The iKons Show: a Creative Masterpiece

The iKons Show: a Creative Masterpiece

In the realm of fashion there are few shows that resonate quite the same way as The House of iKons, their February show for 2023 has attracted some of the leading lights of fashion, Royalty, and creative talent creating a platform that has taken the industry by storm.

From the opening segment to the finale, it was a perfectly executed showcase of design, makeup, models that covered the widest spectrum of sizes, gender and age, proving once again that fashion lives and cannot be stopped.

Bringing together people from across the globe, it has become a badge of honour to be part of the iKons show with creative talent travelling from far and wide to be a part of the show.

It is though a credit to the vision of Savita Kaye whose leadership and business savvy that has brought this show to the forefront of the fashion calendar and earning the iKons show a top 6 place in the global fashion calendar for the innovation and overall spectacle of the show. With a backstage crew of exceptional talents keeping things moving and a front of house team whose hard work help share the event, we know that the September show (already in the works) will be as big, as bold, as spectacular a show as previous events and take this British fashion event to not just to London but the world.

Opportunities are open to all who want them and The House of iKons on your CV the potential is endless.

For more information on The House of iKons or to find out more about getting involved see:

House of iKons Website.

House of iKons Instagram.

House of iKons Facebook.
