behind the scenes film

Cleaning House

cleaning house

The new year has been flying in, with our favourite fashion week event The House of iKons February show now done and the September showcase organization underway, along with a host of new interviews lined up with filmmakers and artists, Lost Creatives has been cleaning house in between to tidy up not just the physical space we use but our online presence.

In terms of our websites we have cleaned up some of the FAQs and changed the layouts to give a more polished look and really focus in on what we want to do in the future, which in turn has opened up conversations with artists and filmmakers across the world who will be part of the ongoing dialogue of the blog.

JamesC, is returning to work as a makeup artist and the new site is ready to go from a design perspective with a very exciting set of projects lined up with Sons of Adonis men’s grooming line that will be a real focus of our future and become integral to the launch of additional elements to the business this year along with artist Stewart Nicol Soutar, whose abstract work will be integrated into editorials and still image work as part of our future designs, an homage to a stellar artist and friend.

What we wanted to do was ensure that all the t’s were crossed and i’s dotted and the work was done with brands and people that fitted with the ethos and plans of the Lost concept.

Conceptually we will release details of our plans and images (editorial and advertorial) that are to be managed by Lost Agency, an arm of the business that is being designed and deployed to support the marketing of the business and offer a higher level of control over how the work is promoted and put the spotlight on the key elements of work chosen.

With so much in the works, we are slow to update the site but that will be changing soon as we launch new sites, projects and additional lines to the Lost Concept. So stay tuned for more news.

A New Year Begins

Now that 2024 is over and a new year begins, we are glad to be able to say that while we have been quiet things have not stopped. In the coming months we will be more focused than ever with a focus primarily on the relaunch of JamesC as a creative consultant and various in house projects moving forward coupled with work with a select number of private clients.

The final few months of 2024 were not ideal in many respects with sudden and drastic changes within the personal we had to slow down some of the more public work that we do but blogging was always going to be a big part of our focus coming into 2025 and it is with that in mind we want to preview what is coming up:

As JamesC makeup artist I have been working quietly on redesigning and redefining my work and while that has meant issues taking on new projects it has not stopped me working on the revamp with a new, fresh site and set of goals in play for the new year. I will be bringing back the behind the brush blog as part of the new site which will focus on consulting and gradually into my own working space/lab that I will be using to give a refined and more focused area that will be a photo/video space and lab for work that will come under The Lost Project Media banner.

Naturally we will continue to support indie talent and offer our services as a PR blog for actors, film and TV projects, etc so that they can promote their projects and welcome people reaching out to talk via email.

Stay tuned to the blog for further updates and news!

Fragmented: a Short Film

Having already garnered festival laurels and awards, the short film Fragmented by Accion Films is a prime example of the excellence that can be found on the indie scene and shows that working outside the mainstream is a valid and in many cases fruitful avenue.

Built around heartache and building to a heart-warming moment of family unity, the creative team led by Alejandro Forcado has given the world a glimpse into the beauty and humanity of his country, the people and brought a familiar concept into a new realm that with an amazing team of creatives from the actors to the crew, and showcased talents that deservedly are receiving accolades for their work.

To learn more about the Accion Films see:

Accion Films YouTube.

Accion Films Instagram.


Propshak Ayrshire

Located in the heart of Ayrshire, Propshak has become the go-to location for creative talent in props, fx and combined with their community focused training academy that is opening the doors to talent from all walks of life the propshak is the place to be and the place to be seen in the Scottish industry.

Working with some of the best and brightest in the media industry, the teams work can be seen across genres from theatre to film and TV with clients ranging from the BBC and Netflix to stage production, it is no surprise that they are fast becoming a force to be reckoned with in the industry and earning a reputation for their workshops that are giving opportunities to learn and hone artistic skills in the creative fields.

The workshops are designed to be about community accessibility with a fantastic team of staff and volunteers training the next generation prop makers and fx artists in everything from masks to moulds, and so much more.

