
Taking Notes

The last month has really flown in with more than a few meetings by phone and the various emails that fly back and forward concerning the blog and planning out PR pieces for clients or just the general research we have to do for our in house work that we thought it would be good to talk about some of it on the creatives site.

Over the next few weeks we will be doing more pieces promoting stage shows such as Smoke Not Included (Headless acting) as they go to the Edinburgh Fringe and talking to actors and most interesting for us, an increased amount of work with the Sons of Adonis brand expanding their marketing and other elements that we are closely involved in. *Stay tuned to our Facebook page for updated guest blogs by JamesC on the Adonis website.

We are really excited about the work that we have lined up and will of course, be sharing as much as possible across the blog and our social networks.