featured brand

Building Your Team Featuring Vshowcards

Something I have seen quite a lot of when on social media is the individualist aspect of marketing, by that I mean promotion of just one aspect of what you do as a creative, forgetting that when it comes to a shoot be it film, TV, or photographic it is a team affair.

One of the biggest reasons we say this is because our own creative director JamesC has reached out to the team behind vshowcards and will be working with them to assess a proposal for upcoming projects.

Networking, promotion and just old fashioned relationship building over time can be a difference maker in the world of film and TV, we rely on each other to make a shoot run smoothly and efficiently so having good relationships with the team make a huge difference.

With Vshowcards you have access to the a huge number of professionals within industry that will support your moves and if you reach out are willing to help and support, you just need to ask.

From an industry standpoint there is so much more than just your skillset to consider, you are a part of a team, the machine works because we do and supporting each other is the way to move forward and building your team is a lot easier when you have all your information at your fingertips and know you can reach out to others with questions.

To learn more about the Vshowcards set up or to join see:

Vshowcards Website.

Vshowcards Facebook.

Vshowcards Twitter.

Vshowcards Instagram.

Vshowcards YouTube.

Source: https://www.vshowcards.com/

Mykitco Brush Box: The Artist Solution For Shoots

When it comes to kit for pro makeup artists (and aficionados) Mykitco has become the go to brand focusing on brushes, tools and storage, they are an artist brand at heart understanding not just the changing face of the business but being on top of the creative needs of its customers base which is why the latest addition to the range: My Brush Box TM is a savvy addition to the brand.

As we all know, how we work as artists has changed with people being more aware of hygiene and looking closer at the way we store our kit, brushes in this case being one of the most important, the Mykitco Brush box is a real plus on that front for a number of reasons:

Brushes can be packed to suit the work at hand with multiples for a shoot being placed in the box on both sides or *as illustrated above, with brushes and small palettes that can be stored quickly and easily to access during a shoot in a set bag such as the Backstage Buddy available in small, medium and now a large backstage buddy option, without risk of damage as they roll around in the bag.

With its core of artistry led design at the heart of the business, it is no surprise that artists including our own JamesC, have taken the brand on as go-to for their professional needs.

To learn more about the Mykitco range or to purchase see:

Mykitco Website.

Mykitco Instagram.

For details on their pro discount click here.

Source: https://www.mykitco.uk/products/my-brush-b...

Introducing The Behind The Scenes Podcast

Entering into the podcast field and offering up a new perspective on the industry is the team “Behind The Scenes” whose upcoming podcast is creating massive buzz before they launch to such a degree that creatives of every stripe are seeking them out to talk.

Going behind the camera is something we at the lost creatives can appreciate to such a degree that our own creative director will be interviewed, and we are supporting the move fully, the leading voice behind this; Stephen, worked as a supporting artist and saw first hand what goes on and the hierarchy of the industry and wanted to give a voice to those who usually don’t get the chance to share their stories. Opening the door to so many new and established faces, the Behind The Scenes podcast is set to be the place to be seen and heard in 2023!

To learn more about the “Behind the Scenes” podcast and subscribe see:

Behind The Scenes YouTube.

Behind The Scenes Twitter.

Behind The Scenes Instagram.

Behind The Scenes TikTok.

Source: https://t.co/fnNxnR5E49

Working The Makeup Dept Budget With Desired FX

In the world of film and TV, budgets can be the biggest constraint alongside time, to the creative process. For the makeup department often this means we have to search out cost-efficient options to create a particular look or downgrade the process to fit the money available, thankfully, there are services like Desired FX that can help with this and give you a budget-friendly, professional add-on to your kit that will push the department ahead.

From silicone wounds to scars, tattoos including bruising and standard designs, Desired FX offers up a range of products that will work for most scenarios and even offers a studio custom service to allow further scope for creativity on a budget.

With increasing options in the digital market from Amazon to HOD TV (Horror on Demand), the indie film sector has never been so popular with the on-demand film/TV sector becoming bigger year on year, but budgets being tight in the circuit, having the option of a team like Desired FX who can provide cost-efficient options for the FX department, there is scope to bring a different dimension as a department head working smart with the available funds.

To learn more about Desired FX or to purchase see:

Desired FX shop ( 10% off on all products with the promo code "JamesClark10")

Desired FX Instagram.

Desired FX Facebook.