Propshak offers services to meet the needs of the smallest to the largest productions and pride themselves on the quality of their work and commitment to industry standards.

To learn more about Propshak and their work see:

Propshak Website.

Propshak Instagram.

Propshak Facebook.

Propshak YouTube.


Introducing Alejandro Forcado Filmmaker

Having just completed his latest film project, which we will be talking about soon, we wanted to talk in detail about his work and introduce the talented Alejandro Forcada whose work has garnered international praise and accolades within the film community.

As a start to introducing your work in film and media, can you tell us more about yourself  and what you do?  

I’m a filmmaker since 20 years ago. I begun taking acting classes when I was twelve years  old, but later it got my attention the behind scene cinema business. For that reason at 18 years  old I introduced myself in Cinema school until I became a filmmaker, obviously that process  took its time, however with passion, love, commitment and hard work/ study I’m a filmmaker  as I do today. Although I’m a screen writer and most of my short films have been written by  me.

Can you tell us more about your past projects and what you are currently working on?  

In my career as an indie filmmaker I developed myself making not just short films, between  them I have made video clips, documentaries, tv shows and commercials. But If I honest, I’m  still making such productions, the small difference right now is that my big focus is totally headed in showcasing on international film festivals, with an unique objective to get in that  world and keep myself in that way to stay as a real indie professional filmmaker in cinema  matters. 

What is your biggest obstacle to creating films and what would you is your biggest  achievement as a filmmaker?  

Like everyone else who have had all kind of obstacles, in my case the biggest obstacle was  the lack of support, I mean about the goverment regarding at cultural issues or cultural  developments staff who almost never have heard us to supporting to carry on such projetc.  But beyond of it that I din’t have their help, that kind of experience helped me a lot to be  more self - sufficient and provide resources I needed from another more solid perspective  and I Can tell you about the mentioned experienced was the best thing ever happened to me,  because of that I’m the man I’m, and not just in my profession…in other senses of life as  well.

What does the future hold for you and your team in media and creative terms? What can we  expect to see from you?  

What I’m able to see so far about my “future” in media and creative or film terms, well…as a  team and my self are making a great sacrifice and effort to get what we feel on creative  business. We currently are having very good results both worldwide films festivals including  international press. Through those real evidences we’re living…we can ensure we’re in the  right way. Of course If we keep our philosophy how we manage such matters, we’ll have a  prosper future in the mentioned areas.

Is there any advice you would like to offer to people entering the field of film that you wish  you had known when you started?  

The advise…I mean I never advise anybody, but something I do is sharing my experience,  therefore the suggestion or recommendation is that anybody can give up themselves, we know is a hard path…we know takes time to get what we really wish…but never…ever give up…is  not an option…THE OPTION IS TO KEEP ON MOVING…ALWAYS…DESPITE ALL.  Another recommendation is to change the strategy of your goal/ objetive. We can’t use the  same method / strategy or plan…we need to change them according to every circunstance we  face, but there is something else: THE LOVE..THE PASSION FOR THIS PROFESSION  you never let that finish…you never let that fire goes out…before all…you keep on. That’s a  promise…doing in that way…you will get much more things you have expected.

To learn more about Alejandro and his work see:

Accion Films YouTube.

Accion Films Instagram.


A Must See Brand: Narrative Cosmetics

As a makeup artist by trade, I am always looking for new options to add to add to my working kit that will add to my work or give me a wider range of options. Having found Narrative Cosmetics, in particular the FX range, I am really excited about the possibilities to create and for my work in film and TV the budget friendly side that will be a major plus going forward.

While the range offers up a wide array of beauty oriented products, it was the cream palettes from the FX range that first caught my attention and after a little research I can see there being so much more to the Narrative Cosmetics line that needs to be seen.

