the lost creatives blog

Introducing Dead Origami Films

We are really pleased to be able to introduce the team behind the up-and-coming Dead Origami Films who have been making waves in the circuit. With a new project on the cards, it seemed to be the perfect time to talk about filmmaking and their collaboration with vshowcards.

You have been working on some smaller projects as a starting point for your new production company Dead Origami Films, can you tell us more about how you came to do this and your background as a team?

I had written the script for our first short film 'Ellipsis' and I was trying to find a crew to make it with through my university but I really wasn't getting anywhere until I met fellow students, Alex Chalatsis and Nikko Turner (who had the same roles). We found that we not only worked exceptionally well together but that it was a team dynamic and with a group of skills that stood out on set as well, to very positive notes from others. We'd already begun talking about doing other films together by that point, but after we finished shooting Ellipsis we set about bringing that dream to life through the foundation of our production house, with Tequila Carter who was a producer and SFX makeup artist from Ellipsis, who we found to be incredibly resourceful and passionate.

Whilst Alex and I have known each other for about a year now, it's amusing to think that Nikko only joined us six months ago and Tequila a month after that, when I feel like I've known and worked with them all for much, much longer - we've got an unusual kind of symmetry that makes working together fun and effective. We all have weaknesses and strengths that complement each other and more than that we're incredibly passionate about what we're trying to build as a team.

You are working on a new short film at the moment, what can you tell us about the project and your plans for this film?

Absolutely, it's called 'Brutus' and it is a modern adaptation of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (Act 1, Scene 2) which we're shooting in Southend-On-Sea in late September. It portrays the titular Brutus and his fellow senators as a group of gangsters plotting to kill their boss in a pub. Narratively, the film follows Brutus' journey through a single night as he wrestles with the decision to murder his close friend for the sake of his people and the consequences of that emotional turmoil on his marriage.
I'd tentatively call it a proof-of-concept piece as I do have interest in the possibility of adapting the entire play into a feature eventually, but by the same token, I'm adamant in my desire to make this film feel capable of standing on its own two feet as well.

One thing that has been noted is that you're working alongside vshowcards: what was the motivation behind this and how has it affected the dynamic of your projects?

I became aware of vshowcards at the Southend Film Festival, where I'd just watched the feature 'Fixed', which had cast Darren Tassell, one of their founders. I'd already been thinking about doing some modern adaptations of Shakespeare for a long time, but it wasn't something I took seriously until I met Darren and thought to myself, "That's my Brutus!". From there things snowballed, and it became Dead Origami Film's next project.

I had a meeting with Darren shortly after the festival and he told me more about vshowcards and what they were trying to do with it and I decided to try casting the film through their network, which I found to be a brilliant asset. It was more the case that I just found the people I felt were perfect for the roles there, rather than the idea that I set my sights on casting through vshowcards exclusively, a fact evidenced by my casting Kim Gjersøe who I'd worked with on Ellipsis. But how vshowcards is set up, just lent itself naturally to helping me make clear-cut casting choices.

With Dead Origami Films now moving forward, what is the goal of the company in film terms? Do you have a genre or particular theme you want to continue with?

Well, we've got four more short films slated for production after the Brutus. Next, we'll be doing 'Garmr', which is going to be the surrealistic exploration of a deranged WWII sniper. After which we'll be doing two more modern adaptations of Shakespeare (Macbeth + Romeo & Juliet), which brings us to 'Iscariot: House of the Red Door', which I'm extremely excited about in terms of our set design and visual effects.

Through 2023/2024 we've been talking about doing our first feature film, which will be named after and inspired by Victor Hugo's 1829 seminal novella “The Last Day of a Condemned Man”, which will philosophically and morally explore the mindset of a prisoner sentenced to death.

Nikko and I are blessed in that we have incredibly specifically similar tastes in film, heavily leaning towards the surreal and dark themes in general which pairs well with Tequila's love of horror films. Alex loves anything starring Tommy Wiseau, but we forgive him for his sins. I think those themes ring true in a lot of what we're planning on doing over the next few years, but on a personal level I wouldn't want to see us pigeonholed into doing just one genre of filmmaking, I've certainly got aspirations towards making other kinds of films.

What advice would you offer to people looking to enter the film/TV industry based on your own experiences?

That's a challenging question to answer as I imagine most people's situations would be quite different from my own. I'm lucky in that I found a group of people who believe in me and in each other and want to see where we can go with that belief. For us, that extends into developing a youtube and Patreon community with a large amount of content we'll be developing from next month - this allows us the opportunity to not only get in practice as filmmakers between short films but also ultimately, develop a financial stream that will allow us to function self-sustainably in the future if need be.

