creating the show

The Behind The Scenes Podcast is Now Live

If you are a mover, shaker or media maker, then the Behind The Scenes Podcast is the place to be seen and a must for keeping up with what’s happening. Started as a way to bring the behind the camera people to the forefront, it is already offering up insights into the background work of the creative realm that would otherwise be unseen and showing how much deeper the work goes than just the stage or a screen.

We are privy to some of the upcoming interviews (one of which will be our own JamesC) and know how much time and effort is going into this from a purely creative stance, it is already on our watch list. Lost Creatives being a behind the scenes blog, we are fully behind Stephen the founder of the Behind The Scenes Podcast and cannot wait to see more and highly recommend watching and subscribing to the channel and other social accounts.

A special nod goes out to the cast and crew at City Theatre who are amongst the early interviewees and offered up some interesting insights into the world of theatre casting and acting.

To learn more or to subscribe see:

Behind The Scenes YouTube.

Behind The Scenes Twitter.

Behind The Scenes Instagram.

Behind The Scenes TikTok.


The iKons Show: a Creative Masterpiece

In the realm of fashion there are few shows that resonate quite the same way as The House of iKons, their February show for 2023 has attracted some of the leading lights of fashion, Royalty, and creative talent creating a platform that has taken the industry by storm.

From the opening segment to the finale, it was a perfectly executed showcase of design, makeup, models that covered the widest spectrum of sizes, gender and age, proving once again that fashion lives and cannot be stopped.

Bringing together people from across the globe, it has become a badge of honour to be part of the iKons show with creative talent travelling from far and wide to be a part of the show.

It is though a credit to the vision of Savita Kaye whose leadership and business savvy that has brought this show to the forefront of the fashion calendar and earning the iKons show a top 6 place in the global fashion calendar for the innovation and overall spectacle of the show. With a backstage crew of exceptional talents keeping things moving and a front of house team whose hard work help share the event, we know that the September show (already in the works) will be as big, as bold, as spectacular a show as previous events and take this British fashion event to not just to London but the world.

Opportunities are open to all who want them and The House of iKons on your CV the potential is endless.

For more information on The House of iKons or to find out more about getting involved see:

House of iKons Website.

House of iKons Instagram.

House of iKons Facebook.


Talking Politics and YouTube With That Preston Journalist

Building on his early success, Ashley aka That Preston Journalist, has opened up to The Lost Creatives about his journey as a podcaster and journalist in the YouTube sphere.

Since we first talked to you about your You tube channel and political commentary, what has changed for you as a podcaster and how has that affected your channel? 

When we first spoke, my channel was very much in its infancy. Since then, it has grown bigger than I thought and continues to pick up around a thousand new subscribers each month. As a result, it no longer feels like a hobby or a past time, it is now something that is very much part of my daily routine. As the audience grows, the content I put out has to be taken more seriously as well. When I first started, I was talking to maybe 100-500 people, now the channel generates 50,000-100,000 views per day so it has to be good. 

Working to YouTube restrictions on what you can talk about is difficult, but when it comes to politics, most things are OK. I have also been asked by other channels to appear with them as well which I have done on many occasions, but the main passion is always with the daily content. 

“It is also quite nice to be recognised by people in the street, I am by no means a celebrity, nor do I wish to be, but it does happen sometimes and it is always nice to hear that someone enjoys the channel because it takes up so much time and a lot of effort goes into it.”

One of the things that stands out about your work is you talk from a working man's perspective rather than the usual political bubble stance. What do you think makes this important and how can people be more involved in the discussions? 

One of the biggest compliments I get is that I am a working class man from a working class background. I am not part of the establishment, I live and work in the same streets and towns as the people who watch me, this means I am far more relatable than someone sat in a studio in London who knows nothing about life outside the M25. 

I am very lucky to have an active audience who leave thousands of comments on my channel every week. Its fantastic to see so many people engaged, it shows that the content is interesting and thought provoking, which is exactly what I want. Also, in terms of YouTube, the more comments and interaction you get, the more it aids the channel algorithmically.