Source: https://www.desiredfx.co.uk/

Nepal Cultural International Film Festival 2022

As they move into their 4th year, Nepal Cultural International Film Festival 2022, has showcased films from across the globe and given a new voice to the people in the film world from their base in Nepal, the jewel in the crown of South Asia.

Bringing not only the beauty and culture of Nepal to the global stage, but the NCIFF is also now amongst the most coveted festival awards received in the region, showcasing a wide array of films both feature-length and short with awards in multiple areas including:

  • Best International Women’s Film.

  • Best International Children’s Film.

  • Best International Human Rights Film.

  • Best International Cultural Film.

  • Best International Environmental Film.

This 3-day event has attracted audiences from across the world and with new options available for sponsorship there are now even wider opportunities to get involved and not only promote your work as a filmmaker but to showcase your brand to a wider audience.

To learn more about the festival or opportunities to get involved see:

Nepal Cultural International Film Festival 2022 Film Freeway.

Nepal Culture and Film Center.

Source: https://filmfreeway.com/NCIFF-2022

The House of iKons Team Pay Tribute To a Life In Service

While fashion shows may seem to be a frivolous concept and far removed from Royal duties, the House of iKons team from the models, to the crew, paid tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth the second at their September show. Firm supporters of Royalty, the iKons team took the time to say goodbye in a way that only a world-leading fashion event house could.

The House of iKons models and crew show respect for the departed Queen Elizabeth the second at the September show.

Such is their support for Royalty, the team has been working closely with the Thai Royal family, an even more poignant partnership when you consider how much goes on behind the scenes of the Royal households and with the death of our own Monarch in the UK, a much loved, hardworking, woman who changed with the times, we see the same with her majesty Queen Sirikit, an advocate of women and strong supporter of the Thai industries such as hemp and silk production.

The show was as to be expected, a spectacular example of creative talent from the designers to the models and the creative talent backstage who worked hard to make the show happen and at the right time showed their respect for our late Queen.

The event was Sponsored by: The Fashion Life Tour & amp; Girl Meets Brush

Fashion Show Segment One:

  • GRAND OPENING: ICHKA & Chiangrai Culture

  • Love Collection

  • Phor Popes represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • BC Munich

  • Marcel of London

  • Viviene Tsai

  • Drisha’s Closet represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • CLC Couture

  • Fashion Disorder represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Grindei Denisa

  • L Royal Luxury Sports

  • Stormy Weather represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • GRAND FINALE: IMFAM BY Howe Magazine

Segment Two

Talking Film and Starting Out With Alex Chalatsis

As part of the upcoming new team and production house Dead Origami Films, we have been lucky enough to talk to Alex Chalatsis about his entry into the industry and what his plans are for the future.

Can you give us some background on yourself and your career to date?

I’m from Greece and currently studying Drama & Theatre at Royal Holloway University because I think England is the best country on this side of the Atlantic to pursue this dream and eventually work in the entertainment industry. I am currently working on productions laid by Dead Origami Films and really enjoy my time there, working with equally passionate people to create something we are truly proud of. My resume is still relatively small mostly due to my age, but I am working on enriching it with quality projects as the years come.

Indie film commonly requires that crew multi-task, have you found yourself working more than one role on a project and what do you feel you have learned from that?  

 Yep, crew multi-tasking is a thing alright… I have done my fair share already. It really showed me how much useful it is for a filmmaker to be informed about everything because they are all connected, and I am interested in walking that path, learning about everything as much as I can. Filmmaking feels like cooking in some ways to me. You have a lot of separate ingredients that you try to figure out the correct amount to put in and make a tasty dish. You better know what each ingredient is and does!

You are part of a newly formed film production team, what is your role, and what is the plan for the company?  

 I’m fortunate enough to have found like-minded people with a similar vision of what they want to do in the future. The plan as of now contains 5 short films. Our current one is “Brutus” which is a modern adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (Act I, Scene II). Next, we’ll be doing “Garmr”, which is going to be the surrealistic exploration of a deranged WWII sniper. After which we’ll be doing two more modern adaptations of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and “Romeo & Juliet”, and finally “Iscariot: House of the Red Door”, all of them challenging and exciting in their own ways, building us up to our first feature film planned for 2024.

“My role in all of these will vary since I’m interested in various roles in filmmaking and still trying out and willing to learn new stuff, so I will be a little bit everywhere, I guess… I like to be involved in films and keep myself busy, I really enjoy it.”

What advice would you offer to people looking to enter the arena of film and TV in the digital market?  