“I think I only have one piece of advice worth sharing that is as true to life as it is to filmmaking. Find yourself good people to enjoy life and create art with, people who will embrace you for who you are and you them. It might take a lifetime to find them, but they are out there.”

To learn more about Dead Oragami Films or their project work see:

Dead Origami Films Twitter.

Dead Origami Films Facebook.

Dead Origami Films Instagram.

Dead Origami Films Youtube.


Opening Doors For Working-Class Actors By Patricia Jones

There has been a push to get more working-class people into actors but with that, there has been little to no attempt at providing any information or support, which is why we at the lost creatives were very happy to be able to talk to Patricia Jones, a working actress of note, and the author of the book “Opening Doors for Working-Class Actors.” 

Opening up to her readers about her own journey from her Northern English roots, and struggles, her honest and upfront approach to the art of acting offers up hope for those who want a career in the arts and shows that it can be done. 

The book itself covers the basics of starting out and takes you through the process, offering advice based on experience, anecdotes about people she has met, and how her own life shaped her journey. 

Each chapter sets out a map of the craft and puts you in a position to set a clear path from starting out to finding yourself an agent, with a series of current options that are designed to be researched and cross-referenced to fit your plans, budget, and aspirations. 

Something that stood out for us was the reference to theater as a learning platform, we are big advocates of working on stage as an actor or backstage as a crew member, you will learn a huge amount about time management, voice work, character development and working to the constraints of the stage, another plus is the short and student film market, both of which can give you a chance to build showreel material and network (a very important part of the job of an actor). 

The *book “Opening Doors for Working-Class Actors.” is a book that has been needed for many years and in a content-hungry age of digital downloads, shows that the craft is not just for those with financial means, it is a journey that can be made by anyone with the determination to do it. 

With the full support and endorsement of The Lost Creatives, the book “Opening Doors for Working-Class Actors” is something we highly recommend to anyone looking to delve into the world of acting or to expand their knowledge of the working world of actors. 

To learn more about Patrician Jones or discuss bookings see:

Patricia Jones Twitter.

For further details of the book which is available in Kindle, hardback and paperback format see:

Opening Doors For Working Class Actors Amazon UK.


Finding Solutions

Finding solutions is a big part of the work we do, from our creative consultation work with the Sons of Adonis brand to blogging about shows, The Lost Creatives was built around that concept and we are truly grateful to the people around us, in the last few days our dear friend Keziah Nyam-jim who has been bringing her immense talents in the business world to the table and supporting our changes with some advice, gentle nudges, and more than a few laughs in the process, she has been talking us through options that we would otherwise have missed.

What this means, is we have a much clearer end goal and thanks to Keziah, a timetable to work to, and someone outside of the creative world we live in who is going to give us a critical eye that is much needed looking over the work and plans. Something that we highly recommend.

There are also updates we know are coming to the vshowcards site which will make a huge impact on how we work, and open up doors to projects for many people in the arts and media that will be a gamechanger. Our creative director JamesC, will be amending and changing his own profile with vshowcards and adding the link directly to the website to make promotion a little easier overall.

More updates will be available soon so stay tuned.

Travel and Meeting Contacts Featuring vShowcards

We are really pleased when people reach out, especially when our contacts who have taken time off, come to us to talk about working on something fresh which has been happening a lot recently especially with photographers and a few actors who feel that the time is right to start working on smaller projects to stretch their muscles a little after the uncertainty of the last two years.

Naturally, this has given us the impetus to think a little more deeply about concepts and start stockpiling items that may seem strange but will in the long term be of advantage to us, such as the mix of ready-made prosthetics, butterflies, and other items that would on the surface seem strange.

In addition to this, we are planning a trip to London, part buyers trip and part meet up with friends, although the timing for this has been a little tricky due to family commitments, there are advantages to this that aside from being able to shop, we can discuss plans with the team at vShowcards gaining further insight their upcoming changes (which look to be amazing), our creative director JamesC is already a member which is another reason we want to sit with them and work out some details and add to his profile with strategic work.

What we are planning for is trips to the major makeup retailers, meeting with clients/friends, then returning to Scotland to work on additions to the sites across the board. There is something to be said for this plan that goes beyond the obvious networking, it really is about finding new sources of inspiration on route.

The scope and potential of this trip should be interesting and be a welcome break from the background work we have been doing.