Are there political aspirations in your future or do you have other goals in mind that you can share with us?  

I have harboured political aspirations in the past, but to be honest, I, like many millions of people in this country, am politically homeless. This, I feel, helps the channel because it gives me some impartiality. I can never say never about maybe standing for a party one day, but it won’t be any of the current parties, they all represent the same things and do not represent me. 

I would like to do further media work, perhaps radio or even TV discussion shows, but they are such a closed shop to anyone who isn’t, or hasn’t in the past been a part of the media scene. I am in no hurry to do either really, my channel gets more views a day than some organisations who spend millions of pounds on presenters etc… such as GB news and Talk TV. IF any opportunities did come my way, there is no way I could sacrifice my YouTube channel, it has taken a lot of dedication and hard work to build it up to the position it is in now and I wouldn’t throw it away for anyone. 

What message would you like to convey to your viewers and potential viewers in terms of what you are doing as a podcaster highlighting the political realm?  

The idea of starting the channel came to me because I was so frustrated with the group-think media we have in the UK. Whoever you watch on the TV, whether it be the BBC, ITV, SKY etc… They all say and think the same things, it's just a big echo chamber. 

I wanted to present a different side to politics in this country, what I would consider to be the opinions of the silent majority who are not represented, but these are the people who decide elections, they deserve to hear news from all different aspects. 

If anyone reading this is wondering whether or not to give it a watch, I would ask them to ask themselves, do you believe everything you are told by the mainstream? Is there not another point of view out there to consider? If the answer is yes, then my channel is the place for you. 

I discuss all sorts of subjects in relation to politics and try to remain impartial most of the time, but I do it with passion, so the impartiality lapses sometimes, but I feel that adds character to the videos and debates. Some people who watch my channel don’t even agree with me most of the time, but they keep watching, so I guess that means I am doing something right, if people keep coming back for more, the content must be worth watching. 

To learn more or to subscribe to “That Preston Journalist” Channel see:

That Preston Journalist YouTube.

That Preston Journalist Twitter.


Building Your Team Featuring Vshowcards

Something I have seen quite a lot of when on social media is the individualist aspect of marketing, by that I mean promotion of just one aspect of what you do as a creative, forgetting that when it comes to a shoot be it film, TV, or photographic it is a team affair.

One of the biggest reasons we say this is because our own creative director JamesC has reached out to the team behind vshowcards and will be working with them to assess a proposal for upcoming projects.

Networking, promotion and just old fashioned relationship building over time can be a difference maker in the world of film and TV, we rely on each other to make a shoot run smoothly and efficiently so having good relationships with the team make a huge difference.

With Vshowcards you have access to the a huge number of professionals within industry that will support your moves and if you reach out are willing to help and support, you just need to ask.

From an industry standpoint there is so much more than just your skillset to consider, you are a part of a team, the machine works because we do and supporting each other is the way to move forward and building your team is a lot easier when you have all your information at your fingertips and know you can reach out to others with questions.

To learn more about the Vshowcards set up or to join see:

Vshowcards Website.

Vshowcards Facebook.

Vshowcards Twitter.

Vshowcards Instagram.

Vshowcards YouTube.


Project Notes

A habit our creative director JamesC picked up when living in India that we are actively pushing again, is keeping a notebook and pen to hand, ideal for writing down phone numbers or emails, sketching ideas for photos or as we know he did frequently, outlining plots for TV or film projects.

JamesC has in the last few weeks come up with ideas that will work as short films for festival entry or expanded into a much longer concept that need to be padded to suit the plans for 2023.

Festivals are going to be a very heavy focus of the work ahead, we have spent a lot of time checking options of annual, quarterly and by far our most favoured, monthly film festivals that take film and photo projects.