The FX range covers all the basics and with the addition of a YouTube channel with tutorials, you can utilize the range to create anything from a simple bruise to a creature with minimal fuss and maximum impact. Designed to meet the highest professional standards Narrative Cosmetics is fast becoming the go to brand for creatives across mediums.

Competitively priced, and expanding the range to support a wide range of requirements, you can go from theatrical to HD standard easily and with film and TV being a primary focus of my work, access to silicone compounds for quick wound creation or going old school with wax, the medical grade adhesive is a must see for the cost alone, Narrative has the scope to be a real kit staple.

If you are a makeup artist, no matter the stage of your career, passionate about FX and makeup then I strongly recommend you check out the range from film to fashion you will find something that will boost your kit and open up new potential in your creative work without losing out on quality.

To learn more about the Narrative Cosmetics range see:

Narrative Cosmetics Website.

Narrative Cosmetics YouTube.

Narrative Cosmetics Instagram.

Narrative Cosmetics Facebook.


Introducing The FP Arts Short Film Festival

Film Festivals are a huge part of not just getting your film seen but establishing yourself in the market and it is a real pleasure to see The FP Arts Short Film Festival (founded by Fulfilment Pictures) is bringing this option to the East Kilbride area with its festival opening the doors to networking on a local level and films from the global market together creating a monthly and annual event calendar that is going to change the landscape of film and open up the doors to creative talent across the spectrum.

With two winners each month from the jury’s choice, and a winner based on the audience feedback, this will give people from across the world a chance to have their work showcased. Designed specifically for short films (between five and eighteen minutes including credits), The FP Arts Short Film Festival is gearing up to be the social event of the creative calendar and a chance to network with likeminded people.

The festival categories are:

  • Best Short Film - (With a cash prize of £5,000 and a trophy)

  • Best Actor

  • Best Actress

  • Best Director

  • Best Cinematography

  • Best Original Score

  • Best Editing

  • Best Make-Up

  • Best Sound

  • Best Production Design

*Each category winner receives a trophy, certificate and laurel for their film.

  • Requirements:

  • Your film must have been completed after 1st of January 2023.

  • Running time including credits must be between 5 - 18 minutes.

  • If not in English, have English subtitles.

To learn more about the festival or book tickets see:

The FP Arts Short Film Festival Film Freeway.

Fulfilment Pictures Website.

Event Tickets.


Foreboding: Fractured Applauding The Team

One of the things we applaud and stand with is people who take risks and create on their own terms, seeing the team behind The Foreboding: Fractured do exactly this with a cleverly done horror that takes classic tropes and scenarios and makes them fresh.  

The premise of the film is straightforward and a classic of the genre with the teenage group heading into the forest to camp and telling scary stories over the fire and finding themselves caught up in the tale in a way that they did not anticipate. 

While the styling is simple, the cast and crew did a stellar job of making this their own with some subtle nods to those who came before.  The acting is naturalistic with character types being laid out smoothly, giving each of them a chance to develop and build to a grand finale that is chilling in its substance and still a classic that will have you jumping in your seat. 

From the camera work in the opening that is simple and clean to the more “found footage” style as the story progresses, you can see the passion behind this film and that a tight budget is not enough to stop creatives being creative. 

The Foreboding: Fractured, is a classic example of what can be done on a low budget with passion and deserves the accolades that will inevitably follow when it hits the festival circuit in full.  

Our prediction is that the people behind this are the ones to watch for the future as filmmakers and actors, they are gearing up for big things and this film is an excellent, creepy start on the road. 

To learn more about the film see:

IMDB The Foreboding: Fractured.

Horror Scream Video Vault Interview.

Blazing Minds Interview.

Podcast Interview.

Introducing Screaming Unicorn Productions

In the current content hungry world we find ourselves talking to Screaming Unicorn Productions, based in Glasgow, and making films for the world, they have already garnered numerous festival accolades for their short horror films and quest to bring cinematic projects to a worldwide audience.