I think I still haven’t broken into that “arena” myself to advise others in the first place, but I would say be nice to others. It’s advice that would be helpful in life in general and regarding filmmaking, connections are really important since you end up spending a lot of time with each other on set, it would be better if you get along! I hope in a few years I will have a more insightful answer.

To learn more about Alex and his upcoming work with Dead Origami Films see:

Dead Origami Films Twitter.

Dead Origami Films Facebook.

Dead Origami Films Instagram.

Dead Origami Films Youtube.

Source: https://youtu.be/5yUTi8yI2aU

Talking About An Agents Life With Louise Gubbay

There are so many talents in the creative industries and we are lucky enough to be able to talk to Louise Gubbay about her work as an agent, and how she has built her talent agency and a stellar reputation with production companies as well as actors. Offering insights into the world of casting, Louise brings a fresh perspective to the world of film and TV sharing the journey with us.

Can you tell us more about yourself and your agency?  How you started out and what do you do as an agent in the social media age? 

Firstly, thank you for inviting me to do this Q&A! I sincerely hope everyone that reads this will find it of use.

After spending many years in different parts of the industry, my passion was to eventually become an agent and when the kids came along, I decided it was the right time to set up Louise Gubbay Associates back in 2006.  I have always been a boutique agent representing actors across the board.  

A few years later, I decided to set up an LA side to the agency! This certainly was not an easy task and took many months before I eventually became a US taxpayer! That was a hugely proud moment in my career! The only reason I eventually closed it was because six years of working from 9 am – 3 am Monday to Friday started to make me a tad tired! But it was a very rewarding time! 

”I never trained as an actor and as I occasionally put out on Twitter, that was a good thing as, to be frank, I would be utterly shockingly bad but envy every actor who does their job brilliantly.  When I see my clients on stage, I am like the proud mum in the audience and generally fighting back the tears! “

I believe social media is important for any business.  It helps you connect with others, support others and promote yourself.  The power of social media is extraordinary. For me though, the way I use social media is to announce confirmed castings of any of my clients and support other actors the best I can.

You have become something of a sensation on Twitter for your motivational Tweets and posts about your client's achievements.  Can you tell us what is your thinking behind this and why you feel it is important to show support across the network? 

I am not sure I would go that far but thank you! I didn’t use my Twitter that much until Covid hit us although I would always shout my client’s credits from the rooftops on it. It is a fantastic feeling when they get cast as we all know this is not an easy industry! There is a lot of rejection for actors, so when we get positive outcomes, I need to let the world know! 

When the entire industry shut down back in 2020, I read many tweets of uncertainty from actors, some of who were the ‘class of 2020’ and others who were left with anxiety as to when and how the industry would reopen, much like we all were and I wanted to give support which has carried on to present day and will continue to carry on.  I was (and still am) inspired by my actor John Craggs who runs The Actors Support Network (@network_actor ) and thought that if I could also offer support, then maybe it would give actors additional hope.  At the best of times, the industry is not an easy one but actors need to keep believing in themselves, do what they need to do to market themselves and keep plugging away.  Good things do happen in the biz and whilst some of the time, actors may feel negative, as I always say, a negative will turn into a positive at some point!

I am in my 17th year as an agent and like everyone has good days, bad days, frustrating days, and positive days but I still look forward to starting work on Monday mornings! The best part about our industry is anything can happen in the next five minutes and sometimes, it does exactly that! 

My motivational tweets are usually thought of when I am walking Mr. Sweetface (aka Zeb, the double terrier) out in the gorgeous areas of rural Devon where I am lucky enough to live. It gives me a chance to think about actors who I do not represent and how I can help, advise or support them but predominantly, give them positivity.  It is so important to me. Not every actor will have representation and those are the ones that need guidance to help make that happen.

What advice would you offer someone looking for an agent to represent them and if they are looking to join your books what would be the best approach? 

It is so important for actors seeking rep to keep reminding themselves they too, are a business. Agents get a huge amount of representation requests throughout the year and so it is important to make sure you stand out.

There is no point in sending an email saying simply ‘Hello, I am an actor and looking for representation but I am working on my showreel’ for example.  That is not selling yourself.  I’m not saying many do but the occasional one does come in.

All actors need to have a showreel.  Agents need to see if they can act.  It might sound daft as they are an actor who is approaching an agent but if I had an email such as that with the actor wanting to meet up for a coffee, why would I take time away from my own clients as well as spend money on travel to meet that actor when I have no idea if they can actually act! It may sound harsh but it is reality.

