parties, they all represent the same things and do not represent me. 

I would like to do further media work, perhaps radio or even TV discussion shows, but they are such a closed shop to anyone who isn’t, or hasn’t in the past been a part of the media scene. I am in no hurry to do either really, my channel gets more views a day than some organisations who spend millions of pounds on presenters etc… such as GB news and Talk TV. IF any opportunities did come my way, there is no way I could sacrifice my YouTube channel, it has taken a lot of dedication and hard work to build it up to the position it is in now and I wouldn’t throw it away for anyone. 

What message would you like to convey to your viewers and potential viewers in terms of what you are doing as a podcaster highlighting the political realm?  

The idea of starting the channel came to me because I was so frustrated with the group-think media we have in the UK. Whoever you watch on the TV, whether it be the BBC, ITV, SKY etc… They all say and think the same things, it's just a big echo chamber. 

I wanted to present a different side to politics in this country, what I would consider to be the opinions of the silent majority who are not represented, but these are the people who decide elections, they deserve to hear news from all different aspects. 

If anyone reading this is wondering whether or not to give it a watch, I would ask them to ask themselves, do you believe everything you are told by the mainstream? Is there not another point of view out there to consider? If the answer is yes, then my channel is the place for you. 

I discuss all sorts of subjects in relation to politics and try to remain impartial most of the time, but I do it with passion, so the impartiality lapses sometimes, but I feel that adds character to the videos and debates. Some people who watch my channel don’t even agree with me most of the time, but they keep watching, so I guess that means I am doing something right, if people keep coming back for more, the content must be worth watching. 

To learn more or to subscribe to “That Preston Journalist” Channel see:

That Preston Journalist YouTube.

That Preston Journalist Twitter.


The Lost Creatives Christmas

In the last few weeks of 2022 (where has the time gone!!??) The Lost Creatives has gone from strength to strength, don’t get me wrong there have been pitfalls, but overall we have been able to create a network of people that is amazing, offer PR and other forms of support to fellow creatives that was after all the goal of the site.

Christmas for us, will be a time of relaxation with a heavy focus on what will be done in the new year, with commercial work and PR for clients having been the heaviest part of our workload, our creative director JamesC, will be returning to work as a makeup artist on a more open basis and taking on smaller projects to bolster the public side of his work and spending time on some personal projects that will be featured not just here on the Lost Creative but his own site and our partner site The Lost Agency who will be taking a heavier hand in our own marketing and internal affairs. *This means we will be returning to Instagram soon!

We have had some disappointments lately, with meetings and reaching out to potential collaborators falling through mainly due to scheduling issues which as you can imagine as a freelancer, has been a pain, however that will not stop us from pushing forward and with our ties to HOD TV, we will be focusing on that for the future and tackling things in a much more hard-line manner.

Our passion for the arts is not waning, far from it, we have collated magazines, festivals and other information that we intend to make full use of for ourselves, up until now we have put a vast amount of time into clients and not been able to put the lost concept at the forefront but, we are incredibly proud of the fact people have trusted the team.

In the next few weeks we will be releasing our goals and a schedule for this through the site along with a few snippets of art projects to test the waters.

For the moment we are going to allow ourselves a little breathing space for the festive season and release more information soon and options to get involved.

Talking Books and Films With Ivan Peric

Over at The Lost Creatives, we are big fans of Ivan Peric and his book on filmmaking, taken from his own experiences and offering a solid plan for making and selling your work that resonates with our team. We are extremely thankful that he took some time out of his schedule to talk to us and open up about what he has been doing since the launch of “Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie!”

You are returning from a break after the release of your successful and lauded book “Don’t F*ck Up Your No-Budget Movie!” What have you been doing in that time that you can share with us?

Thanks for this question as it touches upon something that we don't often hear about, and that's taking ''breaks". Taking the time to not do anything and just relax. You scroll down your social media feed and all you see are people pushing the ''hustle'' and "grind'' lifestyle, it's rare you see someone talking about taking it easy and pacing yourself.

“The reality is that everyone needs to take breaks every once in a while in order not to burn out. This is especially true for us artists and digital creators.”

