kindle books

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! By Ivan Peric

As an accomplished filmmaker and actor in his own right, Ivan Peric has become something of a maven for the digital content market and with his book “Don’t F*ck Your No Budget Movie” takes you through the hard-earned and hard-learned process that took his passion for acting and film to a wider audience, detailing the process with retrospective ease to help others in the same place.

Working backward, Ivan Peric talks about his own experience of starting out as a filmmaker taking the mistakes he made, the lessons he learned, and compiling them into an easy-to-follow and frankly common-sense manner that will change the way you look at digital filmmaking and selling your product.

Many new and established filmmakers have the belief that “If I make it, they shall come,” and focus on film as an art form rather than a commercial venture, which if you want to make a career out of this is the wrong approach and often leads down the path of shelving a project. What this book focuses on is taking the art, and the commercial, combining the two, and producing work that will be a showcase of your talents and commercially viable.

What is really refreshing about “Don't F*ck Your No-Budget Movie” is the candor with which Ivan approaches the process, he openly talks about how hard it was to make things happen and why, giving a first-hand view of what he did, how he achieved it and what pitfalls he faced in the journey.

As a team, we can see the value in this book and fully endorse it, our team has worked behind and in front of the camera for over 20 years and we decided that we wanted to focus our energy on producing for ourselves which we had a broad idea of what was involved from previous work, however, taking that knowledge (along with our contacts in distribution, casting, etc), alongside the stellar advice offered by Ivan Peric in his book, we can clearly create a path that will reduce the process of creating a TV or film project and streamline it making it a much more cohesive journey. *It is worth noting even with the experience we have it is always good to source additional information and add to the arsenal of information we have in our pocket, which this book did by verifying our thought processes and giving a clear and concise plan that filled in certain gaps in our knowledge.

To learn more about Ivan Peric or to purchase the book see:

Ivan Peric Link Tree.

Ivan Peric Twitter.

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon UK. (Kindle, Paperback, and Hardback)

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon USA. (Kindle, Paperback, and Hardback)

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Barns and Noble USA

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Google Books.

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Apple Books.


Discussions On Publishing With The Red Cape Team

When we were approached by the Red Cape Publishing team to review the new short story collection “Six” by Mark Cassell, it was too good an opportunity to miss in what has become a series of blogs looking at different aspects of the media business. Taking time to ask questions about the publishers themselves and how the business was formed, is the growing presence and support of indie authors in the digital age.

Can you tell us more about Red Cape publishing and the services you provide? 

Thanks for having us! Red Cape Publishing was formed towards the end of 2018, initially as a brand name to cover a few things – my own writing, Leanne’s design work, and some author promo services we had begun to offer. Since then, the range of services has grown, we moved into publishing anthologies towards the end of 2019, and in 2020 began taking on other authors. It’s very much a family-run business, with even our children reviewing books on our website (age-appropriate, of course!). 

What was the motivation for starting your business and building the brand? 

Writing had always been a passion but a few years ago I never would have thought we’d be doing what we are. In 2016 I wrote my first novel (books available on Amazon), with no expectation that anyone would read it and no knowledge of what to do with it when it was finished! I went down the route of self-publishing, learned as much as I could, and put the book out there. At the time, Leanne and I were running a catering business but at Christmas 2016 she ended up in hospital for some time and was diagnosed with quite severe Crohn’s disease. This led to us closing the catering and taking a chance on my writing and building a book-related business from home. It hasn’t been easy and it’s taken a lot of work but the horror community has been great with advice and support and, we hope, we’ve been able to give help to a number of authors as well. 

Is there any advice you would give to aspiring entrepreneurs and potential authors out there looking to get published? 

Connecting with other people is a huge help. Most of the people we first connected with were through some promotional blogs we would run, spotlighting other people’s books. This was done purely to help writers gain a little more exposure and it’s something we still do, of course. Most people are incredibly supportive as so many of us are in the same situation and networking is key to building a following and reputation. 

Regarding getting published, do your research. Look at the presses who work in your genre, see who has open calls and what their other releases are like. Make sure your manuscript is as ready as you can make it. And if you’re submitting to an anthology call, ensure you’ve followed the guidelines. Around 10% of stories we receive get discarded immediately for silly things like having no name on, no title, or too far beyond or under the word count. 

What are the future plans of Red Cape Publishing and how can people get involved? 

Our releases are now scheduled into 2022 so there are many new books coming. We have been releasing a series of horror anthologies (The A-Z of Horror) and submissions for book nine close on May 31st, with book ten opening June 1st (Red Cape publishing submission page ). These are released every 8-10 weeks and see us through to early 2023! May 26th is our next release, and our fifth title from the talented Caroline Angel, Origin of Evil. In June we’ll be bringing out a new anthology (Castle Heights), a cosmic horror novella by Tim Mendees (Spiffing) and J is for Jack-O’-Lantern at the end of the month or the start of July. We have an art book with some flash fiction coming as a collaboration between myself and David Paul Harris (Demons Never Die), an epic dark fantasy from Antoinette Corvo (Appletown), and a trilogy of crime novels from David Owain Hughes. Not to mention my own half-finished books and the submissions we have for consideration. All in all, there is quite a lot on the way and it’s really exciting to be bringing it out. If anyone would like to look at our previous titles, there is a PDF catalog on the home page of our website and most titles are available on Audible as well. 

To learn more about Red Cape Publishing and its authors, or to support the business see:

Red Cape Publishing Website.

Red Cape Publishing Facebook.

Red Cape Publishing Twitter.

Red Cape Publishing Instagram.

Red Cape Publishing Patreon.

Red Cape Publishing Buy Me a Coffee.



A. C. Salter Author

A C Salter

Describing himself as a dreamer, Adrian takes his imagination and lets it run creating an intricate, well-structured mix of urban and fantasy novels that have captured attention and audiences. His first seven novels are now widely available at leading bookstores and Amazon (Kindle and Kindle unlimited).

A former army sniper, his world view is unique and gives an added depth and dimension to what he does from his home in Dorset with his wife, children, a grumble of pugs, and a black cat.

Looking at the first of these books we see the Daughters of Chaos, a dark, dystopian fantasy of lies, half-truths, betrayal set on Earth with the potential danger of merging with a fantasy realm it is a pageturner of empowerment and intrigue that has opened the door to a host of new characters.

To learn more about Adrian or to subscribe to his mailing list see:

A. C. Salter Amazon.

A. C. Salter Mailing list

A.C. Salter Facebook.

A.C. Salter Twitter.