To learn more about JamesC or the vShowcards site see:

JamesC vShowcards.

vShwocards official site.


Gramps Morgan Brings His Unique Voice To The iKons Show

With The House of iKons reputation for attracting global talent, it is no surprise to see The Grammy Award Winner Roy Gramps Morgan coming to the table with his new album release and adding a touch of his unique style to the mix.

Known for his mix of Country and Reggae, Roy Gramps Morgan is an artist of note who has gained respect across the board for his melodic voice, unique style, and not to mention heritage in the music industry that has created one of the leading voices in his field with numerous accolades to his name, he now adds iKon to his list with the new album Positive Vibration already gathering attention and press buzz.

With the reputation of The House of iKons as one of the top 6 worldwide off-schedule events and now, the talents of Roy Gramps Morgan, this year’s event is set to be a stellar occasion giving the fashion world a whole new twist and opening up more doors to the creative talent involved.

The unique mix of designers and music with Roy Gramps Morgan as the centerpiece will offer up a cocktail of designer clothing, and music, a grandstand event already his presence is set to add a cocktail of cultural styles and brotherhood that only a true artist could offer.

For more information on Roy Gramps Morgan and his latest album see:

Roy Gramps Morgan Website.

Roy Gramps Morgan Facebook.

Roy Gramps Morgan Spotify.

Roy Gramps Morgan Instagram.

For more information on The House of iKons or to purchase tickets see:

House of iKons tickets.

House of iKons Website.

House of iKons Facebook.

House of iKons Instagram.

House of iKons Twitter.

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! By Ivan Peric

As an accomplished filmmaker and actor in his own right, Ivan Peric has become something of a maven for the digital content market and with his book “Don’t F*ck Your No Budget Movie” takes you through the hard-earned and hard-learned process that took his passion for acting and film to a wider audience, detailing the process with retrospective ease to help others in the same place.

Working backward, Ivan Peric talks about his own experience of starting out as a filmmaker taking the mistakes he made, the lessons he learned, and compiling them into an easy-to-follow and frankly common-sense manner that will change the way you look at digital filmmaking and selling your product.

Many new and established filmmakers have the belief that “If I make it, they shall come,” and focus on film as an art form rather than a commercial venture, which if you want to make a career out of this is the wrong approach and often leads down the path of shelving a project. What this book focuses on is taking the art, and the commercial, combining the two, and producing work that will be a showcase of your talents and commercially viable.

What is really refreshing about “Don't F*ck Your No-Budget Movie” is the candor with which Ivan approaches the process, he openly talks about how hard it was to make things happen and why, giving a first-hand view of what he did, how he achieved it and what pitfalls he faced in the journey.

As a team, we can see the value in this book and fully endorse it, our team has worked behind and in front of the camera for over 20 years and we decided that we wanted to focus our energy on producing for ourselves which we had a broad idea of what was involved from previous work, however, taking that knowledge (along with our contacts in distribution, casting, etc), alongside the stellar advice offered by Ivan Peric in his book, we can clearly create a path that will reduce the process of creating a TV or film project and streamline it making it a much more cohesive journey. *It is worth noting even with the experience we have it is always good to source additional information and add to the arsenal of information we have in our pocket, which this book did by verifying our thought processes and giving a clear and concise plan that filled in certain gaps in our knowledge.

To learn more about Ivan Peric or to purchase the book see:

Ivan Peric Link Tree.

Ivan Peric Twitter.

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon UK. (Kindle, Paperback, and Hardback)

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon USA. (Kindle, Paperback, and Hardback)

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Barns and Noble USA

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Google Books.

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Apple Books.


Volunteer Positions At House Of iKons Fashion Show 2022

With fashion week coming this February, there are opportunities to be a part of the scene coming up and The House of iKons is a star of fashion week that is a CV booster, and a chance to learn from some of the best within the industry, to support designers from across the globe, and being a part of fashion history.

As one of the top six worldwide, off-schedule fashion events, House of iKons is a show that has built from the ground up a leading fashion event during LFW, and gives backstage crew, designers, and press the chance to earn their craft on a global platform.

If you are interested in being part of this conversation as a volunteer or looking to be part of the press pit email by clicking here for further information or see:

House of iKons Website.

House of iKons Facebook.

House of iKons Instagram.

House of iKons Twitter.

Adding To Your Pro Kit For Makeup Artists Featuring Mykitco

In our last blog, we talked about the books we are adding to our working library which included two fantastic makeup books and one on filmmaking which we thought would be beneficial not only to the team but to our readers.