Most of us have full-time jobs and families, so all the extra work we put into our projects ends up taking a toll on our bodies. Just like any car, it doesn't matter if you use it for work or leisure, the mileage always accumulates. So that's what I did, I just took a break from it all, acting, writing, producing...My agent was sending me auditions and I just couldn't get myself to do them. I was physically and mentally drained.

I had written DFYNBM during the pandemic, the editing process was a lot of work and a lot of back and forth with the editors, then the publisher released it pretty quickly so I had to be on my toes and start promoting it right away.

With the uncertainties of the pandemic, everyday life at work, and writing this book, I never got to take a step back and refocus. After a few months ''off'', I now feel great and motivated to continue working on my plans for this book and other projects!

You have spoken quite openly about how your workflow has changed thanks to your experiences in filmmaking, taking you from actor to director/producer to give you control over your projects, how has this affected your style as an actor overall, and is it a method you would recommend?

Yes, I would definitely recommend any actor to pick up a camera and produce something themselves! It's the best experience and you get to see through the eyes of a producer and director. For me, understanding the process gave me much more confidence as an actor.

Once you get to understand how things work, you put much less pressure on yourself. Most young actors are very self-conscious, always wondering what everyone on set thinks of their performance. I was like that, always looking for that validation. By becoming a director yourself, you get to understand that performing is not that complicated and it often doesn't take that much of a ''performance'' as some actors might think.

It definitely grounded my acting style. Every subtle moment is blown up by 1000% on the screen, so it made me understand that less is more because the camera catches everything. You also get to understand the point of view of the director much more.

I remember being a young actor and being devastated by any notes a director would give me after a take. I would take it personally and couldn't understand why the director didn't like my performance. But the truth was that the director never disliked my performance, he just wanted to see something different and push me as an artist. Producing also makes you appreciate every single person on set. You see and understand that everyone has an important role in a production. You just respect everyone more, and out of that respect comes better performances because you want to contribute as best as you can to the project.

What is next for you in the creative arena? Do you have any new projects planned? Will
you be taking your method on the road and teaching the Ivan Peric method of filmmaking?

Every time I come back from a break I want to do it all! I feel inspired to act, write and produce! But I know I will have to focus on one thing at a time. I wasn't 100% satisfied with my book launch as it was rushed by the publisher and I didn't have much time to market it before I had to take a break. So the first thing on my list is to continue to push my book and get it out there to as many people as possible. Yes, one of the ways I will be doing this is by starting workshops for aspiring filmmakers. I would love to have seminars all around the world and inspire others to start making their own movies.

My main goal with DFYNBM was to inspire people who might not have a big budget, or any budget at all, to produce their own feature films. I believe these seminars can complement the book very well by being not only inspiring but also informative and entertaining.

I have so many stories and anecdotes I would love to share that didn't end up in the book! I will start locally here in Montreal, then hopefully expand to the rest of Canada and the US. The next goal after that would be to go overseas! I will also slowly get back into acting. I already have a few auditions lined up that seem like fun. There are also some unfinished scripts I'd like to work on and hopefully produce.

What advice would you offer anyone entering the film or TV arena as an actor, producer, or director?

Make sure you are getting into it because you absolutely love it. Don't do it for some kind of fame or fortune because there is a 99.9% chance you won't get it. Do it from your heart and not your ego. Take classes/workshops, and learn as much about your craft as you can. Watch a lot of movies and shows!

There is a lot of great content out there and so many outlets where you can expose your work. There is no excuse these days, the technology is affordable and platforms are always looking for fresh ideas. Finally, just do it! Pick up your digital camera or iPhone and just go out there and shoot. If you're an actor, record yourself doing scenes or shoot skits to keep yourself sharp, and never give up!

To learn more about Ivan Peric and his work or to purchase his excellent book see:

Ivan Peric Website.

Ivan Peric Instagram.

Ivan Peric Facebook.

Ivan Peric Twitter.

Ivan Peric Youtube.

Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon UK.

Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon USA.


The House of iKons Team Pay Tribute To a Life In Service

While fashion shows may seem to be a frivolous concept and far removed from Royal duties, the House of iKons team from the models, to the crew, paid tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth the second at their September show. Firm supporters of Royalty, the iKons team took the time to say goodbye in a way that only a world-leading fashion event house could.

The House of iKons models and crew show respect for the departed Queen Elizabeth the second at the September show.

