location hunting

Nepal Culture and Film Center Media Partnership

Nepal Culture and Film Centre

We are immensely proud of our connections to the South Asian market, having lived and worked in India our creative director JamesC has kept close ties to filmmakers and his friends there. In the last few years, there has been an increase in work with Nepal in particular the team at Nepal Film Production and now we are happy to announce our collaboration with the Nepal Culture and Film Center.

One of the most beautiful countries in the world, truly the jewel in the crown of South Asia, Nepal has become a go-to destination for tourism, film, and documentary makers for decades.

The Nepal Culture and Film Center is a major part of this and alongside companies like Nepal Film Production, they have become a destination that holds a mystique and beauty with leading professionals across genres traveling there to learn, film, and be a part of a vibrant film and TV scene.

Designed to facilitate talent development the Nepal Culture and Film Center hosts film festivals and seminars, supporting the creative talent of the country and keeping them in the public eye.

To be associated with such a prestigious group is an honor worthy of note and we will be working closely with them and of course, our longstanding friends at Nepal film production, the future of The Lost is looking bright and we cannot be happier.

To learn more about The Nepal Culture and Film Center see:

Nepal Culture and Film Center Website.

Nepal Culture and Film Center Facebook.

Nepal Culture and Film Center Youtube.

Source: http://ncfc.org.np/

Location Scouting a Lost Boy Shoot Part 1

Location Scouting a Lost Boy Shoot

Finding a little free time our creative director (JamesC) decided to break away from his usual duties of admin and management to do some location scouting for a 3 part story built around The Lost Boys concept, with his trusted point and shoot camera he walked along the promenade and into town to find some specific locations that would fit the brief and in doing so has settled on 3 distinct locations that will add a touch of drama to the shots (with a video being planned to add to the drama of the scene).

“The images themselves will be built around derelict buildings, waste ground, and a fractured symbolism of nature. Each model will have his own story that will hint at both the inspiration of Pans Lost Boys to the more dystopic visuals of the backdrop to fit with the ‘council estate boys’ look of the models.”

A full and detailed explanation of The Lost Boys shoots can be found by clicking here. We are really excited by the concept and the fact we have the support of fellow Creative Director Shakti Sood founder and brand manager of The Sons of Adonis and the amazing Lord and Berry makeup line, both seeing the potential of what we are working on.

Source: https://www.lost-project.com/loststories/e...