Of course our favourite book for filmmakers “Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Film” by Ivan Peric, plays a heavy part in our thinking because this insightful first hand account of low budget creation is designed to shape your work into a commercial project and works well with our own thinking and add to this the very savvy and again, first hand account of Patricia Jones book “Opening Doors for Working Class Actors” which when combined with Ivan’s book has the scope to create a great combination and open up the projects we have to fresh talent and with the right focus and marketing (kept within a budget) see a series of smaller films and Web TV projects built with a commercially viable slant that will benefit all involved.

We will be using the Vshowcards site for casting and actively encourage people to check them out not just because we think it is a fantastic network site, but for the various casting calls that are available.

Expanding notes on our plan will be slow released through the blog and we will be working hard to get this push running with the Lost Agency supporting it and of course led by our own JamesC who will be front and centre with upcoming interviews including the Behind The Scenes Podcast, amongst the other elements at play.

Stay tuned for more updates and sneak images of our notes.

The iKons Return in 2023

As we move into 2023, The House of iKons is gearing up for their first showcase of the year. A creative spectacular of talent in design, makeup, and backstage talents of all stripes, being part of the iKons show is a step in fashion that no one wants to miss.

“Known as a platform for talent, The House of iKons is the ticket to have, the place to be seen, and the show to work for those established or entering the fashion arena.”

With their connections to the global stage (a top 6 show worldwide for the independent fashion scene), their ties to Royal households including the prestigious and forward thinking Thai Royal family, have taken the show from its London base to a global stage bring designers and talent from across the world to the table and giving them a unique voice in the fashion world.

The February show is the first stage in the calendar that this year features a spectrum of creative talent and as always will be open to new people who want to add to their CV with prestige.

Schedule for Show Saturday 18th February 2023

Networking & Exhibition Starts  from 12.00pm till 8.00pm:

Exhibition doors open from 12.00pm:

  • Vip 360

  • Raaj K Asthetics 

  • Love Collection 

  • PamPinay 

  • AveriStar

  • Fantasma


  • Park Pharmacy 

  • Zilli Coffee

  • Nacharee Thai Kitchen 

  • Zaira Christa 

  • InfiniteAloe

  • Tawa sponsored by Nydia Crick

Fashion Show: Segment ONE 2.00pm

  • GRAND OPENING: Love Collection

  • Adriana Ostrowska

  • DNB Couture represented by The Fashion Life Tour


  • Hafanana Swimwear represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • DivaBigg

  • Music Performance: Anya Kay

  • Jhay Layson

  • The Fashion Life Tour

  • Therese Marie Collection

  • Apple World Collection

  • Love Collection

  • Andre Soriano

  • GRAND FINALE: Yalacity supported by HM The Queen Sirkit of Thailand Department of Agriculture 

SOLO SEGMENT - DivaBigg 4.00pm

Premier of Documentary - ‘Fat is Fashion’ & Fashion Show of DivaBigg collection.

Fashion Show Segment TWO 5.00pm


  • Fantasma

  • Chavez

  • Jhay Layson

  • Maria Mahlmann MM REMIX

  • Music Performance: Myles Smith

  • The Fashion Life Tour CLC Couture

  • The Fashion Life Tour

  • Links by Gwen

  • Adriana Ostrowska

  • Music Performance: Cooper Phillip

  • Pam Pinay

  • Perry Jones represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Zaira Christa

  • Tawa sponsored by Nydia Crick

  • GRAND FINALE - Will Franco

To learn more about The House of iKons, or to book tickets see:

House of iKons Website.

House of iKons Instagram.

House of iKons Facebook.

House of iKons Tickets.

Image credits: Mark Gunter, Ram Eagle, Mok Photography, @ch_photoz, Jessica Smith, @mtuck1967, @jalb_films, Mariana London, Andreas Münchbach, Alfred Brandl.


Introducing The Behind The Scenes Podcast

Entering into the podcast field and offering up a new perspective on the industry is the team “Behind The Scenes” whose upcoming podcast is creating massive buzz before they launch to such a degree that creatives of every stripe are seeking them out to talk.