Such is their support for Royalty, the team has been working closely with the Thai Royal family, an even more poignant partnership when you consider how much goes on behind the scenes of the Royal households and with the death of our own Monarch in the UK, a much loved, hardworking, woman who changed with the times, we see the same with her majesty Queen Sirikit, an advocate of women and strong supporter of the Thai industries such as hemp and silk production.

The show was as to be expected, a spectacular example of creative talent from the designers to the models and the creative talent backstage who worked hard to make the show happen and at the right time showed their respect for our late Queen.

The event was Sponsored by: The Fashion Life Tour & amp; Girl Meets Brush

Fashion Show Segment One:

  • GRAND OPENING: ICHKA & Chiangrai Culture

  • Love Collection

  • Phor Popes represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • BC Munich

  • Marcel of London

  • Viviene Tsai

  • Drisha’s Closet represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • CLC Couture

  • Fashion Disorder represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Grindei Denisa

  • L Royal Luxury Sports

  • Stormy Weather represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • GRAND FINALE: IMFAM BY Howe Magazine

Segment Two

Talking Film and Starting Out With Alex Chalatsis

As part of the upcoming new team and production house Dead Origami Films, we have been lucky enough to talk to Alex Chalatsis about his entry into the industry and what his plans are for the future.

Can you give us some background on yourself and your career to date?

I’m from Greece and currently studying Drama & Theatre at Royal Holloway University because I think England is the best country on this side of the Atlantic to pursue this dream and eventually work in the entertainment industry. I am currently working on productions laid by Dead Origami Films and really enjoy my time there, working with equally passionate people to create something we are truly proud of. My resume is still relatively small mostly due to my age, but I am working on enriching it with quality projects as the years come.

Indie film commonly requires that crew multi-task, have you found yourself working more than one role on a project and what do you feel you have learned from that?  

 Yep, crew multi-tasking is a thing alright… I have done my fair share already. It really showed me how much useful it is for a filmmaker to be informed about everything because they are all connected, and I am interested in walking that path, learning about everything as much as I can. Filmmaking feels like cooking in some ways to me. You have a lot of separate ingredients that you try to figure out the correct amount to put in and make a tasty dish. You better know what each ingredient is and does!

You are part of a newly formed film production team, what is your role, and what is the plan for the company?  

 I’m fortunate enough to have found like-minded people with a similar vision of what they want to do in the future. The plan as of now contains 5 short films. Our current one is “Brutus” which is a modern adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (Act I, Scene II). Next, we’ll be doing “Garmr”, which is going to be the surrealistic exploration of a deranged WWII sniper. After which we’ll be doing two more modern adaptations of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and “Romeo & Juliet”, and finally “Iscariot: House of the Red Door”, all of them challenging and exciting in their own ways, building us up to our first feature film planned for 2024.

“My role in all of these will vary since I’m interested in various roles in filmmaking and still trying out and willing to learn new stuff, so I will be a little bit everywhere, I guess… I like to be involved in films and keep myself busy, I really enjoy it.”

What advice would you offer to people looking to enter the arena of film and TV in the digital market?  

I think I still haven’t broken into that “arena” myself to advise others in the first place, but I would say be nice to others. It’s advice that would be helpful in life in general and regarding filmmaking, connections are really important since you end up spending a lot of time with each other on set, it would be better if you get along! I hope in a few years I will have a more insightful answer.

To learn more about Alex and his upcoming work with Dead Origami Films see:

Dead Origami Films Twitter.

Dead Origami Films Facebook.

Dead Origami Films Instagram.

Dead Origami Films Youtube.


The House of iKons Meets Liberte International Digital Agency

As we move closer to September and The International Sensation that is The House of iKons show, it is interesting and worthy of note that they are collaborating with Liberte International Digital Agency to create a whole host of digital avenues for their creative talent that will change the landscape of fashion.

With familiar faces sponsoring the event such as The Fashion Life Tour, and Girl Meets Brush who both bring something unique to the table and offer up their own skills and talents, it is the introduction of the Liberte International Digital Agency that has really grabbed peoples attention.

Focused on management and creation in the digital realm from virtual shows to digital currency, the Liberte International team has garnered notice and a stream of celebrity clients from across the spectrum, combining this with The House of iKons, a show that is in the top 6 international independent fashion events, no small feat and testament to the team, the sponsors and the business savvy of founder Savita Kaye, this collaboration opens up a wide array of digital doors for creative talent in design and other elements of the industry to expand into the metaverse.