Now we want to talk to the makeup artists out there and remind you that your kit is important, more so now than ever with changes happening on a regular basis and guidance altering how we work collectively, this admittedly varies by company and by budget, none the less it is a good time to invest in solid kit staples that will ensure you are working smart in the new year from fashion and print through to film and TV.

Mykitco is one of the brands that does feature heavily in our creative directors working kit and with a plan in motion to split the kit into 2 parts (more so the tools) a sale is always a good time to buy up brushes and other accessories especially when they are pro-grade and high quality.

What this means for JamesC, is that rather than a full array of kit items brought in and cleaned in stages, he and the rest of the team will focus on small projects that will allow space to clean and in terms of space reduce the need for a larger table so limiting things to 6 f each brush and careful planning for the looks to ensure that we are working smart, and in a time-efficient manner across commercial projects and our festival plans.

*It is worth taking the time to apply for the pro discount available from Mykitco as this will allow you the flexibility to add to your kit over time and add new items as and when you need them.

For further information on the Mykitco range or to follow them across social media see:

Mykitco Website.

Mykitco Instagram.

Mykitco Facebook.


Adding To Our Book Collection

With the Christmas and New Years’ break in midflow, we wanted to take some time to add to our collection of books for work both in filmmaking and of course in makeup artistry (at the behest of our creative director JamesC). Naturally, with Boxing day sales, and gift cards in our pocket it was a really good time to add to the collection and give us time to read up on new techniques and look at some other perspectives.

Of course, we wanted to share the top 3 books that have made our list and give a brief overview of why we bought them starting with:

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie!: Inexpensive Filmmaking In This Content-Hungry Age by Ivan Peric, aside from the title (which immediately grabs attention) this was one that from the chapter list alone spoke to the team because it does talk in terms we are thinking and puts the emphasis on the commercial aspect of filmmaking, so we did purchase the book in hardback for our collection. We will be going into more detail on this book for the blog soon with the support of the Author, so stay tuned.

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon UK.

Don't F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon USA.

A Complete Guide to Special Effects Makeup 3 by the Tokyo SFX makeup workshop, was a real plus as it will add dimension to the collection and be in line with our second makeup-oriented book, which is one that will be bought in again as a backup. Focusing on cuts, scars, and wounds, this book offers up a different perspective on techniques that we are really interested in and want to integrate into our work next year.

A Complete Guide to Special Effects Makeup 3 Amazon UK.

A Complete Guide to Special Effects Makeup 3 Amazon USA.

Special Effects Guide Of Real Human Wounds and Injuries By Mr. Benito Garcia iii, a must for anyone interested in film and TV makeup, this is a truly graphic and comprehensive book that covers different aspects of bodily injury and shows you in real terms what they should look like making it entirely possible to replicate this with special effects.

Special Effects Guide Of Real Human Wounds and Injuries Amazon UK.

Special Effects Guide Of Real Human Wounds and Injuries Amazon USA.

We have other books coming and within the collection but these were real standouts and worth sharing as we move forward with our own plans and goals.

Christmas Consultations and Other Business

The Christmas season (and by extension New Year) is always interesting for the Lost Creatives team. Our creative director JamesC has been working with a few regular faces pre-show in a private capacity to plan out makeup for the stellar talent Alex Robertson, currently appearing as Dame at the Falkirk Town Hall, alongside his usual work with brands.

As an old friend of the company Alex Robertson has been a supporter and a real boost to our morale, and to have him come to JamesC for advice was a genuine pleasure, he is not only an exceptional talent on stage but a respected character actor for a wide range of TV shows, indie films, and much more, so to be able to support him was a real pleasure and in truth a running laugh as he is a comical person to be around with self-deprecating humor that always makes us laugh out loud. For further information on the show, Beauty and the Beast, click here.

On top of this, we have been doing other types of consult work from PR advice to script work breaking down the financials (in basic form) to help a few indie projects that were stuck with a few minor details. We are incredibly proud of the work we do and appreciate that people see us as a viable source of information and of course promotion for their projects.

In the New Year, we are going to be taking some calculated risks and going public with our work which till now has been for clients and we have had to sign waivers preventing us from showcasing the work, frustrating but nonetheless important for our growth as a team and a company.

While we finish off some of the background work we have before we close for a few days of well-earned rest, we wish all our followers and everyone in the media industry a Merry Christmas, we look forward to coming back in the New Year with more news and updates.