A close knit group, they welcome new faces and talents who join the team whose passion for films shines out in their grindhouse style of horror filmmaking and gives them something of a unique look that works well and keeps the content flowing as well as creating opportunities such as their latest project (crowdfunding is underway) Skelf a Christmas Horror, which judging by previous projects will be a critical success and garner the team more accolades to add to the growing list.

Open to the potential of collaboration, the Screaming Unicorn productions ethos is about community and learning with each project opening up the chance to expand on skills or add to your repertoire by being part of something new, a really clever way of building not just a network but making film accessible and something The Lost Creatives approves of.

From a purely artistic stance, horror offers the most potential for creativity and fun in film, making this a concept that works and opens up (creaking) doors to festival accolades and commercial sales with the digital download market.

To learn more about the company or to support their new project via their crowdfunding campaign see:

Skelf: A Christmas Horror Short Fundraiser.

Screaming Unicorn Productions Website.

Screaming Unicorn Productions YouTube.

Screaming Unicorn Productions Instagram.

Screaming Unicorn Productions Facebook.


Expanding on The Foreboding: Fractured

We are always happy to talk to filmmakers and actors who take the leap and create their own projects and The Foreboding: Fractured is one of those films that captured attention from the poster, and of course the various interviews we are lucky to be able to speak to Alexander who was part of the trio behind the creation of the film.

You were a major part of the creation of The Foreboding: Fractured as both the  writer & of course the final film production, what was the thinking behind this  horror project?  

I suppose it would depend on what stage we are talking about. At the very beginning the  main focus was how we could make a teen horror flick without it being cliché or exactly  the same as the others. Then hearing the timeframe we had made me have one thought  “Let’s do it.” If we’re talking two weeks in then I was more thinking about the SAG AFTRA strike & whether continuing the film was a good idea since the strike was  something I supported. The answer became keep the film going due to the fact we don’t  have a big corporation behind us, it was myself, Peter & Kemal with a very dedicated  team. Honestly there were so many thoughts that went through my head throughout the  course of the project. Some were purely down to the script & the story, the others came  down to my acting. 

As a writer & creator, which part of the process do you feel you most enjoy? In  front of the camera? Behind the camera? Writing the stories? Or a combination of  these?  

I mean first & foremost I’m an actor, so playing Connor was something I really enjoyed &  also quite unexpected. In front of the camera it was a joy being able to work alongside  Eve Kathryn Oliver & Olivia Bennett. Obviously there’s Peter as well but I feel like that’s  kind of a given. Myself & Peter have been wanting to act alongside one another for a  while so finally being able to do it was brilliant. It just felt right. I loved coming up with  the stories, the characters & how the world intertwines with all of it. Having Kemal come  on & really embracing the world that the story is set in made the project that much  easier & he had such an amazing understanding of it. It got to the point where even  though I created this world, it felt like Kemal & Peter had a far better understanding of it  than I did in the end. I feel like they definitely know all my little tricks now. 

You & the team are currently working on PR for your project including interviews  & festival planning. What do you feel will be the next phase after this project & the  marketing?  

Well Myself, Kemal & Peter have been talking about the future of the world that’s been  created & if we were to return to it, how we’d go about it. We love this world, we love the  characters. We’ve spoken about making a feature however it is all up in the air. If the audience likes the film & wants to see what I would consider the true perspective, then chances are it’ll be made.  

What advice do you have for people who are starting out or looking to start their  own projects?  

I think the best advice I could possibly give is throw yourself into it. If you have an idea,  run with it as best as you can. You’ve got to be a little bit risky & you have to be okay  with the idea of not running through a wall but finding a way over it. On sets big & small  there are always issues, very very rarely is it smooth sailing & believe it or not that is  quite possibly the best part about it.

To learn more about the film see:

IMDB The Foreboding: Fractured.

Horror Scream Video Vault Interview.

Blazing Minds Interview.

Podcast Interview.