Liberte International Digital Agency will be part of the networking and exhibition opening of the House of the iKons show (click here for more details on the lineup for the show), For further information on The House of iKons or Liberte International Digital Agency see:

The House of iKons Website.

The House of iKons Tickets.

Liberte International Digital Agency Website.


Opening Doors For Working-Class Actors By Patricia Jones

There has been a push to get more working-class people into actors but with that, there has been little to no attempt at providing any information or support, which is why we at the lost creatives were very happy to be able to talk to Patricia Jones, a working actress of note, and the author of the book “Opening Doors for Working-Class Actors.” 

Opening up to her readers about her own journey from her Northern English roots, and struggles, her honest and upfront approach to the art of acting offers up hope for those who want a career in the arts and shows that it can be done. 

The book itself covers the basics of starting out and takes you through the process, offering advice based on experience, anecdotes about people she has met, and how her own life shaped her journey. 

Each chapter sets out a map of the craft and puts you in a position to set a clear path from starting out to finding yourself an agent, with a series of current options that are designed to be researched and cross-referenced to fit your plans, budget, and aspirations. 

Something that stood out for us was the reference to theater as a learning platform, we are big advocates of working on stage as an actor or backstage as a crew member, you will learn a huge amount about time management, voice work, character development and working to the constraints of the stage, another plus is the short and student film market, both of which can give you a chance to build showreel material and network (a very important part of the job of an actor). 

The *book “Opening Doors for Working-Class Actors.” is a book that has been needed for many years and in a content-hungry age of digital downloads, shows that the craft is not just for those with financial means, it is a journey that can be made by anyone with the determination to do it. 

With the full support and endorsement of The Lost Creatives, the book “Opening Doors for Working-Class Actors” is something we highly recommend to anyone looking to delve into the world of acting or to expand their knowledge of the working world of actors. 

To learn more about Patrician Jones or discuss bookings see:

Patricia Jones Twitter.

For further details of the book which is available in Kindle, hardback and paperback format see:

Opening Doors For Working Class Actors Amazon UK.


Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! By Ivan Peric

As an accomplished filmmaker and actor in his own right, Ivan Peric has become something of a maven for the digital content market and with his book “Don’t F*ck Your No Budget Movie” takes you through the hard-earned and hard-learned process that took his passion for acting and film to a wider audience, detailing the process with retrospective ease to help others in the same place.

Working backward, Ivan Peric talks about his own experience of starting out as a filmmaker taking the mistakes he made, the lessons he learned, and compiling them into an easy-to-follow and frankly common-sense manner that will change the way you look at digital filmmaking and selling your product.

Many new and established filmmakers have the belief that “If I make it, they shall come,” and focus on film as an art form rather than a commercial venture, which if you want to make a career out of this is the wrong approach and often leads down the path of shelving a project. What this book focuses on is taking the art, and the commercial, combining the two, and producing work that will be a showcase of your talents and commercially viable.

What is really refreshing about “Don't F*ck Your No-Budget Movie” is the candor with which Ivan approaches the process, he openly talks about how hard it was to make things happen and why, giving a first-hand view of what he did, how he achieved it and what pitfalls he faced in the journey.

As a team, we can see the value in this book and fully endorse it, our team has worked behind and in front of the camera for over 20 years and we decided that we wanted to focus our energy on producing for ourselves which we had a broad idea of what was involved from previous work, however, taking that knowledge (along with our contacts in distribution, casting, etc), alongside the stellar advice offered by Ivan Peric in his book, we can clearly create a path that will reduce the process of creating a TV or film project and streamline it making it a much more cohesive journey. *It is worth noting even with the experience we have it is always good to source additional information and add to the arsenal of information we have in our pocket, which this book did by verifying our thought processes and giving a clear and concise plan that filled in certain gaps in our knowledge.

To learn more about Ivan Peric or to purchase the book see:

Ivan Peric Link Tree.

Ivan Peric Twitter.

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon UK. (Kindle, Paperback, and Hardback)

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon USA. (Kindle, Paperback, and Hardback)

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Barns and Noble USA

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Google Books.

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Apple Books.