Going behind the camera is something we at the lost creatives can appreciate to such a degree that our own creative director will be interviewed, and we are supporting the move fully, the leading voice behind this; Stephen, worked as a supporting artist and saw first hand what goes on and the hierarchy of the industry and wanted to give a voice to those who usually don’t get the chance to share their stories. Opening the door to so many new and established faces, the Behind The Scenes podcast is set to be the place to be seen and heard in 2023!

To learn more about the “Behind the Scenes” podcast and subscribe see:

Behind The Scenes YouTube.

Behind The Scenes Twitter.

Behind The Scenes Instagram.

Behind The Scenes TikTok.


Working The Makeup Dept Budget With Desired FX

In the world of film and TV, budgets can be the biggest constraint alongside time, to the creative process. For the makeup department often this means we have to search out cost-efficient options to create a particular look or downgrade the process to fit the money available, thankfully, there are services like Desired FX that can help with this and give you a budget-friendly, professional add-on to your kit that will push the department ahead.

From silicone wounds to scars, tattoos including bruising and standard designs, Desired FX offers up a range of products that will work for most scenarios and even offers a studio custom service to allow further scope for creativity on a budget.

With increasing options in the digital market from Amazon to HOD TV (Horror on Demand), the indie film sector has never been so popular with the on-demand film/TV sector becoming bigger year on year, but budgets being tight in the circuit, having the option of a team like Desired FX who can provide cost-efficient options for the FX department, there is scope to bring a different dimension as a department head working smart with the available funds.

To learn more about Desired FX or to purchase see:

Desired FX shop ( 10% off on all products with the promo code "JamesClark10")

Desired FX Instagram.

Desired FX Facebook.


Nepal Cultural International Film Festival 2022

As they move into their 4th year, Nepal Cultural International Film Festival 2022, has showcased films from across the globe and given a new voice to the people in the film world from their base in Nepal, the jewel in the crown of South Asia.

Bringing not only the beauty and culture of Nepal to the global stage, but the NCIFF is also now amongst the most coveted festival awards received in the region, showcasing a wide array of films both feature-length and short with awards in multiple areas including:

  • Best International Women’s Film.

  • Best International Children’s Film.

  • Best International Human Rights Film.

  • Best International Cultural Film.

  • Best International Environmental Film.

This 3-day event has attracted audiences from across the world and with new options available for sponsorship there are now even wider opportunities to get involved and not only promote your work as a filmmaker but to showcase your brand to a wider audience.

To learn more about the festival or opportunities to get involved see:

Nepal Cultural International Film Festival 2022 Film Freeway.

Nepal Culture and Film Center.


The House of iKons Team Pay Tribute To a Life In Service

While fashion shows may seem to be a frivolous concept and far removed from Royal duties, the House of iKons team from the models, to the crew, paid tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth the second at their September show. Firm supporters of Royalty, the iKons team took the time to say goodbye in a way that only a world-leading fashion event house could.

The House of iKons models and crew show respect for the departed Queen Elizabeth the second at the September show.

Such is their support for Royalty, the team has been working closely with the Thai Royal family, an even more poignant partnership when you consider how much goes on behind the scenes of the Royal households and with the death of our own Monarch in the UK, a much loved, hardworking, woman who changed with the times, we see the same with her majesty Queen Sirikit, an advocate of women and strong supporter of the Thai industries such as hemp and silk production.

The show was as to be expected, a spectacular example of creative talent from the designers to the models and the creative talent backstage who worked hard to make the show happen and at the right time showed their respect for our late Queen.

The event was Sponsored by: The Fashion Life Tour & amp; Girl Meets Brush

Fashion Show Segment One:

  • GRAND OPENING: ICHKA & Chiangrai Culture

  • Love Collection

  • Phor Popes represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • BC Munich

  • Marcel of London

  • Viviene Tsai

  • Drisha’s Closet represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • CLC Couture

  • Fashion Disorder represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Grindei Denisa

  • L Royal Luxury Sports

  • Stormy Weather represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • GRAND FINALE: IMFAM BY Howe Magazine

Segment Two