Actors need to be happy with the package they are sending over to agents which would ultimately include headshots and some kind of reel.  If they are starting out, it won’t be a professional reel with clips of scenes they have done on a professional level but they can create their own scenes and that is perfectly acceptable as long as the sound and quality are at a decent level.  Something is always better than nothing! Actors are creatives, so create!

Also, and importantly, actors need to research the agents they are interested in. We don’t expect any actor to just pick one agent to approach at any one time but look and see which ones you think you could be a part of.  Working with an agent is a two-way street.  Both are after the same goal so it is imperative that both sides can work together.  I cannot guarantee that I would get any new client seen tomorrow, the next day, or the next month.  I am not psychic (sometimes I wish I was!) but the most important factor is for any of my actors to have that trust in me knowing that I am doing my job, which thankfully they do but also for me to know that those that who are also starting out are being proactive too.  A saying I have had for years is to never wait for the phone to ring….

This industry is all about selling yourself so actors should pinpoint the highlights of their career achievements so far. This could be that they have just graduated or they have just been cast in a short film or that they have just finished in the West End.  It doesn’t matter how big or small the credit is, it is simply about selling themselves.

Can you tell us what would you say to aspiring agents out there?  Is there any advice you can offer to new and potential agents to help them grow? 

If they really want to become agents, then do it! I feel absolutely blessed to have a job that I am so passionate about and feel the same enthusiasm today as I did on day one.  

I have advised a couple of new agents recently who have got in touch and am very happy to do that as I was a new agent once.  It is not the easiest career to get started but it is doable! Like any business, again, it’s all about marketing yourself, making contacts, and not giving up. When I see new agents on Twitter and see how passionate they are, I will always happily re-tweet them. Support goes a long way for any new business! Make it happen!

To learn more about Louise Gubbay and Associates or to get in touch see:

Louise Gubbay and Associates Website.

Louise Gubbay and Associates Twitter.

Louise Gubbay and Associates Facebook.

Louise Gubbay and associates Linkedin.

Source: http://www.louisegubbay.com/

Finding Solutions

Finding solutions is a big part of the work we do, from our creative consultation work with the Sons of Adonis brand to blogging about shows, The Lost Creatives was built around that concept and we are truly grateful to the people around us, in the last few days our dear friend Keziah Nyam-jim who has been bringing her immense talents in the business world to the table and supporting our changes with some advice, gentle nudges, and more than a few laughs in the process, she has been talking us through options that we would otherwise have missed.

What this means, is we have a much clearer end goal and thanks to Keziah, a timetable to work to, and someone outside of the creative world we live in who is going to give us a critical eye that is much needed looking over the work and plans. Something that we highly recommend.

There are also updates we know are coming to the vshowcards site which will make a huge impact on how we work, and open up doors to projects for many people in the arts and media that will be a gamechanger. Our creative director JamesC, will be amending and changing his own profile with vshowcards and adding the link directly to the website to make promotion a little easier overall.

More updates will be available soon so stay tuned.

Travel and Meeting Contacts Featuring vShowcards

We are really pleased when people reach out, especially when our contacts who have taken time off, come to us to talk about working on something fresh which has been happening a lot recently especially with photographers and a few actors who feel that the time is right to start working on smaller projects to stretch their muscles a little after the uncertainty of the last two years.

Naturally, this has given us the impetus to think a little more deeply about concepts and start stockpiling items that may seem strange but will in the long term be of advantage to us, such as the mix of ready-made prosthetics, butterflies, and other items that would on the surface seem strange.

In addition to this, we are planning a trip to London, part buyers trip and part meet up with friends, although the timing for this has been a little tricky due to family commitments, there are advantages to this that aside from being able to shop, we can discuss plans with the team at vShowcards gaining further insight their upcoming changes (which look to be amazing), our creative director JamesC is already a member which is another reason we want to sit with them and work out some details and add to his profile with strategic work.

What we are planning for is trips to the major makeup retailers, meeting with clients/friends, then returning to Scotland to work on additions to the sites across the board. There is something to be said for this plan that goes beyond the obvious networking, it really is about finding new sources of inspiration on route.

The scope and potential of this trip should be interesting and be a welcome break from the background work we have been doing.

To learn more about JamesC or the vShowcards site see:

JamesC vShowcards.

vShwocards official site.

Source: https://www.vshowcards.com/